File contents
ObjectDomain_Model 10
{-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ofg 0
}[objectdomain.uml.core.TypeExpression $23
objectdomain.uml.core.Dependency-owns $12
objectdomain.uml.core.UmlTaggedValue-taggedValues $15 $26
objectdomain.uml.core.UmlOperation-features $14
objectdomain.uml.view.RealizationAssocView-owns $6
objectdomain.uml.mechanisms.UmlModel-models $1
objectdomain.uml.core.UmlAttribute-features $13
objectdomain.uml.mechanisms.StereotypePackage-owns $19
objectdomain.domain.DomainLockObject $25
objectdomain.domain.ModelEnvironment-owns $2
objectdomain.uml.view.GeneralizationView-owns $5
objectdomain.uml.view.Diagram-owns $3
objectdomain.uml.mechanisms.StylePackage-owns $21
objectdomain.uml.mechanisms.UmlPackage-owns $8
objectdomain.uml.core.RealizationAssoc-owns $11
objectdomain.uml.core.UmlParameter-parameters $16
objectdomain.uml.core.Projection $22
objectdomain.uml.core.UmlAssociationEnd-connections $18
objectdomain.uml.core.UmlMultiplicity $24
objectdomain.uml.core.Generalization-owns $10
objectdomain.uml.view.AssociationView-owns $7
objectdomain.uml.view.ClassView-owns $4
objectdomain.uml.core.UmlClass-owns $9
objectdomain.uml.core.UmlAssociation-owns $17
objectdomain.uml.core.Stereotype-owns $20
($1 1 > -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ofg 0
(name "Model"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ofg")
(namespaceRoot true))
($2 2 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-off "ModelEnvironment" 1
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-off"))
($8 64 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p8c "Logical" 1
(name "Logical"
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p8c")
(namespaceRoot true))
($8 65 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p8q "Products" 64
(name "Products"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p8q")
(namespaceRoot true))
($8 66 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p8h "PTKBase" 65
(name "PTKBase"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p8h")
(namespaceRoot true))
($3 3 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6e "Portal Tools" 66
(diagramType "class")
(name "Portal Tools"
(height 5210)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6e")
(width 5310))
($4 4 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6c "UniqueObject" 3
(showAttributeCompartment false)
(autoSizeToFit true)
(bbx 490 240 90 50)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6c"))
($4 5 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6b "WorkflowTool" 3
(showAttributeCompartment false)
(showOperations "selected")
(autoSizeToFit true)
(bbx 240 60 90 50)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6b"))
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(lineStyle "oblique")
(points 320 110 500 240)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p69"))
($4 7 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p68 "UndoTool" 3
(showAttributeCompartment false)
(showOperations "selected")
(autoSizeToFit true)
(bbx 560 360 70 50)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p68"))
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(points 583 360 548 290)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p66"))
($4 9 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p65 "RegistrationTool" 3
(showAttributeCompartment false)
(showOperations "selected")
(autoSizeToFit true)
(bbx 640 280 100 50)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p65"))
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(lineStyle "oblique")
(points 640 292 580 277)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p63"))
($4 11 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p5s "MembershipTool" 3
(showAttributeCompartment false)
(showOperations "selected")
(autoSizeToFit true)
(bbx 250 330 100 50)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p5s"))
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(lineStyle "oblique")
(points 350 336 490 282)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p5q"))
($4 13 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p5l "DiscussionTool" 3
(showAttributeCompartment false)
(showOperations "selected")
(autoSizeToFit true)
(bbx 230 210 100 50)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p5l"))
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(lineStyle "oblique")
(points 330 241 490 260)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p5j"))
($4 15 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p5i "ZCatalog" 3
(showAttributeCompartment false)
(autoSizeToFit true)
(bbx 590 30 170 60)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p5i"))
($4 16 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p5h "CatalogTool" 3
(showAttributeCompartment false)
(showOperations "selected")
(autoSizeToFit true)
(bbx 640 130 80 50)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p5h"))
($5 17 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p5g "" 3
(lineStyle "oblique")
(points 679 130 677 90)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p5g"))
($5 18 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p5f "" 3
(lineStyle "oblique")
(points 647 180 568 240)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p5f"))
($4 19 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p5d "ActionsTool" 3
(showAttributeCompartment false)
(showOperations "selected")
(autoSizeToFit true)
(bbx 410 360 80 50)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p5d"))
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(lineStyle "oblique")
(points 468 360 517 290)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p5b"))
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(autoSizeToFit true)
(bbx 350 450 150 90)
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p2j"))
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(showAttributeCompartment false)
(autoSizeToFit true)
(bbx 400 30 100 80)
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p2v"))
($4 23 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p2i "portal_catalog" 3
(showAttributeCompartment false)
(autoSizeToFit true)
(bbx 830 40 110 160)
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p2i"))
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(showAttributeCompartment false)
(autoSizeToFit true)
(bbx 10 180 160 90)
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p2h"))
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(showAttributeCompartment false)
(autoSizeToFit true)
(bbx 20 310 170 220)
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p2g"))
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(showAttributeCompartment false)
(autoSizeToFit true)
(bbx 800 260 150 220)
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p2f"))
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(showAttributeCompartment false)
(autoSizeToFit true)
(bbx 570 460 190 90)
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p2e"))
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(autoSizeToFit true)
(bbx 20 20 180 130)
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p2u"))
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(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p2d"))
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(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p2c"))
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(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p2r"))
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(diagramType "class")
(name "Portal Objects"
(height 5210)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ofd")
(width 5310))
($4 41 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ofc "PortalFolder" 40
(showAttributeCompartment false)
(bbx 20 130 180 60)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ofc"))
($4 42 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ofb "Folder" 40
(bbx 50 20 100 60)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ofb"))
($5 43 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ofa "" 40
(lineStyle "oblique")
(points 107 130 103 80)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ofa"))
($4 44 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-of9 "DublinCore" 40
(showAttributeCompartment false)
(bbx 370 40 150 170)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-of9"))
($4 45 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-of8 "PortalObjectBase" 40
(showAttributeCompartment false)
(bbx 130 230 160 60)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-of8"))
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(lineStyle "oblique")
(points 180 230 140 190)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-of7"))
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(showAttributeCompartment false)
(bbx 410 290 170 240)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-of6"))
($5 48 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-of5 "" 40
(lineStyle "oblique")
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(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-of5"))
($5 49 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-of1 "" 40
(lineStyle "oblique")
(points 260 230 370 165)
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-of1"))
($4 50 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p8b "portal_actions" 40
(showAttributeCompartment false)
(autoSizeToFit true)
(showOperationCompartment false)
(bbx 20 340 90 50)
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p8b"))
($4 51 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p8a "portal_catalog" 40
(showAttributeCompartment false)
(autoSizeToFit true)
(showOperationCompartment false)
(bbx 20 430 90 50)
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p8a"))
($4 52 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p8e "portal_discussion" 40
(showAttributeCompartment false)
(autoSizeToFit true)
(showOperationCompartment false)
(bbx 50 510 110 50)
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p8e"))
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(showAttributeCompartment false)
(autoSizeToFit true)
(showOperationCompartment false)
(bbx 120 580 120 50)
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p89"))
($4 54 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p88 "portal_registration" 40
(showAttributeCompartment false)
(autoSizeToFit true)
(showOperationCompartment false)
(bbx 210 520 110 50)
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p88"))
($4 55 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p87 "portal_undo" 40
(showAttributeCompartment false)
(autoSizeToFit true)
(showOperationCompartment false)
(bbx 270 450 80 50)
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p87"))
($4 56 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p8d "portal_workflow" 40
(showAttributeCompartment false)
(autoSizeToFit true)
(showOperationCompartment false)
(bbx 290 360 100 50)
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p8d"))
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(lineStyle "oblique")
(points 169 290 100 340)
(fromMultiplicityPosition 95 320)
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p96"))
($7 58 < -ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p95 "" 40
(lineStyle "oblique")
(points 188 290 84 430)
(toMultiplicityPosition 80 410)
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p95"))
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(lineStyle "oblique")
(points 199 290 115 510)
(toMultiplicityPosition 100 490)
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p94"))
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(lineStyle "oblique")
(points 207 290 182 580)
(toMultiplicityPosition 170 560)
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p93"))
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(lineStyle "oblique")
(points 216 290 260 520)
(toMultiplicityPosition 245 500)
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p92"))
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(lineStyle "oblique")
(points 224 290 298 450)
(toMultiplicityPosition 275 430)
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p91"))
($7 63 < -ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p90 "" 40
(lineStyle "oblique")
(points 241 290 314 360)
(toMultiplicityPosition 290 345)
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p90"))
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(name "ActionsTool"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p95"))
($10 68 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6g "#<anon> (ActionsTool, SimpleItem)" 67
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6g"))
($10 69 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6f "#<anon> (ActionsTool, UniqueObject)" 67
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6f"))
($11 70 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p27 "#<anon> (ActionsTool, portal_actions)" 67
