File contents
# make this an external method
from Products.ExtFile.ExtImage import ExtImage
def toExtImage(self, id, backup=0):
'''convert plain Image to ExtImage.
call this method in the Folder context and pass the id.
must have threads, will not work in debugger!'''
oldId = str(id)
oldOb = self._getOb(oldId)
newId = oldId+'___tmp'
ximOb = ExtImage(oldId, oldOb.title)
newId = self._setObject(newId, ximOb)
newOb = self._getOb(newId)
newOb.content_type = oldOb.content_type
if backup: self.manage_renameObjects([oldId], [oldId+'_bak'])
else: self.manage_delObjects([oldId])
self.manage_renameObjects([newId], [oldId])