Add bookmark We add the new object by calling the class in
a with tag. Not only does this get the thing
added, it adds the new thing's attributes to
the DTML name space, so we can call methods
to initialize the object.
The dtml-calls below are for auto-id during object
You can add code that modifies the new instance here.
For example, if you have a property sheet that you want to update
from form values, you can call it here:
Now we need to return something. We do this via
a redirect so that the URL is correct.
Unfortunately, the way we do this depends on
whether we live in a product or in a class.
If we live in a product, we need to use DestinationURL
to decide where to go. If we live in a class,
DestinationURL won't be available, so we use URL2.
qU__ac_local_roles__q }q
asUglobalsq}qU__name__qUbookmark_addqU_varsq}qu. ,g ((UApp.FactoryqUFactoryqtqNt.}q(U_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping
qNRq}qU_Use_Factories_Permissionq U _Add_bookmark_folders_Permissionq
permissionqUAdd bookmark_foldersqUtitleqUbookmark_folder factoryqUobject_typeqUbookmark_folderqu. ,D Ф((UApp.PermissionqU
PermissionqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUbookmark constructor permissionqUidqUbookmark_add_permissionqUnameq U
Add bookmarksq
]qUOwnerqasu. ,h м((UZClasses.ZClassqUZClassqtqNt.}q(U_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping
qNRq}qU"_Create_class_instances_Permissionq U _Add_bookmark_folders_Permissionq
sbU_zclass_propertysheets_classqU ,lqQUidq
qeU__ac_local_roles__q}qUlucioq]qUOwnerqasU_zclass_qU ,mqQUtitleqU UpropertysheetsqU ,nqQu. ,B ђ((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU
DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUbookmark constructor input formqUrawqT
Add bookmark
Add bookmark
qU__ac_local_roles__q }q
asUglobalsq}qU__name__qUbookmark_addFormqU_varsq}qu. ,i :((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU
DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUbookmark_folder constructorqUrawqTi
Add bookmark_folder We add the new object by calling the class in
a with tag. Not only does this get the thing
added, it adds the new thing's attributes to
the DTML name space, so we can call methods
to initialize the object.
You can add code that modifies the new instance here.
For example, if you have a property sheet that you want to update
from form values, you can call it here:
Now we need to return something. We do this via
a redirect so that the URL is correct.
Unfortunately, the way we do this depends on
whether we live in a product or in a class.
If we live in a product, we need to use DestinationURL
to decide where to go. If we live in a class,
DestinationURL won't be available, so we use URL2.
qU__ac_local_roles__q }q
asUglobalsq}qU__name__qUbookmark_folder_addqU_varsq}qu. ,j й((UApp.PermissionqU
PermissionqtqNt.}q(UtitleqU&bookmark_folder constructor permissionqUidqUbookmark_folder_add_permissionqUnameq UAdd bookmark_foldersq
]qUOwnerqasu. , W((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU
DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqU UrawqTЉ