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p27"))
($11 71 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p26 "#<anon> (ActionsTool, ActionProvider)" 67
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p26"))
($12 72 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p25 "#<anon> (ActionsTool, ActionInformation)" 67
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p25"))
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(name "id"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6v"))
($13 74 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6u "meta_type" 67
(name "meta_type"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6u"))
($13 75 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6n "action_providers" 67
(name "action_providers"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6n"))
($13 76 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6s "listFilteredActionsFor__roles__" 67
(name "listFilteredActionsFor__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6s"))
($14 77 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p8g "listFilteredActionsFor" 67
(name "listFilteredActionsFor"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p8g"))
($15 78 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6o "documentation" 77
(name "documentation"
(value "Gets all actions available to the user and returns a mapping"
" containing user actions, object actions, and global actions."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6o"))
($16 79 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p8f "self" 77
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p8f"))
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(defaultValue "None"
(name "object"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p8e"))
($13 81 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6m "listFilteredActions__roles__" 67
(name "listFilteredActions__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6m"))
($13 82 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6l "listFilteredActions" 67
(name "listFilteredActions"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6l"))
($13 83 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6k "listActions__roles__" 67
(name "listActions__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p6k"))
($14 84 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p8d "listActions" 67
(name "listActions"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p8d"))
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(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p8c"))
($16 86 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p8b "info" 84
(name "info"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p8b"))
($9 87 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p94 "ActionInformation" 66
(name "ActionInformation"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p94"))
($13 88 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p5a "__allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__" 87
(name "__allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p5a"))
($14 89 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p8a "__init__" 87
(name "__init__"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p8a"))
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(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p89"))
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(name "tool"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p88"))
($16 92 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p87 "folder" 89
(name "folder"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p87"))
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(name "object"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p86"))
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(name "portal"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p54"))
($13 95 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p53 "isAnonymous" 87
(name "isAnonymous"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p53"))
($13 96 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p52 "portal_url" 87
(name "portal_url"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p52"))
($13 97 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p51 "folder_url" 87
(name "folder_url"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p51"))
($13 98 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p50 "folder" 87
(name "folder"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p50"))
($13 99 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p4z "content" 87
(name "content"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p4z"))
($13 100 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p4y "content_url" 87
(name "content_url"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p4y"))
($9 101 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p85 "CatalogTool" 66
(name "CatalogTool"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p85"))
($15 102 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p41 "documentation" 101
(name "documentation"
(value "This is a ZCatalog that filters catalog queries."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p41"))
($10 103 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p43 "#<anon> (CatalogTool, ZCatalog)" 101
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p43"))
($10 104 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p42 "#<anon> (CatalogTool, UniqueObject)" 101
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p42"))
($11 105 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p24 "#<anon> (CatalogTool, portal_catalog)" 101
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p24"))
($13 106 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p4x "id" 101
(name "id"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p4x"))
($13 107 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p4w "meta_type" 101
(name "meta_type"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p4w"))
($14 108 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p84 "__init__" 101
(name "__init__"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p84"))
($16 109 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p83 "self" 108
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p83"))
($14 110 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p82 "_initIndexes" 101
(name "_initIndexes"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p82"))
($16 111 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p81 "self" 110
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p81"))
($14 112 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p80 "searchResults" 101
(name "searchResults"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p80"))
($15 113 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p4n "documentation" 112
(name "documentation"
(value "Calls SiteIndex.searchResults() with extra arguments that"
" limit the results to what the user is allowed to see."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p4n"))
($16 114 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7z "self" 112
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7z"))
($16 115 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7y "REQUEST" 112
(defaultValue "None"
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7y"))
($16 116 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7x "**kw" 112
(name "**kw"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7x"))
($13 117 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p4m "__call__" 101
(name "__call__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p4m"))
($14 118 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7w "__url" 101
(name "__url"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7w"))
($16 119 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7v "self" 118
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7v"))
($16 120 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7u "ob" 118
(name "ob"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7u"))
($13 121 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p4i "indexObject__roles__" 101
(name "indexObject__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p4i"))
($14 122 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7t "indexObject" 101
(name "indexObject"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7t"))
($15 123 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p4e "documentation" 122
(name "documentation"
(value "Add to catalog."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p4e"))
($16 124 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7s "self" 122
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7s"))
($16 125 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7r "object" 122
(name "object"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7r"))
($13 126 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p4d "unindexObject__roles__" 101
(name "unindexObject__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p4d"))
($14 127 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7q "unindexObject" 101
(name "unindexObject"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7q"))
($15 128 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p49 "documentation" 127
(name "documentation"
(value "Remove from catalog."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p49"))
($16 129 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7p "self" 127
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7p"))
($16 130 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7o "object" 127
(name "object"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7o"))
($13 131 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p48 "reindexObject__roles__" 101
(name "reindexObject__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p48"))
($14 132 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7n "reindexObject" 101
(name "reindexObject"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7n"))
($15 133 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p44 "documentation" 132
(name "documentation"
(value "Update catalog after object data has changed."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p44"))
($16 134 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7m "self" 132
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7m"))
($16 135 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7l "object" 132
(name "object"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7l"))
($13 136 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7k "__ac_permissions__" 101
(name "__ac_permissions__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7k"))
($13 137 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7j "REQUEST" 101
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7j"))
($9 138 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p92 "digester" 66
(name "digester"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p92"))
($14 139 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7i "__init__" 138
(name "__init__"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7i"))
($16 140 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7h "self" 139
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7h"))
($16 141 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7g "name" 139
(name "name"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7g"))
($16 142 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7f "pw" 139
(name "pw"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7f"))
($13 143 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p3w "token" 138
(name "token"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p3w"))
($14 144 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7e "match" 138
(name "match"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7e"))
($16 145 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7d "self" 144
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7d"))
($16 146 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7c "token" 144
(name "token"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7c"))
($14 147 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7b "to_hex" 138
(name "to_hex"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7b"))
($16 148 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7a "self" 147
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p7a"))
($16 149 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p79 "s" 147
(name "s"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p79"))
($16 150 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p78 "join" 147
(defaultValue "join"
(name "join"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p78"))
