ZEXP í ‚((UApp.ProductqUProductqtqNt.}q(USTX_Document_add_permissionq(U öq(UApp.PermissionqU
PermissionqttQUidq USTX_Documentq
]qUOwnerqasUSTX_Document_addFormq(U ÷q(UOFS.DTMLMethodqU
DTMLMethodqttQUSTX_Document_factoryq(U øq(UApp.FactoryqUFactoryqttQU_objectsq(}q(U meta_typeqUZ Classqh USTX_Documentqu}q(hUDTML Methodqh hu}q(hhh USTX_Document_addq u}q!(hUZope Permissionq"h hu}q#(hUZope Factoryq$h hutUtitleq%UStructured Text Documentq&h
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DTMLMethodq-ttQu. ö Ï((UApp.PermissionqU
PermissionqtqNt.}q(UtitleqU#STX_Document constructor permissionqUidqUSTX_Document_add_permissionqUnameq UAdd STX_Documentsq
]qUOwnerqasu. ÷ ¹((UOFS.DTMLMethodqU
DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqU#STX_Document constructor input formqUrawqTà
Add STX_Document
Add STX_Document
qU__ac_local_roles__q }q
asUglobalsq}qU__name__qUSTX_Document_addFormqU_varsq}qu. ø û((UApp.FactoryqUFactoryqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUSTX_Document factoryqUidqUSTX_Document_factoryqUinitialq USTX_Document_addFormq
permissionqUAdd STX_Documentsqu. î Þ((UZClasses.ZClassqUZClassqtqNt.}q(U_permissionMapperqcAccessControl.PermissionMapping
qNRq}qU"_Create_class_instances_Permissionq U_Add_STX_Documents_Permissionq
sbU_zclass_propertysheets_classqU ïqQUidq
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DTMLMethodqtqNt.}q(UtitleqUSTX_Document constructorqUrawqTá
Add STX_Document
Now we need to return something. We do this via
a redirect so that the URL is correct.
Unfortunately, the way we do this depends on
whether we live in a product or in a class.
If we live in a product, we need to use DestinationURL
to decide where to go. If we live in a class,
DestinationURL won't be available, so we use URL2.
qU__ac_local_roles__q }q
asUglobalsq}qU__name__qUSTX_Document_addqU_varsq}qu. ï Â(cExtensionClass
q(U STX_Document_PropertySheetsClassq(cZClasses.ZClass
qtq}q(UiconqU U
_p_changedqKU__doc__q USTX_Document Property Sheetsq
tqU_p_oidqU ïqh
(U ýq(UZClasses.PropertyqUZInstanceSheetqttQU
Propertiesq(U ûq(hUZInstanceSheetqttQU
__module__qNU _p_serialqU2c:q!s]qutqt.N. ð Í(cExtensionClass
qtq}q(UiconqU U
_p_changedq KU__doc__q
UStructured Text DocumentqU_p_oidqU ðq
U meta_typeqUSTX_DocumentqUhelp_stxqTÒ
*From the StructuredText docstrings*
Structured text is text that uses indentation and simple
symbology to indicate the structure of a document.
A structured string consists of a sequence of paragraphs separated by
one or more blank lines. Each paragraph has a level which is defined
as the minimum indentation of the paragraph. A paragraph is a
sub-paragraph of another paragraph if the other paragraph is the last
preceding paragraph that has a lower level.
Special symbology is used to indicate special constructs:
- A single-line paragraph whose immediately succeeding paragraphs are lower
level is treated as a header.
- A paragraph that begins with a '-', '*', or 'o' is treated as an
unordered list (bullet) element.
- A paragraph that begins with a sequence of digits followed by a
white-space character is treated as an ordered list element.
- A paragraph that begins with a sequence of sequences, where each
sequence is a sequence of digits or a sequence of letters followed
by a period, is treated as an ordered list element.
- A paragraph with a first line that contains some text, followed by
some white-space and '--' is treated as
a descriptive list element. The leading text is treated as the
element title.
- Sub-paragraphs of a paragraph that ends in the word 'example' or the
word 'examples', or '::' is treated as example code and is output as is::
- Text enclosed single quotes (with white-space to the left of the
first quote and whitespace or puctuation to the right of the second quote)
is treated as example code.
For example: ''.
- Text surrounded by '*' characters (with white-space to the left of the
first '*' and whitespace or puctuation to the right of the second '*')
is *emphasized*.
- Text surrounded by '**' characters (with white-space to the left of the
first '**' and whitespace or puctuation to the right of the second '**')
is made **strong**.
- Text surrounded by '_' underscore characters (with whitespace to the left
and whitespace or punctuation to the right) is _made underlined_.
- Text encloded by double quotes followed by a colon, a URL, and concluded
by punctuation plus white space, *or* just white space, is treated as a
hyper link.
For example, '"Zope":http://www.zope.org/' is interpreted as
*Note: This works for relative as well as absolute !URLs.*
- Text enclosed by double quotes followed by a comma, one or more spaces,
an absolute URL and concluded by punctuation plus white space, or just
white space, is treated as a hyper link.
For example: '"mail me", mailto:amos@digicool.com' is
interpreted as "mail me", mailto:amos@digicool.com
- Text enclosed in brackets which consists only of letters, digits,
underscores and dashes is treated as hyper links within the document.
For example: '"As demonstrated by Smith [12] this technique ..."'
Is interpreted as: "As demonstrated by Smith [12] this technique"
Together with the next rule this allows easy coding of references or end notes.
- Text enclosed in brackets which is preceded by the start of a line, two
periods and a space is treated as a named link. For example:
'.. [12] "Effective Techniques" Smith, Joe ...'
Is interpreted as
.. [12] "Effective Techniques" Smith, Joe ...
*Note the '' in the HTML source.*
Together with the previous rule this allows easy coding of references or
end notes.qUpropertysheetsqU õqQUmanage_optionsq(}q(UlabelqUEditqUactionqU edit_formqu}q(hUViewqhU
index_htmlqu}q(UlabelqUSecurityqUactionq U