KM Portal Toolkit � Process Overview
The Internet changes everything.� Knowledge Management, the conscious process of handling companies� Intellectual Property, is now expected to be fully web enabled.� Fortunately, the open standards of the Internet include the key enabling technology � the hyperlink.� The hyperlink, or link for short, connects a source web page to an information destination.� The KM Portal Toolkit is designed to allow users to find answers faster by being built from the ground up on the concept of the link.� The link has three parts:
��������������� Source � knowledge internal to the web page
��������������� Destination � knowledge usually external to the web page
��������������� Linkage � the process that connected the two locations
The KM Portal Toolkit is built on those three fundamental concepts, and implements a simple, 7-step workflow.
The KM foundational components (Environments):
The KM 7 Phase Workflow:
The workflow focuses on the 3 environments, and shows the input environment for resulting information available and the end of each phase.