TestRunner Help
Usage: python testrunner.py options
If run without options, testrunner will display this usage
message. If you want to run all test suites found in all
subdirectories of the current working directory, use the
-a option.
Run all tests found in all subdirectories of the current
working directory.
Run all tests in a single, giant suite (consolidates error
reporting). [default]
Run each test file's suite separately (noisier output, may
help in isolating global effects later).
Add 'lib/python' to the Python search path. [default]
*Don't* add 'lib/python' to the Python search path.
Remove stale bytecode from ZOPE_HOME and INSTANCE_HOME.
Highly recommended after e.g. 'cvs update'.
*Don't* remove stale bytecode. [default]
Try to auto-detect INSTANCE_HOME installations. This usually
works fine but may fail if your sandbox contains symbolic
-I dirpath
Use the specified path as INSTANCE_HOME. If auto-detection
fails or is not appropriate for your setup, you can use this
flag to specify the instance home directory.
-C filepath
Use the specified config file (zope.conf) to setup the test
instance. Takes precedence over -i and -I. [experimental]
-d dirpath
Run all tests found in the directory specified by dirpath,
and recursively in all its subdirectories. The dirpath
should be a full system path.
-f filepath
Run the test suite found in the file specified. The filepath
should be a fully qualified path to the file to be run.
-v level
Set the Verbosity level to level. Newer versions of
unittest.py allow more options than older ones. Allowed
values are:
0 - Silent
1 - Quiet (produces a dot for each succesful test)
2 - Verbose (default - produces a line of output for each test)
Modifier to the verbosity level. This causes errors and
failures to generate a one-line report instead of an 'E' or 'F'.
This can make it easier to work on solving problems while the
tests are still running. This causes the 'silent' mode (-v0)
to be less than completely silent.
Run tests without producing verbose output. The tests are
normally run in verbose mode, which produces a line of
output for each test that includes the name of the test and
whether it succeeded. Running with -q is the same as
running with -v1.
-o filename
Output test results to the specified file rather than
to stderr.
-t N
Report time taken by the most expensive N tests.
Display usage information.