Use Case: Remove unneeded content -
Actor: Content Creator
Often times it's necessary to remove content from your site; either when it's obsolete or no longer needed. To remove content from the CMF, you will need to identify the piece of content you wish to remove from the CMF. You can do this by searching for the content, navigating to the content directly or navigating to the folder which contains your content directly. If you directly navigate to the content, select the Folder contents link from your actions box.
Content is batched in the folder contents view, so if you have more then the default number of items in a folder, you might need to browse through the folder's contents to find the item you wish to remove from the CMF. To do this, use the Next and Previous links at the bottom of the folder contents listing. After identifying the the piece of content you wish to remove and select the check box next to it's ID.
To remove the selected content, click the Delete button at the bottom of the folder contents view form. After clicking the delete button, the content has been deleted from the CMF. You will be redirected to the folder contents listing with a notification message your content removal has been successful.