($9 151 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p91 "DiscussionTool" 66
(name "DiscussionTool"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p91"))
($10 152 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p39 "#<anon> (DiscussionTool, SimpleItem)" 151
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p39"))
($10 153 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p38 "#<anon> (DiscussionTool, UniqueObject)" 151
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p38"))
($11 154 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p23 "#<anon> (DiscussionTool, portal_discussion)" 151
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p23"))
($11 155 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p22 "#<anon> (DiscussionTool, ActionProvider)" 151
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p22"))
($13 156 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p3o "id" 151
(name "id"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p3o"))
($13 157 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p3n "meta_type" 151
(name "meta_type"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p3n"))
($13 158 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p3m "getDiscussionFor__roles__" 151
(name "getDiscussionFor__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p3m"))
($14 159 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p77 "getDiscussionFor" 151
(name "getDiscussionFor"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p77"))
($15 160 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p3i "documentation" 159
(name "documentation"
(value "Gets the PortalDiscussion object that applies to content."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p3i"))
($16 161 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p76 "self" 159
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p76"))
($16 162 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p75 "content" 159
(name "content"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p75"))
($13 163 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p3h "isDiscussionAllowedFor__roles__" 151
(name "isDiscussionAllowedFor__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p3h"))
($14 164 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p74 "isDiscussionAllowedFor" 151
(name "isDiscussionAllowedFor"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p74"))
($15 165 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p3d "documentation" 164
(name "documentation"
(value "Returns a boolean indicating whether a discussion is"
" allowed for the specified content."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p3d"))
($16 166 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p73 "self" 164
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p73"))
($16 167 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p72 "content" 164
(name "content"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p72"))
($14 168 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p71 "listActions" 151
(name "listActions"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p71"))
($16 169 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p70 "self" 168
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p70"))
($16 170 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6z "info" 168
(name "info"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6z"))
($9 171 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6y "DublinCore" 66
(name "DublinCore"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6y"))
($15 172 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p2i "documentation" 171
(name "documentation"
(value " The Dublin Core interface defines which Dublin Core elements are"
" supported by the PTK, and how."
" This interface is implemented by the DublinCore mix-in class."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p2i"))
($13 173 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p37 "__ac_permissions__" 171
(name "__ac_permissions__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p37"))
($14 174 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6x "Title" 171
(name "Title"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6x"))
($15 175 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p34 "documentation" 174
(name "documentation"
(value " Dublin Core element - resource name"
" Returns: string"
" Permissions: View"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p34"))
($16 176 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6w "self" 174
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6w"))
($14 177 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6v "Creator" 171
(name "Creator"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6v"))
($15 178 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p31 "documentation" 177
(name "documentation"
(value " Dublin Core element - resource creator"
" Returns the name of the first owner found."
" Returns: string"
" Permission: View"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p31"))
($16 179 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6u "self" 177
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6u"))
($13 180 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p30 "Contributor" 171
(name "Contributor"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p30"))
($14 181 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6t "Date" 171
(name "Date"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6t"))
($15 182 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p2x "documentation" 181
(name "documentation"
(value " Dublin Core element - effective date"
" Returns the object's effective date if it has been explicitly"
" set. Otherwise, returns object's modification date."
" "
" Returns: DateTime object"
" Permissions: View"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p2x"))
($16 183 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6s "self" 181
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6s"))
($13 184 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p2w "effective_date" 171
(name "effective_date"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p2w"))
($14 185 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6r "Description" 171
(name "Description"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6r"))
($15 186 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p2t "documentation" 185
(name "documentation"
(value " Dublin Core element - summary"
" Returns a natural language description of this object."
" Default implementation looks for a 'description' property on"
" 'self'."
" Returns: string"
" Permissions: View"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p2t"))
($16 187 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6q "self" 185
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6q"))
($14 188 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6p "Subject" 171
(name "Subject"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6p"))
($15 189 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p2q "documentation" 188
(name "documentation"
(value " Dublin Core element - Topical keywords"
" Returns a list of strings suitable for classifying and marking"
" content. Default implementation looks for a 'subject'"
" property on 'self'. If 'subject' is a tuple or string, this"
" method massages it into a list before returning it."
" "
" Returns: list of strings"
" Permissions: View"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p2q"))
($16 190 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6o "self" 188
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6o"))
($14 191 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6n "Type" 171
(name "Type"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6n"))
($15 192 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p2n "documentation" 191
(name "documentation"
(value " Dublin Core element - Object type"
" Returns object's 'meta_type'."
" Returns: string"
" Permissions: View"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p2n"))
($16 193 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6m "self" 191
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6m"))
($14 194 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6l "Identifier" 171
(name "Identifier"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6l"))
($15 195 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p2k "documentation" 194
(name "documentation"
(value " Dublin Core element - Object ID"
" Returns object's 'id'."
" Returns: string"
" Permissions: View"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p2k"))
($16 196 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6k "self" 194
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6k"))
($13 197 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p2j "id" 171
(name "id"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p2j"))
($14 198 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6j "Contributor" 171
(name "Contributor"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6j"))
($15 199 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6i "documentation" 198
(name "documentation"
(value " Presently an alias for Creator"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6i"))
($16 200 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6h "self" 198
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6h"))
($9 201 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p8z "MemberBase" 66
(name "MemberBase"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p8z"))
($15 202 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1a "documentation" 201
(name "documentation"
(value "This class is intended for use a a base class for a Z Class"
" to provide enhanced User-like objects."
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1a"))
($10 203 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1b "#<anon> (MemberBase, DublinCore)" 201
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1b"))
($14 204 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6g "authenticate" 201
(name "authenticate"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6g"))
($16 205 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6f "self" 204
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6f"))
($16 206 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6e "token" 204
(name "token"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6e"))
($16 207 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6d "request" 204
(name "request"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6d"))
($14 208 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6c "getUserName" 201
(name "getUserName"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6c"))
($15 209 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p2b "documentation" 208
(name "documentation"
(value "Return the username of a user"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p2b"))
($16 210 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6b "self" 208
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6b"))
($13 211 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p2a "name" 201
(name "name"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p2a"))
($13 212 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p29 "getMemberId__roles__" 201
(name "getMemberId__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p29"))
($13 213 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p28 "getMemberId" 201
(name "getMemberId"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p28"))
($13 214 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p27 "getPassword__roles__" 201
(name "getPassword__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p27"))
($14 215 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6a "getPassword" 201
(name "getPassword"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p6a"))
($15 216 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p24 "documentation" 215
(name "documentation"
(value "Return the password of the user."
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p24"))
($16 217 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p69 "self" 215
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p69"))
($13 218 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p23 "__" 201
(name "__"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p23"))
($13 219 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p22 "getRoles__roles__" 201
(name "getRoles__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p22"))
($14 220 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p68 "getRoles" 201
(name "getRoles"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p68"))
($15 221 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1z "documentation" 220
(name "documentation"
(value "Return the list of roles assigned to a user."
