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CMF Hotfix Release, 2003/09/08


This hotfix product remedies a gap in the permissions assigned to "action providers" in the Zope CMF. Sites which dynamically compute navigation using such actions are vulnerable to having actions added or removed by a sufficiently clever cracker.

Affected Versions

Users of CMF version 1.4 are potentially affected by this issue, as are users of version 1.3.1 and earlier. Versions 1.3.2 and 1.4.1 already contain this fix, and do not require this hotfix.

Installing the Hotfix

  1. Unpack the tarball into a working directory, and then move or link the CMFHotfix_20030908 directory into the Products directory of your $INSTANCE_HOME (next to CMFCore, CMFDefault, etc.).
  2. Restart Zope.
  3. g., assuming that you have Zope installed in /usr/lib/Zope-2.6.1 (the $SOFTWARE_HOME), and that your instance data is in /var/zope/instance (the $INSTANCE_HOME):
          $ cd /var/zope/instance/Products
          $ tar xzf /tmp/CMFHotfix_20030908.tar.gz
          $ cd /var/zope/instance
          $ kill -HUP `cat var/`

Windows users should unzip the ZIP file and move the extracted CMFHotfix_20030908 folder to their Zope's Products folder.

Uninstalling the Hotfix

You may remove the CMFHotfix_20030908 product directory after upgrading to one of the updated versions of CMF (1.3.2, 1.4.1, or later). E.g.:

      $ cd /var/zope/instance/Products
      $ rm -r CMFHotfix_20030908