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Lush Creations


Developing custom software, online services, web sites, games, tools, components and products. Expertise in networking, scripting, integrating, researching, designing, leveraging and developing open source software, and shipping unique high quality commercial products.


Service Info

Python, Zope, CMF, Plone, XML, C++, SWIG, JavaScript, Networking, Web Services, Linux, Apache, MySQL, Windows, Win32, MFC, ActiveX, DirectX, Digital Video, Simulations, Visual Programming.

Member of The Sims core programming team at Maxis: shipped the top selling computer game of all time. Received numerous awards.

Independently developed projects:

The Sims Transmogrifier custom content creation tool for The Sims; RugOMatic rug maker add-on product for The Sims.

ConnectedTV program guide with IR remote control for Palm, Python content pipeline, Zope web server.

Stupid Fun Club's robotic remote control, conversational AI, XML scripting, web browser interface, speech synthesis and recognition, 3D facial animation, speech editing tools, using Python, ActiveX, SWIG and C++.

Gnu Radio interface to Python, using SWIG to enable dynamic Python scripting and building networks of signal processing components implemented with C++ templates.

Vivere remote network firewall monitoring and configurtion service, using Zope, Python and SVG.

Technorati Toolbar blog searching, blog wysiwyg editing and posting interface for Internet Explorer, using ActiveX, C++, JavaScript, XML, Dynamic XHTML, XML templates, XML/RPC (Blogger, MetaWeblog, MovableType APIs) and Rest (Atom, Technorati APIs).

Developing advanced, interactive, community oriented services, Zope and Plone based content management systems and web sites for clients with challenging projects.