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1z"))
($16 222 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p67 "self" 220
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p67"))
($13 223 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1y "roles" 201
(name "roles"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1y"))
($13 224 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1x "getDomains__roles__" 201
(name "getDomains__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1x"))
($14 225 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p66 "getDomains" 201
(name "getDomains"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p66"))
($15 226 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1u "documentation" 225
(name "documentation"
(value "Return the list of domain restrictions for a user"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1u"))
($16 227 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p65 "self" 225
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p65"))
($13 228 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1t "domains" 201
(name "domains"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1t"))
($13 229 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1s "setMemberProperties__roles__" 201
(name "setMemberProperties__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1s"))
($14 230 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1r "setMemberProperties" 201
(name "setMemberProperties"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1r"))
($15 231 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1o "documentation" 230
(name "documentation"
(value "Sets the custom properties of the member."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1o"))
($16 232 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1q "self" 230
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1q"))
($16 233 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1p "mapping" 230
(name "mapping"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1p"))
($13 234 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1n "setSecurityProfile__roles__" 201
(name "setSecurityProfile__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1n"))
($14 235 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p64 "setSecurityProfile" 201
(name "setSecurityProfile"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p64"))
($15 236 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1h "documentation" 235
(name "documentation"
(value "Set the user's basic security profile"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1h"))
($16 237 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p63 "self" 235
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p63"))
($16 238 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p62 "password" 235
(defaultValue "None"
(name "password"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p62"))
($16 239 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p61 "roles" 235
(defaultValue "None"
(name "roles"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p61"))
($16 240 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p60 "domains" 235
(defaultValue "None"
(name "domains"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p60"))
($13 241 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1g "updateLoginTime__roles__" 201
(name "updateLoginTime__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1g"))
($14 242 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1f "updateLoginTime" 201
(name "updateLoginTime"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1f"))
($16 243 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1e "self" 242
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1e"))
($13 244 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1d "last_login_time" 201
(name "last_login_time"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1d"))
($13 245 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1c "login_time" 201
(name "login_time"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p1c"))
($9 246 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p8y "MemberFolderBase" 66
(name "MemberFolderBase"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p8y"))
($15 247 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p0d "documentation" 246
(name "documentation"
(value "This class is intended for use as a base class for a Z Class"
" that implements access control and member data storage using"
" http cookies."
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p0d"))
($13 248 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p19 "manage_options" 246
(name "manage_options"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p19"))
($13 249 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p18 "__ac_permissions__" 246
(name "__ac_permissions__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p18"))
($14 250 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5z "err_setuser" 246
(name "err_setuser"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5z"))
($16 251 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5y "self" 250
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5y"))
($16 252 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5x "request" 250
(name "request"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5x"))
($16 253 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5w "user" 250
(name "user"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5w"))
($14 254 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5v "p_validate" 246
(name "p_validate"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5v"))
($16 255 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5u "self" 254
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5u"))
($16 256 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5t "request" 254
(name "request"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5t"))
($16 257 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5s "auth" 254
(name "auth"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5s"))
($16 258 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5r "roles" 254
(name "roles"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5r"))
($13 259 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p0y "aq_parent" 246
(name "aq_parent"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p0y"))
($14 260 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5q "is_ssl" 246
(name "is_ssl"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5q"))
($16 261 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5p "self" 260
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5p"))
($16 262 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5o "request" 260
(name "request"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5o"))
($14 263 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5n "credentialsChanged" 246
(name "credentialsChanged"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5n"))
($16 264 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5m "self" 263
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5m"))
($16 265 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5l "user" 263
(name "user"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5l"))
($16 266 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5k "name" 263
(name "name"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5k"))
($16 267 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5j "password" 263
(name "password"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5j"))
($14 268 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5i "validate" 246
(name "validate"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5i"))
($16 269 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5h "self" 268
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5h"))
($16 270 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5g "request" 268
(name "request"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5g"))
($16 271 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5f "auth" 268
(defaultValue " "
(name "auth"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5f"))
($16 272 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5e "roles" 268
(defaultValue "None"
(name "roles"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5e"))
($16 273 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5d "expires" 268
(defaultValue "Saturday, 31-Dec-05 23:59:59 GMT "
(name "expires"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5d"))
($13 274 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p0j "_nobody" 246
(name "_nobody"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p0j"))
($13 275 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p0i "_super" 246
(name "_super"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p0i"))
($14 276 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5c "__bobo_traverse__" 246
(name "__bobo_traverse__"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5c"))
($16 277 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5b "self" 276
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5b"))
($16 278 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5a "REQUEST" 276
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p5a"))
($16 279 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p59 "name" 276
(defaultValue "None"
(name "name"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p59"))
($9 280 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p8x "MembershipTool" 66
(name "MembershipTool"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p8x"))
($10 281 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oyr "#<anon> (MembershipTool, SimpleItem)" 280
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oyr"))
($10 282 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oyq "#<anon> (MembershipTool, UniqueObject)" 280
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oyq"))
($11 283 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p21 "#<anon> (MembershipTool, portal_membership)" 280
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p21"))
($11 284 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p20 "#<anon> (MembershipTool, ActionProvider)" 280
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p20"))
($13 285 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p0c "id" 280
(name "id"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p0c"))
($13 286 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p0b "meta_type" 280
(name "meta_type"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p0b"))
($13 287 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p0a "__ac_permissions__" 280
(name "__ac_permissions__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p0a"))
($13 288 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p09 "getAuthenticatedMember__roles__" 280
(name "getAuthenticatedMember__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p09"))
($14 289 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p58 "getAuthenticatedMember" 280
(name "getAuthenticatedMember"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p58"))
($15 290 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p06 "documentation" 289
(name "documentation"
(value " Returns the currently authenticated member object"
" or the Anonymous User. Never returns None."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p06"))
($16 291 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p57 "self" 289
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p57"))
($13 292 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p05 "isAnonymousUser__roles__" 280
(name "isAnonymousUser__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p05"))
($14 293 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p56 "isAnonymousUser" 280
(name "isAnonymousUser"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p56"))
($15 294 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p02 "documentation" 293
(name "documentation"
(value " Returns 1 if the user is not logged in."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p02"))
($16 295 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p55 "self" 293
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p55"))
($13 296 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p01 "checkPermission__roles__" 280
(name "checkPermission__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p01"))
($14 297 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p54 "checkPermission" 280
(name "checkPermission"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p54"))
($15 298 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ozw "documentation" 297
(name "documentation"
(value " Checks whether the current user has the given permission on"
" the given object or subobject."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ozw"))
($16 299 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p53 "self" 297
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p53"))
($16 300 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p52 "permissionName" 297
(name "permissionName"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p52"))
($16 301 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p51 "object" 297
(name "object"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p51"))
($16 302 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p50 "subobjectName" 297
(defaultValue "None"
(name "subobjectName"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p50"))
($13 303 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ozv "credentialsChanged__roles__" 280
(name "credentialsChanged__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ozv"))
($14 304 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4z "credentialsChanged" 280
(name "credentialsChanged"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4z"))
($15 305 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ozr "documentation" 304
(name "documentation"
(value " Notifies the authentication mechanism that this user has changed"
" passwords. This can be used to update the authentication cookie."
