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This product is a add-on for the Zope Content Management Framework (CMF). It should be useful with Plone, CPS, and other CMF-derived extensions, as well. The product provides:

  • A new tool, portal_actionicons, which serves as a registry mapping object actions (using category and action ID) to a descriptive title, a priority, and an icon ID. The tool post-processes a set of actions (i.e., those generated by the portal_actions tool), decorating them with additional information, and sorting them according to priority.
  • ZPT macros which build either horizontal or vertical icon bars for a set of actions.


This product is licensed under the terms of the Zope Public License (ZPL), version 2.0. See

Installing the Product

  1. Download the tarball or the zipfile
  2. Unpack it into a temporary directory.
  3. Move the CMFActionIcons subdirectory into the Products directory of you $INSTANCE_HOME.
  4. Restart Zope.

Using the Product in a CMF Site

  1. In the ZMI of your site, choose CMFActionIcons Tool from the add list; select the (only) option on the form, and click "Add".
  2. Configure the action bindings manually, using the tool's ZMI. You may want to look at the "starter set" of bindings in the module; unfortunately, these are not yet "wired up" to install automagically.
  3. In the ZMI of the skins tool, add a Filesystem Directory View, using CMFActionIcons.skins.actionicons.
  4. On the "Properties" tab of the skins tool, bind the actionicons folder into your skin search path.
  5. Add one of the supplied macros to the main template of your site, in place of an actions box. E.g, in a CMFDefault site, replace the <!-- actions box --> section with the following macro: