Plone1.0 beta2 Released!
The Plone team has release 1.0beta2. This feature includes many usability fixes, bugfixes, changes to permissions in default workflows and new unit tests. We are changing Plone before 1.0 in small ways. We are gaining experience on client engagements and sinking this back into Plone beta2. The HISTORY file will give you insight into most changes.
You can download Plone 1.0 beta2 from sourceforge. and the Win32 installer has been updated. The MacOSX installer will be available later this evening. .deb should land in a few minutes. We are currently looking for someone to provide .rpm packaging. Please contact plone-developers mailing list.
Plone eats only the best dog food -
If you are a python programmer who has developed a CMF product and want to share the source - join the collective. The CMF Collective is very important to both CMF and Plone in aggregating projects so you know what components exist. Usually it requires some CVS knowledge but many projects make releases. If you have code - please contact us. You will not be bound to any specific licensing terms.
About Plone
Plone is a pre-configured Content Management System that is based on Python, Zope, and CMF. The focus of Plone is to provide value at every level of an organization. It comes with a workflow engine, pre-configured security and roles, and a set of content types.