" Note that this call should *not* cause any change at all to user"
" databases."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ozr"))
($16 306 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4y "self" 304
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4y"))
($16 307 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4x "password" 304
(name "password"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4x"))
($13 308 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ozq "acl_users" 280
(name "acl_users"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ozq"))
($14 309 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4w "getMemberById" 280
(name "getMemberById"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4w"))
($15 310 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ozm "documentation" 309
(name "documentation"
(value " Returns the given member."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ozm"))
($16 311 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4v "self" 309
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4v"))
($16 312 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4u "id" 309
(name "id"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4u"))
($14 313 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4t "__getPUS" 280
(name "__getPUS"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4t"))
($16 314 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4s "self" 313
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4s"))
($14 315 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4r "listMemberIds" 280
(name "listMemberIds"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4r"))
($15 316 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ozh "documentation" 315
(name "documentation"
(value "Lists the ids of all members. This may eventually be"
" replaced with a set of methods for querying pieces of the"
" list rather than the entire list at once."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ozh"))
($16 317 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4q "self" 315
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4q"))
($14 318 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4p "listMembers" 280
(name "listMembers"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4p"))
($15 319 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oze "documentation" 318
(name "documentation"
(value "Gets the list of all members."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oze"))
($16 320 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4o "self" 318
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4o"))
($13 321 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ozd "addMember__roles__" 280
(name "addMember__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ozd"))
($14 322 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4n "addMember" 280
(name "addMember"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4n"))
($15 323 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oz6 "documentation" 322
(name "documentation"
(value "Adds a new member to the user folder. Security checks will have"
" already been performed. Called by portal_registration."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oz6"))
($16 324 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4m "self" 322
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4m"))
($16 325 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4l "id" 322
(name "id"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4l"))
($16 326 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4k "password" 322
(name "password"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4k"))
($16 327 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4j "roles" 322
(name "roles"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4j"))
($16 328 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4i "domains" 322
(name "domains"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4i"))
($13 329 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oz5 "listActions__roles__" 280
(name "listActions__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oz5"))
($14 330 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4h "listActions" 280
(name "listActions"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4h"))
($16 331 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4g "self" 330
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4g"))
($16 332 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4f "info" 330
(name "info"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4f"))
($13 333 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oz1 "getHomeFolder__roles__" 280
(name "getHomeFolder__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oz1"))
($14 334 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4e "getHomeFolder" 280
(name "getHomeFolder"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4e"))
($15 335 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oyx "documentation" 334
(name "documentation"
(value "Returns a member's home folder object or None."
" Set verifyPermission to 1 to return None when the user"
" doesn't have the View permission on the folder."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oyx"))
($16 336 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4d "self" 334
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4d"))
($16 337 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4c "id" 334
(defaultValue "None"
(name "id"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4c"))
($16 338 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4b "verifyPermission" 334
(defaultValue "0 "
(name "verifyPermission"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4b"))
($13 339 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oyw "getHomeUrl__roles__" 280
(name "getHomeUrl__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oyw"))
($14 340 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4a "getHomeUrl" 280
(name "getHomeUrl"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p4a"))
($15 341 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oys "documentation" 340
(name "documentation"
(value "Returns the URL to a member's home folder or None."
" Set verifyPermission to 1 to return None when the user"
" doesn't have the View permission on the folder."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oys"))
($16 342 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p49 "self" 340
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p49"))
($16 343 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p48 "id" 340
(defaultValue "None"
(name "id"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p48"))
($16 344 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p47 "verifyPermission" 340
(defaultValue "0 "
(name "verifyPermission"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p47"))
($9 345 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p46 "PortalContent" 66
(name "PortalContent"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p46"))
($15 346 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ox2 "documentation" 345
(name "documentation"
(value " Base class for portal objects."
" "
" Provides hooks for reviewing, indexing, and PTK UI."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ox2"))
($10 347 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ox4 "#<anon> (PortalContent, SimpleItem)" 345
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ox4"))
($10 348 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ox3 "#<anon> (PortalContent, DublinCore)" 345
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ox3"))
($13 349 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oyp "isPortalContent" 345
(name "isPortalContent"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oyp"))
($13 350 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oy6 "review_state" 345
(name "review_state"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oy6"))
($13 351 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oxy "effective_date" 345
(name "effective_date"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oxy"))
($13 352 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oym "manage_options" 345
(name "manage_options"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oym"))
($13 353 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oyl "__ac_permissions__" 345
(name "__ac_permissions__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oyl"))
($14 354 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p45 "SearchableText" 345
(name "SearchableText"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p45"))
($15 355 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oyi "documentation" 354
(name "documentation"
(value "Returns a concatination of all searchable text"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oyi"))
($16 356 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p44 "self" 354
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p44"))
($14 357 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p43 "allowedRolesAndUsers" 345
(name "allowedRolesAndUsers"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p43"))
($15 358 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oye "documentation" 357
(name "documentation"
(value " Return a list of roles and users with View permission."
" Used by PortalCatalog to filter out items you're not allowed to see."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oye"))
($16 359 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p42 "self" 357
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p42"))
($16 360 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p41 "permission" 357
(defaultValue "View "
(name "permission"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p41"))
($14 361 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oyd "__mergedLocalRoles" 345
(name "__mergedLocalRoles"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oyd"))
($15 362 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oyb "documentation" 361
(name "documentation"
(value "Returns a merging of my and my ancestors __ac_local_roles__"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oyb"))
($16 363 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oyc "self" 361
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oyc"))
($13 364 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oya "getReviewState__roles__" 345
(name "getReviewState__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oya"))
($14 365 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p40 "getReviewState" 345
(name "getReviewState"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p40"))
($15 366 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oy7 "documentation" 365
(name "documentation"
(value " "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oy7"))
($16 367 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3z "self" 365
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3z"))
($13 368 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oy5 "setReviewState__roles__" 345
(name "setReviewState__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oy5"))
($14 369 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3y "setReviewState" 345
(name "setReviewState"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3y"))
($15 370 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oxz "documentation" 369
(name "documentation"
(value " "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oxz"))
($16 371 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3x "self" 369
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3x"))
($16 372 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3w "review_state" 369
(name "review_state"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3w"))
($16 373 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3v "comment" 369
(name "comment"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3v"))
($16 374 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3u "effective_date" 369
(name "effective_date"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3u"))
($14 375 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oxx "set_effective_date" 345
(name "set_effective_date"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oxx"))
($15 376 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oxt "documentation" 375
(name "documentation"
(value " Set the effective_date property, which is when this resource becomes"
" available"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oxt"))
($16 377 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oxw "self" 375
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oxw"))
($16 378 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oxv "effective_date" 375
(name "effective_date"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oxv"))
($16 379 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oxu "REQUEST" 375
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oxu"))
($13 380 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oxs "indexObject__roles__" 345
(name "indexObject__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oxs"))
($14 381 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3t "indexObject" 345
(name "indexObject"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3t"))
($16 382 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3s "self" 381
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3s"))
($13 383 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oxp "unindexObject__roles__" 345
(name "unindexObject__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oxp"))
($14 384 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3r "unindexObject" 345
(name "unindexObject"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3r"))
($16 385 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3q "self" 384
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3q"))
($13 386 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oxm "reindexObject__roles__" 345
(name "reindexObject__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oxm"))
($14 387 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3p "reindexObject" 345
(name "reindexObject"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3p"))
($16 388 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3o "self" 387
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3o"))
($14 389 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3n "manage_afterAdd" 345
(name "manage_afterAdd"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3n"))
($15 390 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oxf "documentation" 389
(name "documentation"
(value "Add self to the catalog."
