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Use Case: Change Skin Look and Feel -

Actor: Site Designer

Goal: Change the look and feel of a skin by customizing its layers

You can change not only the look and feel of your CMF site with skins, but also its behavior.

The CMF ships with a number of standard skins and layers. You can build your own skins from scratch or you can customize the default skins.

The easiest way to change the behavior of your site is to customize its skins. See Create new skin for the site for more details on creating a new skin.

Here are some of the more interesting look and feel objects from the stock CMF layers that you may wish to customize:

This is the "main" page that your users see when they visit your CMF site.
This is the CSS Style Sheet that defines the fonts, colors, and other style elements of the HTML in your site.
This is a list of style sheet elements that are used by the default_stylesheet. If you want to change an existing setting of the default style sheet, customize the values in this object.
This object defines the XML format that is used when content on your site is sindicated using the RSS protocol.

To customize any of these objects:

  1. Visit the object in its layer.
  2. Click the Customize button.
  3. You'll be taken to a copy of the object located in the Custom layer.
  4. Edit the copy of the object.

If you decide that you don't like your customization, simply remove the custom object from the Custom layer.