History for FrequentlyAskedQuestions
Why is <your favourite REQUEST variable here> missing from the REQUEST?
ZTC only has a very minimal REQUEST. If you need anything fancy in the
REQUEST (like SESSION, PARENTS, URL1, ...) you will have to put it
there yourself, typically in afterSetUp. See e.g. testShoppingCart.py.
How do I enable the Zope event log?
To enable the event log you have to set the required environment
variables before importing '!ZopeTestCase'. Your 'test*.py' file should
begin with something like::
os.environ['EVENT_LOG_FILE'] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'zLOG.log')
os.environ['EVENT_LOG_SEVERITY'] = '-300'
from Testing import ZopeTestCase
How do I test an existing ZODB?
Create a 'custom_zodb.py' file in your 'tests' directory that looks
like the following::
import os
from ZODB.DemoStorage import DemoStorage
from ZODB.FileStorage import FileStorage
db = os.path.join('..', '..', '..', 'var', 'Data.fs')
db = os.path.abspath(db)
Storage = DemoStorage(base=FileStorage(db, read_only=1))
This way your test !DemoStorage will be based on the existing !FileStorage. You may safely play
around in the !DemoStorage without having to fear corruption of the base db.
How do I attach to a running ZEO server?
1. Setup a ZEO server and start it.
2. Setup a Zope instance as ZEO client. The instance directory must contain a 'custom_zodb.py' file.
3. Set the 'ZEO_INSTANCE_HOME' environment variable to point to the instance directory.
4. Run the tests by typing 'python testBlahBlah.py' or 'python runalltests.py'.
!ZopeTestCase will then use the instance's 'custom_zodb.py' to connect to the ZEO server instead
of setting up the test !DemoStorage.
Alternatively, you can add the 'custom_zodb.py' file to the 'tests' directory along the lines of the
previous example, and skip steps 2 and 3.
Background information is available here: ZopeEnvironment
Why does cut/copy/paste/clone/rename give !CopyErrors?
Should you have problems with these operations make sure a '_p_jar' is set up by
performing a subtransaction commit::
I found this documented in the sources of 'OFS/CopySupport.py', see method '_getCopy()'.
Simon Michael reports this hint did not work for him, and he had to resort to a hack and set
'ZwikiPage.cb_isMoveable = lambda x:1'. I plan to look into this.
Why does import/export give !AttributeErrors?
You may see '"None object has no attribute ..."' errors when trying to import or export a Zope object.
Should you see such errors make sure a '_p_jar' is set up by performing a subtransaction commit
like above.
Is it allowed to explicitly commit a transaction in a test?
While it is allowed to commit a **subtransaction** as hinted above, committing a full (complete?)
transaction is generally **not recommended**. Transactions are supposed to be handled
transparently by !ZopeTestCase, and you have to be careful to cleanup your own mess once you call
'get_transaction().commit()' inside of 'afterSetUp' or a test method. The 'testWebserver.py' example
shows how one might go about committing manually, but you will rarely want to do so - honest.