I abandoned icoya due to their upgrade policy
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I was an early adopter of icoya and promoted it to customers and friends. I bought version 1.3, then I upgraded against payment to version 1.5. On the website of icoya a free upgrade for customers was offered for the next release. I regulary visited the website. As soon as the new release 2.5 was out, the company dropped the free upgrade offer for existing customers and introduced a new licsencing scheme, with an upgrade against payment. I bit the bullet and migrated my sites to Plone 2. I rather spend my money and the money of my customers into work for developers. The discussion is not about making profit, the point is how you handle your customer base. In my eyes proprietary marketing which tries to lock in the customer is the wrong way to go.
Free service, free upgrades
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What is next, free beer? I question you: can you offer free of charge service, free of charge warranty and free of charge software delivery? The discount for upgrades/subscriptions is 50%.
Keep in mind that we sell service where the value of the product is integrated with service levels.
"I rather spend my money and the money of my customers into work for developers" This is exactly what you pay for when you purchase icoya OpenContent.