ZEXP F} ((UApp.ProductqUProductqtqNt.}q(UidqUZSiteMapqUZSiteMapNode_addFormq(U F~q(UOFS.DTMLMethodq U DTMLMethodq ttQU__ac_local_roles__q}qUahungateq ]qUOwnerqasUZSiteMapNode_addq(U Fq(h U DTMLMethodqttQU_objectsq(}q(U meta_typeqUDTML MethodqhUZSiteMapNode_addFormqu}q(hhhUZSiteMapNode_addqu}q(hUZope PermissionqhUZSiteMapNode_add_permissionqu}q(hUZope FactoryqhUZSiteMapNode_factoryqu}q (hUZ Classq!hUZSiteMapNodeq"utUZSiteMapNodeq#(U Fq$(UZClasses.ZClassq%UZClassq&ttQUZSiteMapNode_add_permissionq'(U Fq((UApp.Permissionq)U Permissionq*ttQUversionq+U1.1q,Utitleq-UInstalled Product ZSiteMapq.UZSiteMapNode_factoryq/(U Fq0(UApp.Factoryq1UFactoryq2ttQu. F~ ((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqU#ZSiteMapNode constructor input formqU__name__qUZSiteMapNode_addFormqU__ac_local_roles__q }q Uahungateq]qUOwnerq asUglobalsq}qUrawqT
The aim of ZSiteMap was to enable content managers to map out their structure easily, and then have automated menus and sitemaps generated from this information. To do this, you create a "tree" of ZSiteMapNode objects, each of which represents a "Navigation Target" (A place for users to link to).
The first thing to notice is that I did not say "... A place for users to link to within your zope..." as there is no reason why one or more of the links should not be to external sites, they do not even need to be Zope sites!
Here is a simple example of a SiteMap that you could create:
The first thing to do (In ANY ZSiteMap) is:
Create a ZSiteMapNode called sitemap, title Home, LinkURL /
Then you could (for example) under sitemap:
Create a ZSiteMapNode called page1, title My First Page, LinkURL /me_html
Create a ZSiteMapNode called john1, title John's First Page, LinkURL /john_html
Create a ZSiteMapNode called mary1, title Mary's First Page, LinkURL /mary_html
Then under page1:
Create a ZSiteMapNode called page2, title My Second Page, LinkURL /me2_html
Create a ZSiteMapNode called page3, title My Third Page, LinkURL /me3_html
You might also want to add under Home:
Create a ZSiteMapNode called map, title Site Map, LinkURL /sitemap
This will create a site map like this:
Except that the words will be links etc... :)
qU__ac_local_roles__q }q
asUglobalsq}qU__name__qUREADMEqU_varsq}qu. F (U FqQNt.}q. F P((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU
DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqU$Render a full site map as a web pageqU__name__qU
index_htmlqU__ac_local_roles__q }q
asUglobalsq}qUrawqUSite Map
qU_varsq}qu. F X((U OFS.ImageqUImageqtqNt.}q(UsizeqKUdataqUGIF89a PPP ! , @XIR41 hzwa
vl# Ȥ99KBIa6ZY+o6 ;qU__name__qU
ziconImageq Utitleq
U Ucontent_typeqU image/gifqUpreconditionq
U UwidthqU16qUheightqU16qu. F ((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU
DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqURender this item for a menuqU__name__qUrenderqU__ac_local_roles__q }q
qU_varsq}qu. F E((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU
DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqU?Return true if this links URL is a substring of the current URLqU__name__qUinPathqU__ac_local_roles__q }q