404 - missing use-cases
Really Missing Use Cases
- "Add a new member to the site": AddMemberToSite
- "Change member information and
abilities": ChangeMemberInformation
- "Remove a member from the site": RemoveMemberFromSite
Site Developer
- "Create new content type": CreateNewContentType
- "Modify an existing content type": ChangeContentType
- "Create package for distribution": CreateNewPackage
Content Creator
- "Create a content object via
WebDAV": CreateNewContentViaWebDAV
- "Make a content object discussable": EnableDiscussion
(Not a current CMF feature)
Wanted (Missing) Use Cases
- "Define content metadata": ChangeMetadata
- "Make a content object discussable": EnableDiscussion
- "Add a new member to the site using a standard user
folder": AddMemberToUserFolder
- "Create new skin for the site": CreateNewSkin
- "Modify skin appearance": ChangeSkinLookAndFeel
- "Change skin behavior": ChangeSkinBehavior
- "Change the default skin for the site": ChangeDefaultSiteSkin
- "Configure CMF Topic": ConfigureCMFTopic
- "Configure what types of content can be created
by users": ConfigureAllowedContentTypes
- "Configure security for a content object
or folder": ConfigureObjectSecurity
- "Associate a workflow with a content
type": AssociateWorkflowWithContentType
- "Configure required metadata for a content
type": ConfigureRequiredMetadata
- "Configure what content is released via
syndication": ConfigureContentSyndiation
- "Submit a news item": SubmitNewsItem
- "Browse a portal topic": BrowsePortalTopic