Release Notes
Version History
- 0.02 [2000/09/30]
- minor update
- Zope 2.2.x compatibility (thanks to Ralf Herold for pointing this out).
- 0.01 [1999/11/18]
- Initial release
Known Bugs & Problems
- Andy Pahne reports that the product works fine with Netscape 4, but not with IE4 or IE5.
- Anton Gyllenberg points out
that images embedded as
<dtml-var some_image>
don't render correctly. I can reproduce this, but don't understand it.
-- Workaround: use the tag() method of the image:
'<dtml-var "some_image.tag()">'
-- This has the advantage of allowing you to control the border, alternate name, etc.:
'<dtml-var "some_image.tag( border=0 alt="coolness")">'
Suggested Improvements
Alexandre Ratti offers the following suggestions:
- Is it possible to make it a subclassable product? So that custom ZClasses can inherit ZI18N behaviors?
-- I can probably do this: the issue is that I used ZClasses to make the product (because it was easier for me :), so I haven't thought about how to package the functionality without ZClasses. Perhaps the following refactoring would do:
'ZI18N_DocumentBase (ZClass_for_ObjectManager, DTMLDocument; defined in Python)' 'ZI18N_Document (ZI18N_DocumentBase; defined as a ZClass)'
- Within a ZI18N document folder, you could add a property tab so that properties can be defined at local level.
-- With luck, all that would require is surfacing the property mechanism from DTMLDocument. I'll look into it.
- Add a "language" property to the individual pages and make them CatalogAware. Then it would be easy to search for pages in a specific languages.
-- I'll have to think on this: it fights a bit with the abstraction I had in mind, which is that the language-specific pieces are "implementation details" of the containing ZI18N_Document. I could add a Python-based :tokens property to ZI18N_Document which returned a list of available locales; in that case the catalog would return the host page, rather than the locale pages. Oops, I see that this is essentially what you propose in the next item :)
- Other solution: the Z18N folder could be CatalogAware and it could register into the Catalog a property stating which languages are available (along with a "title" and a "description" property) . This could be a Keyword Index property, for instance. Then you could search for information in a specific language or in any language.