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oxf"))
($16 391 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3m "self" 389
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3m"))
($16 392 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3l "item" 389
(name "item"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3l"))
($16 393 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3k "container" 389
(name "container"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3k"))
($13 394 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oxe "aq_base" 345
(name "aq_base"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oxe"))
($14 395 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3j "manage_beforeDelete" 345
(name "manage_beforeDelete"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3j"))
($15 396 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ox9 "documentation" 395
(name "documentation"
(value "Remove self from the catalog."
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ox9"))
($16 397 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3i "self" 395
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3i"))
($16 398 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3h "item" 395
(name "item"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3h"))
($16 399 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3g "container" 395
(name "container"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3g"))
($13 400 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ox8 "listActions__roles__" 345
(name "listActions__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ox8"))
($14 401 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3f "listActions" 345
(name "listActions"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3f"))
($16 402 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3e "self" 401
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3e"))
($16 403 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3d "info" 401
(name "info"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3d"))
($13 404 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3c "review_history" 345
(name "review_history"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3c"))
($13 405 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3b "review_history1" 345
(name "review_history1"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3b"))
($9 406 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3a "PortalFolder" 66
(name "PortalFolder"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p3a"))
($15 407 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ows "documentation" 406
(name "documentation"
(value "Implements portal content management, but not UI details."
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ows"))
($10 408 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-owt "#<anon> (PortalFolder, Folder)" 406
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-owt"))
($13 409 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ox1 "__ac_permissions__" 406
(name "__ac_permissions__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ox1"))
($13 410 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ox0 "meta_types" 406
(name "meta_types"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ox0"))
($14 411 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p39 "manage_addPortalFolder" 406
(name "manage_addPortalFolder"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p39"))
($15 412 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-owu "documentation" 411
(name "documentation"
(value "Add a new PortalFolder object with id *id*."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-owu"))
($16 413 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p38 "self" 411
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p38"))
($16 414 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p37 "id" 411
(name "id"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p37"))
($16 415 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p36 "title" 411
(defaultValue " "
(name "title"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p36"))
($16 416 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p35 "REQUEST" 411
(defaultValue "None"
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p35"))
($13 417 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p34 "meta_type" 406
(name "meta_type"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p34"))
($9 418 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p8u "PortalObjectBase" 66
(name "PortalObjectBase"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p8u"))
($10 419 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-owp "#<anon> (PortalObjectBase, PortalFolder)" 418
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-owp"))
($10 420 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-owo "#<anon> (PortalObjectBase, DublinCore)" 418
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-owo"))
($17 421 < -ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8z "#<anon> (PortalObjectBase, portal_actions)" 418
(name "")
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8z"))
($18 422 < -ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8y "#0" 421
(multiplicity "1")
(aggregation "composite")
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8y"))
($18 423 < -ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8x "#1" 421
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8x"))
($17 424 < -ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8w "#<anon> (PortalObjectBase, portal_catalog)" 418
(name "")
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8w"))
($18 425 < -ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8v "#0" 424
(aggregation "composite")
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8v"))
($18 426 < -ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8u "#1" 424
(multiplicity "1")
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8u"))
($17 427 < -ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8t "#<anon> (PortalObjectBase, portal_discussion)" 418
(name "")
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8t"))
($18 428 < -ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8s "#0" 427
(aggregation "composite")
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8s"))
($18 429 < -ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8r "#1" 427
(multiplicity "1")
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8r"))
($17 430 < -ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8q "#<anon> (PortalObjectBase, portal_membership)" 418
(name "")
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8q"))
($18 431 < -ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8p "#0" 430
(aggregation "composite")
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8p"))
($18 432 < -ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8o "#1" 430
(multiplicity "1")
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8o"))
($17 433 < -ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8n "#<anon> (PortalObjectBase, portal_registration)" 418
(name "")
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8n"))
($18 434 < -ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8m "#0" 433
(aggregation "composite")
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8m"))
($18 435 < -ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8l "#1" 433
(multiplicity "1")
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8l"))
($17 436 < -ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8k "#<anon> (PortalObjectBase, portal_undo)" 418
(name "")
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8k"))
($18 437 < -ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8j "#0" 436
(aggregation "composite")
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8j"))
($18 438 < -ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8i "#1" 436
(multiplicity "1")
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8i"))
($17 439 < -ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8h "#<anon> (PortalObjectBase, portal_workflow)" 418
(name "")
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8h"))
($18 440 < -ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8g "#0" 439
(aggregation "composite")
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8g"))
($18 441 < -ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8f "#1" 439
(multiplicity "1")
(uid "-ax4zxc_aec_cbxtg6nb_-p8f"))
($13 442 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-owr "meta_type" 418
(name "meta_type"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-owr"))
($13 443 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-owq "__ac_permissions__" 418
(name "__ac_permissions__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-owq"))
($9 444 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p8t "RegistrationTool" 66
(name "RegistrationTool"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p8t"))
($10 445 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ov0 "#<anon> (RegistrationTool, SimpleItem)" 444
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ov0"))
($10 446 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ouz "#<anon> (RegistrationTool, UniqueObject)" 444
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ouz"))
($11 447 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p1z "#<anon> (RegistrationTool, portal_registration)" 444
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p1z"))
($13 448 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-own "id" 444
(name "id"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-own"))
($13 449 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-owm "meta_type" 444
(name "meta_type"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-owm"))
($13 450 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-owl "__ac_permissions__" 444
(name "__ac_permissions__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-owl"))
($13 451 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-owk "isRegistrationAllowed__roles__" 444
(name "isRegistrationAllowed__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-owk"))
($14 452 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p33 "isRegistrationAllowed" 444
(name "isRegistrationAllowed"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p33"))
($15 453 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-owg "documentation" 452
(name "documentation"
(value "Returns a boolean value indicating whether the user"
" is allowed to add a member to the portal."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-owg"))
($16 454 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p32 "self" 452
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p32"))
($16 455 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p31 "REQUEST" 452
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p31"))
($13 456 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-owf "testPasswordValidity__roles__" 444
(name "testPasswordValidity__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-owf"))
($14 457 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p30 "testPasswordValidity" 444
(name "testPasswordValidity"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p30"))
($15 458 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-owa "documentation" 457
(name "documentation"
(value "If the password is valid, returns None. If not, returns"
" a string explaining why."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-owa"))
($16 459 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2z "self" 457
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2z"))
($16 460 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2y "password" 457
(name "password"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2y"))
($16 461 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2x "confirm" 457
(defaultValue "None"
(name "confirm"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2x"))
($13 462 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ow9 "testPropertiesValidity__roles__" 444
(name "testPropertiesValidity__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ow9"))
($14 463 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2w "testPropertiesValidity" 444
(name "testPropertiesValidity"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2w"))
($15 464 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ow4 "documentation" 463
(name "documentation"
(value "If the properties are valid, returns None. If not, returns"
" a string explaining why."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ow4"))
($16 465 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2v "self" 463
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2v"))
($16 466 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2u "new_properties" 463
(name "new_properties"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2u"))
($16 467 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2t "member" 463
(defaultValue "None"
(name "member"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2t"))
($13 468 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ow3 "generatePassword__roles__" 444
(name "generatePassword__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ow3"))
($14 469 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2s "generatePassword" 444
(name "generatePassword"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2s"))
($15 470 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ow0 "documentation" 469
