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New Zope ODBC Database Adapter

Copyright 2004, Timothy R. Morgan. Released under the terms of the Zope Public License (ZPL) version 2.1, included with this product distribution.


This is a very simple, unfinished product that provides ODBC access for use by Zope applications. I am developing this because:

  • The existing ZODBCDA will not run on the latest Zope versions due to the way it's distributed as a binary release.
  • I refuse to pay money for a database adapter (such as the mxODBC DA).
  • ODBC is a decent technology in my opinion and should be available to Zope developers.


  • Mark Hammond's Python Win32 Extensions; Download here.
  • Windows! This product will not work on any other platform due to its reliance on the Python Win32 Extensions.


Download it here.


  1. Install the Python Win32 Extensions (url above). Be sure to download and install the correct version for your Python installation. Mark has moved all his newer versions to SourceForge; download the latest version there. Install the extensions where the Python installation that your Zope is using can find them. The installer should recognize the correct location.
  2. Unzip and copy the ZODBCDA folder to the Products folder of your Zope installation. Make sure you don't have an older version lingering around anywhere. Search for folders called "ZODBCDA"; delete old versions. Or at least move them out of your "Packages" folders.
  3. Restart Zope.


  1. Create a Z ODBC Database Connection object.
  2. Give the object an id and title (title is optional).
  3. For the connection string, use "data source/username/password".


  • This has only been tested with Plone 2.0, Zope 2.7, and Python 2.3. It has worked for me so far. Who knows if it will work with older Zope and Python versions.
  • I take no responsiblity for this breaking anything.
  • This product is still in development and has definitely not been thoroughly tested! You've been warned.
  • This product's performance is tied to and limited by the performance of the ODBC module inclued with the Python Win32 Extensions.

Discussion icon problem connecting to mssqm

Posted by: igpf at 2005-11-02

I keep trying to connect to a local mssql database, and it just doesn't seem to work. any ideas, please help.

Invalid Connection string "Driver={SQL Server};Server=(local)\skytec;Database=skytecdb;Uid=sa;Pwd=dev111;"



Discussion icon Free version here

Posted by: teyc at 2006-09-13


Discussion icon ZPyODBCDA is another good option.

Posted by: jiangwen365 at 2008-03-01

ZPyODBCDA is GPL licensed, very stable (based on the pyodbc module).

Runs on win32 platform and other platforms.