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New versions of icoya OpenContent 2.5 and icoya OpenCommerce 2.5 released

The new versions of icoya OpenContent and icoya OpenCommerce are now available! We have spared no efforts and consequently improved the icoya content & collaboration management solutions.

The new versions have been implemented with many customer suggestions in mind, and allow a variety of new applications of icoya OpenContent, while perfecting the existing features of the icoya product line. Therefore we are in particular pleased to present the new icoya OpenContent setting a milestone for successful content & collaboration management systems. icoya OpenContent 2.5 for MS-Windows is available now and the Linux version as well as the new version of icoya OpenCommerce 2.5 will be available later this month.

Among the prominent new features are:

  • Multi-Language Extension
  • Improved graphical user interface
  • SymLink-technology
  • Shadow-functionality
  • Thumbnail generation
  • and StarOffice integration
  • Powerful built-in XML processing (XSLT)
  • Extended help system
  • And many, many more

Please visit the icoya web sites for more information on icoya OpenContent 2.5 and icoya OpenCommerce .


Discussion icon license

Posted by: csell at 2004-04-13

is that an open source product, or commercial? I was assuming the former, but cannot find references on the site


Discussion icon Open ?

Posted by: shebora at 2004-04-13

I am absolutely in favor of making a profit, but this site seems to be getting too many Commercial product listings. I hope that Zope is charging for this ad space. It would be only fair.


Discussion icon I abandoned icoya due to their upgrade policy

Posted by: tlipp at 2004-04-14

I was an early adopter of icoya and promoted it to customers and friends. I bought version 1.3, then I upgraded against payment to version 1.5. On the website of icoya a free upgrade for customers was offered for the next release. I regulary visited the website. As soon as the new release 2.5 was out, the company dropped the free upgrade offer for existing customers and introduced a new licsencing scheme, with an upgrade against payment. I bit the bullet and migrated my sites to Plone 2. I rather spend my money and the money of my customers into work for developers. The discussion is not about making profit, the point is how you handle your customer base. In my eyes proprietary marketing which tries to lock in the customer is the wrong way to go.