(name "documentation"
(value "Generates a password which is guaranteed to comply"
" with the password policy."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ow0"))
($16 471 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2r "self" 469
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2r"))
($14 472 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2q "addMember" 444
(name "addMember"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2q"))
($15 473 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ovs "documentation" 472
(name "documentation"
(value "Creates a PortalMember and returns it. The properties argument"
" can be a mapping with additional member properties. Raises an"
" exception if the given id already exists, the password does not"
" comply with the policy in effect, or the authenticated user is not"
" allowed to grant one of the roles listed (where Member is a special"
" role that can always be granted); these conditions should be"
" detected before the fact so that a cleaner message can be printed."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ovs"))
($16 474 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2p "self" 472
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2p"))
($16 475 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2o "id" 472
(name "id"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2o"))
($16 476 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2n "password" 472
(name "password"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2n"))
($16 477 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2m "roles" 472
(name "roles"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2m"))
($16 478 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2l "domains" 472
(defaultValue " "
(name "domains"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2l"))
($16 479 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2k "properties" 472
(defaultValue "None"
(name "properties"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2k"))
($13 480 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ovr "portal_membership" 444
(name "portal_membership"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ovr"))
($14 481 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2j "isMemberIdAllowed" 444
(name "isMemberIdAllowed"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2j"))
($15 482 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ovn "documentation" 481
(name "documentation"
(value "Returns 1 if the ID is not in use and is not reserved."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ovn"))
($16 483 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2i "self" 481
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2i"))
($16 484 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2h "id" 481
(name "id"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2h"))
($13 485 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ovm "afterAdd__roles__" 444
(name "afterAdd__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ovm"))
($14 486 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2g "afterAdd" 444
(name "afterAdd"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2g"))
($15 487 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ovf "documentation" 486
(name "documentation"
(value "Called by portal_registration.addMember()"
" after a member has been added successfully."
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ovf"))
($16 488 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2f "self" 486
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2f"))
($16 489 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2e "member" 486
(name "member"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2e"))
($16 490 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2d "id" 486
(name "id"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2d"))
($16 491 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2c "password" 486
(name "password"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2c"))
($16 492 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2b "properties" 486
(name "properties"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2b"))
($14 493 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2a "mailPassword" 444
(name "mailPassword"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p2a"))
($15 494 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ova "documentation" 493
(name "documentation"
(value "Email a forgotten password to a member. Raises an exception"
" if user ID is not found."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ova"))
($16 495 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p29 "self" 493
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p29"))
($16 496 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p28 "forgotten_userid" 493
(name "forgotten_userid"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p28"))
($16 497 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p27 "REQUEST" 493
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p27"))
($14 498 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p26 "setPassword" 444
(name "setPassword"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p26"))
($15 499 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ov5 "documentation" 498
(name "documentation"
(value "Allows the authenticated member to set his/her own password."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ov5"))
($16 500 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p25 "self" 498
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p25"))
($16 501 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p24 "password" 498
(name "password"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p24"))
($16 502 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p23 "domains" 498
(defaultValue "None"
(name "domains"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p23"))
($14 503 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p22 "setProperties" 444
(name "setProperties"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p22"))
($15 504 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ov1 "documentation" 503
(name "documentation"
(value "Allows the authenticated member to set his/her own properties."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ov1"))
($16 505 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p21 "self" 503
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p21"))
($16 506 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p20 "properties" 503
(name "properties"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p20"))
($9 507 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p8s "UndoTool" 66
(name "UndoTool"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p8s"))
($10 508 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ouj "#<anon> (UndoTool, SimpleItem)" 507
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ouj"))
($10 509 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oui "#<anon> (UndoTool, UniqueObject)" 507
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oui"))
($11 510 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p1y "#<anon> (UndoTool, portal_undo)" 507
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p1y"))
($13 511 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ouy "id" 507
(name "id"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ouy"))
($13 512 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oux "meta_type" 507
(name "meta_type"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oux"))
($13 513 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ouw "__ac_permissions__" 507
(name "__ac_permissions__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ouw"))
($14 514 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1z "listUndoableTransactionsFor" 507
(name "listUndoableTransactionsFor"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1z"))
($15 515 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oup "documentation" 514
(name "documentation"
(value "Lists all transaction IDs the user is allowed to undo."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oup"))
($16 516 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1y "self" 514
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1y"))
($16 517 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1x "object" 514
(name "object"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1x"))
($16 518 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1w "first_transaction" 514
(defaultValue "None"
(name "first_transaction"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1w"))
($16 519 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1v "last_transaction" 514
(defaultValue "None"
(name "last_transaction"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1v"))
($16 520 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1u "PrincipiaUndoBatchSize" 514
(defaultValue "None"
(name "PrincipiaUndoBatchSize"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1u"))
($14 521 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1t "undo" 507
(name "undo"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1t"))
($15 522 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ouk "documentation" 521
(name "documentation"
(value "Performs an undo operation."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ouk"))
($16 523 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1s "self" 521
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1s"))
($16 524 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1r "object" 521
(name "object"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1r"))
($16 525 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1q "transaction_info" 521
(name "transaction_info"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1q"))
($9 526 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1p "WorkflowTool" 66
(name "WorkflowTool"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1p"))
($10 527 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oto "#<anon> (WorkflowTool, SimpleItem)" 526
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oto"))
($10 528 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-otn "#<anon> (WorkflowTool, UniqueObject)" 526
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-otn"))
($11 529 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p1x "#<anon> (WorkflowTool, portal_workflow)" 526
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p1x"))
($11 530 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p1w "#<anon> (WorkflowTool, ActionProvider)" 526
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p1w"))
($13 531 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ouh "id" 526
(name "id"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ouh"))
($13 532 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oug "meta_type" 526
(name "meta_type"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oug"))
($13 533 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ouf "getStateFor__roles__" 526
(name "getStateFor__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ouf"))
($14 534 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1o "getStateFor" 526
(name "getStateFor"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1o"))
($15 535 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oub "documentation" 534
(name "documentation"
(value "Returns the current workflow state of content. State"
" is implemented as a mapping object."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oub"))
($16 536 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1n "self" 534
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1n"))
($16 537 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1m "content" 534
(name "content"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1m"))
($13 538 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oua "listAllowableTransitionsFor__roles__" 526
(name "listAllowableTransitionsFor__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oua"))
($14 539 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1l "listAllowableTransitionsFor" 526
(name "listAllowableTransitionsFor"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1l"))
($15 540 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ou6 "documentation" 539
(name "documentation"
(value "Returns the list of transition names which are available"
" to the current user from the state of content."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ou6"))
($16 541 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1k "self" 539
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1k"))
($16 542 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1j "content" 539
(name "content"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1j"))
($13 543 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ou5 "changeStateFor__roles__" 526
(name "changeStateFor__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ou5"))
($14 544 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1i "changeStateFor" 526
(name "changeStateFor"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1i"))
($15 545 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oty "documentation" 544
(name "documentation"
(value "Executes the given transition name on content with the"
" keyword arguments as modifiers and the comment as a history"
" attribute. Returns content, which may be in a new location."
