Free Version 1.3 of icoya OpenContent released
struktur AG has released the free version 1.3 of its professional web content management system icoya OpenContent for download and on CD-ROM.
With the icoya Content & Collaboration Management solutions, struktur AG has already shown that professional content management does not have to be a high budget affair. Enterprises, public authorities, and private users have now the possibility to download the starter version 1.3 of icoya OpenContent at no charge for immediate and unrestricted use. This free version of icoya OpenContent Management System is not limited in any way and can be used with an unlimited number of editors and users. The starter version 1.3 is also available on CD for the nominal price of EUR 10.
icoya OpenContent is based in Zope, CMF and Plone. The icoya solutions are versatile and cover the creation, the management, and the dissemination of information. A large number of enterprises and governmental authorities are using icoya solutions to create and manage their Intranet or Internet portals. Customizable workflows and publication cycles can be mapped within the integrated icoya workflow. Naturally, the content of all HTML, XHTML, and XML documents in icoya OpenContent is separated from the layout.
icoya solutions with its Zope/CMF and Plone based architecture are scalable and can be adopted in capacity based on user requirements. Several modules provide additional functionality enabling an almost limitless expansion capability. Starting from a basic Internet presence, up to a globally distributed Intranet, icoya solutions are deployed within a variety of companies of all sizes.
A variety of other icoya solutions are available. icoya OpenCollaboration, the enterprise solution for information management and organisation of collaborate teams and icoya OpenCommerce is the Unified Electronic Commerce & Content Management portal for B2B and B2C applications.
icoya WordXML is a extension for Microsoft Word in order to convert Word content easily into the open, format-neutral and manufacturer-independent XML format. Content can, without any special technical knowledge, be structured and saved as XML using a common Word template. In addition a variety of plug & play modules are available for icoya OpenContent.
The free and unlimited version of icoya OpenContent 1.3 is available on for download.