May be somewhat out of date. Moved from cmf.zope.org, where it was last modifed 2000/11/01.
Establishes policies for member registration. Depends on portal_membership
Is not aware of membership storage details.
Anonymous permission
isRegistrationAllowed(self, REQUEST)
- Returns a boolean value indicating whether the user is allowed to add a
member to the portal. Should always return 0 if the user does not have
Add Portal Member
permission. -
testPasswordValidity(self, password, confirm=None)
- If the password is valid, returns None. If not, returns a string explaining why.
testPropertiesValidity(self, properties, member=None)
- If the properties are valid, returns None. If not, returns a string explaining why.
- Generates a password which is guaranteed to pass the
"Add Portal member" permission
addMember(self, id, password, roles=("Member",), domains="", properties=None)
- Creates a PortalMember and returns it. The properties argument can be a
mapping with additional member properties. Raises an exception if the given
id already exists, the password does not comply with the policy in effect,
or the authenticated user is not allowed to grant one of the roles listed
is a special role that can always be granted); these conditions should be detected before the fact so that a cleaner message can be printed. -
isMemberIdAllowed(self, id)
- Returns 1 if the member ID is not in use and is not reserved.
"Mail forgotten password" permission
mailPassword(self, forgotten_userid, REQUEST)
- Finds the given userid and executes a method called
with member and password parameters. Raises an exception if the userid is not found.
"Set own password" permission
setPassword(self, password, domains=None)
- Allows the authenticated member to set their own password.
"Set own properties" permission
setProperties(self, properties)
- Allows the authenticated member to set their own properties.
No permission (called only from Python)
afterAdd(self, member, id, password, properties)
- Called after a member has been added successfully.