ZEXP l((UApp.ProductqUProductqtqNt.}q(UbannerAd_addFormq(U iq(UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqttQUbannerAd_factoryq (U jq (UApp.FactoryqUFactoryqttQUidq UmyBannerProductqU__ac_local_roles__q}qUdeanq]qUOwnerqasU_objectsq(}q(U meta_typeqUProduct Helpqh UHelpqu}q(U meta_typeqUZ ClassqUidqUmyAdManqu}q(hUDTML MethodqhUmyAdMan_addFormq u}q!(hhhUmyAdMan_addq"u}q#(hUZope Permissionq$hUmyAdMan_add_permissionq%u}q&(hUZope Factoryq'hUmyAdMan_factoryq(u}q)(U meta_typeq*UZ Classq+Uidq,UbannerAdq-u}q.(h*UDTML Methodq/h,UbannerAd_addFormq0u}q1(h*h/h,UbannerAd_addq2u}q3(h*UZope Permissionq4h,UbannerAd_add_permissionq5u}q6(h*UZope Factoryq7h,h utq8UbannerAd_addq9(U kq:(hU DTMLMethodq;ttQh"(U ]q<(hU DTMLMethodq=ttQh(U ^q>(UZClasses.ZClassq?UZClassq@ttQh((U _qA(hUFactoryqBttQUtitleqCU h (U `qD(hU DTMLMethodqEttQh(U qF(UHelpSys.HelpSysqGUProductHelpqHttQh%(U aqI(UApp.PermissionqJU PermissionqKttQUbannerAd_add_permissionqL(U lqM(hJU PermissionqNttQUbannerAdqO(U mqP(h?UZClassqQttQu. i !((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUbannerAd constructor input formqUrawqTP
Select SQL_track if you want the click throughs to be recorded in the SQL database.
To do this you must have set up the bannerTracker table in your SQL database.
Install. In the Banner Depository click the 'install SQL' tab.
Uninstall. In the Banner Depository click the 'uninstall SQL' tab. You will be presented with a confirmation screen and if you click 'yes' the table (and all its contents) will be deleted.
Add images to the Banner Advert by clicking the add button. If there is more than one image they will be selected at random.
Test the banner by clicking the Test tab. If no images have been uploaded then an error will be displayed.
Banner Advert bannerproperties define how the each banner is presented. The image is selected at random.
1. Add Banner Adverts to this Banner Depository by clicking the add button. They will be selected for display by random depending on their 'weight' property.
2. Click on the new banner and add an image (or images)
3. Edit the link_code (URL) in the new banner properties to define where to send the user when they click the banner.
4. If you add more banners then you can edit the individual banner weights to determine how often they are displayed. Note: max weight = 1000
5. Click the 'test' tab to see a random banner. Click on it to see if the link works as intended.
If there are no banners, or no banners with remaing_views or no banners with images then a non-fatal error is reported in the HTML of the rendered page and hidden from view.
When a visitor clicks on a banner ad they are first directed to a redirect method which redirects them to where the banner ad's link_code dictates. Redirecting in this way will store the click-thru in the HTTP log on the server. There is also an option to keep the links in an SQL table in which case you can view the click-thrus using the 'See Click Thrus' tab.
1. install an SQL database adapter (usually in the root folder).
2. Go to the myBannerProduct in the Control Panel / Products folder and from there into the myAdMan ZClass.
3. Make sure the SQL methods are pointing to the SQL database adapter you've just set up and click the change button for each one. (At the moment you have to click the change button for each of the 4 SQL methods to make sure they are linked to your SQL database adapter. Any ideas on how to get this to link up automatically?)
4. Go to the Banner Depository you installed on your site and click the 'install SQL' tab.
5. Go to the Banner Depository 'properties' tab and select SQL_track to turn the SQL tracking on.
6. After a while ... to allow for visitors ... click the 'See Click Thrus' tab.