CMF 1.2beta2
Features Added
- Enabled querying actions from workflow tool in absence
of actions tool (Tracker #401).
- Added
operator attribute to CMFTopic.ListCriterion, to permit
specifying an operator (and , for the most part) for indexes which
support it, e.g., KeywordIndex (Tracker #442).
- Added ZMI interface for editing Link URL (Tracker #364).
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed a bug where the workflow notifyCreated method was called during
manage_afterAdd in PortalContent, making it possible for the
notification to occur on the wrong workflow. The notification has
moved to the contstructInstance method on the TypesTool after
the _setPortalTypeName method has been called on the object.
- Fixed a bug in Favorites.getObject to use restrictedTraverse on the portal
- Fixed setting the Link.format to URL_FORMAT so the initially returned
metadata headers would return
text/url properly. Added unittests.
- Fixed CMFDefault.utils.parseHeadersBody to properly handle the headers
generated on a windows app (i.e. Dreamweaver) with /r/n; added the
compiled regular expression object to the method signature.
- Added full webdav sipport code to Link.py. Changed _writeFromPUT to call
_editMetadata instead of editMetadata.
- Cleaned up emission of RFC822-style headers (Tracker #407),
terminating headers must be terminated with CRLF, and padding
continuation lines (for values with embedded newlines) with
leading whitespace).
- Added external method update_catalogIndexes.py to run as part of a
upgrade to CMFs migrating to Zope2.4+ from from CMF sites which were built
using Zope2.3 catalog
- Use ID to label Favorite when target has an empty Title (Tracker #440).
- Allowed sub-folders to have different syndication properties
than parents (Tracker #421).
- Added
CMFDefault.Upgrade.upgrade_decor_skins external method to
convert existing sites which had installed skin directories from the
now-deprecated CMFDecor product (Tracker #434). Added note
explaining the issue, and the workaround, to ISSUES.txt .
- Ensure that Favorites display the correct, absolute URL to their
target, without needing to have tag set (Tracker #419).
- Worked around Opera's strange insistence on selecting an option,
even for multi-select lists (Tracker #332).
- Hardened CMFCore to initialize correctly in the absence of
the PageTemplates product (Tracker #430).
- Restored slot in of ZPT main template into which content
can insert the tag (Tracker #418).
- Fixed
CMFTopic.SimpleIntegerCriterion.edit to require a pair
of values when direction is 'min:max'; updated skins to use
new getValueString , which renders such values properly
(Tracker #439).
- Ensured that Documents created with initial STX get cooked
(Tracker #435).
- Made links emitted by
topic_view play nice with virtual hosting
(Tracker #433).
- Made
CMFCore/interfaces/__init__.py non-empty, to remove suspicion
that the file was corrupted in the download (Tracker #426).