" Remember there are no implicit security assertions;"
" implementations will need to add code that calls checkPermission."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oty"))
($16 546 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1h "self" 544
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1h"))
($16 547 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1g "content" 544
(name "content"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1g"))
($16 548 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1f "transition" 544
(name "transition"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1f"))
($16 549 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1e "comment" 544
(name "comment"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1e"))
($16 550 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1d "**kw" 544
(name "**kw"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1d"))
($13 551 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-otx "listAddableTypesFor__roles__" 526
(name "listAddableTypesFor__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-otx"))
($14 552 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1c "listAddableTypesFor" 526
(name "listAddableTypesFor"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1c"))
($15 553 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ott "documentation" 552
(name "documentation"
(value "Lists the meta types that are allowed to be added by"
" the user to the given container."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ott"))
($16 554 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1b "self" 552
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1b"))
($16 555 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1a "container" 552
(name "container"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p1a"))
($13 556 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ots "listActions__roles__" 526
(name "listActions__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ots"))
($14 557 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p19 "listActions" 526
(name "listActions"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p19"))
($16 558 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p18 "self" 557
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p18"))
($16 559 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p17 "info" 557
(name "info"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p17"))
($13 560 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p16 "__ac_permissions__" 526
(name "__ac_permissions__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p16"))
($13 561 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p15 "getPermissionUpdatesFor__roles__" 526
(name "getPermissionUpdatesFor__roles__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p15"))
($14 562 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p14 "getPermissionUpdatesFor" 526
(name "getPermissionUpdatesFor"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p14"))
($15 563 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p13 "documentation" 562
(name "documentation"
(value "Returns a list of roles and the permissions that"
" should be granted or revoked."
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p13"))
($16 564 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p12 "self" 562
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p12"))
($16 565 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p11 "content" 562
(name "content"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p11"))
($9 566 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-og5 "UniqueObject" 66
(name "UniqueObject"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-og5"))
($10 567 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p10 "#<anon> (UniqueObject, ImmutableId)" 566
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p10"))
($13 568 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-of0 "__replaceable__" 566
(name "__replaceable__"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-of0"))
($9 569 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p8f "ActionProvider" 66
(name "ActionProvider"
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p8f"))
($15 570 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p86 "documentation" 569
(name "documentation"
(value "The interface expected of an object that can provide actions."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p86"))
($10 571 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0z "#<anon> (ActionProvider, Base)" 569
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0z"))
($14 572 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0y "listActions" 569
(name "listActions"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0y"))
($15 573 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p84 "documentation" 572
(name "documentation"
(value "Returns a list of mappings describing actions. Each action"
" should contain the keys \"name\", \"url\", \"permissions\", and"
" \"category\", conforming to the specs outlined in"
" portal_actions.listFilteredActionsFor(). The info argument"
" contains at least the following attributes, some of which"
" may be set to \"None\":"
" isAnonymous"
" portal"
" portal_url"
" folder"
" folder_url"
" content"
" content_url"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p84"))
($16 574 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0x "self" 572
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0x"))
($16 575 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0w "info" 572
(name "info"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0w"))
($9 576 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p81 "portal_actions" 66
(name "portal_actions"
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p81"))
($15 577 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p80 "documentation" 576
(name "documentation"
(value "Gathers a list of links which the user is allowed to view according to"
" the current context."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p80"))
($10 578 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0v "#<anon> (portal_actions, Base)" 576
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0v"))
($13 579 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p7z "id" 576
(name "id"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p7z"))
($14 580 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0u "listFilteredActionsFor" 576
(name "listFilteredActionsFor"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0u"))
($15 581 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p7x "documentation" 580
(name "documentation"
(value "Gets all actions available to the user and returns a mapping"
" containing a list of user actions, folder actions, object actions,"
" and global actions. Each action has the following keys:"
" name: An identifying action name"
" url: The URL to visit to access the action"
" permissions: A list. The user must have at least of the listed"
" permissions to access the action. If the list is empty,"
" the user is allowed. (Note that listFilteredActions() filters"
" out actions according to this field.)"
" category: One of \"user\", \"folder\", \"object\", or \"globals\"."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p7x"))
($16 582 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0t "self" 580
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0t"))
($16 583 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0s "object" 580
(name "object"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0s"))
($14 584 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0r "listFilteredActions" 576
(name "listFilteredActions"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0r"))
($15 585 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p7t "documentation" 584
(name "documentation"
(value "Gets all actions available to the user in no particular context."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p7t"))
($16 586 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0q "self" 584
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0q"))
($9 587 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p7r "portal_catalog" 66
(name "portal_catalog"
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p7r"))
($15 588 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p7q "documentation" 587
(name "documentation"
(value "This tool interacts with a customized ZCatalog."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p7q"))
($10 589 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0p "#<anon> (portal_catalog, Base)" 587
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0p"))
($13 590 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p7p "id" 587
(name "id"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p7p"))
($14 591 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0o "searchResults" 587
(name "searchResults"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0o"))
($15 592 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p7n "documentation" 591
(name "documentation"
(value "Calls SiteIndex.searchResults() with extra arguments that"
" limit the results to what the user is allowed to see."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p7n"))
($16 593 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0n "self" 591
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0n"))
($16 594 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0m "REQUEST" 591
(defaultValue "None"
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0m"))
($16 595 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0l "**kw" 591
(name "**kw"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0l"))
($14 596 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0k "__call__" 587
(name "__call__"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0k"))
($15 597 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p7i "documentation" 596
(name "documentation"
(value "Same as searchResults()."
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p7i"))
($16 598 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0j "self" 596
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0j"))
($16 599 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0i "REQUEST" 596
(defaultValue "None"
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0i"))
($16 600 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0h "**kw" 596
(name "**kw"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0h"))
($14 601 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0g "indexObject" 587
(name "indexObject"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0g"))
($15 602 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p7d "documentation" 601
(name "documentation"
(value "Add to catalog."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p7d"))
($16 603 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0f "self" 601
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0f"))
($16 604 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0e "object" 601
(name "object"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0e"))
($14 605 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0d "unindexObject" 587
(name "unindexObject"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0d"))
($15 606 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p79 "documentation" 605
(name "documentation"
(value "Remove from catalog."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p79"))
($16 607 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0c "self" 605
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0c"))
($16 608 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0b "object" 605
(name "object"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0b"))
($14 609 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0a "reindexObject" 587
(name "reindexObject"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p0a"))
($15 610 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p75 "documentation" 609
(name "documentation"
(value "Update entry in catalog."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p75"))
($16 611 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p09 "self" 609
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p09"))
($16 612 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p08 "object" 609
(name "object"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p08"))
($14 613 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p07 "getpath" 587
(name "getpath"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p07"))
($15 614 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p71 "documentation" 613
(name "documentation"
(value "Calls ZCatalog.getpath()."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p71"))
($16 615 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p06 "self" 613
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p06"))
($16 616 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p05 "data_record_id_" 613
(name "data_record_id_"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p05"))
($9 617 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p6y "portal_discussion" 66
(name "portal_discussion"
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p6y"))
($15 618 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p6x "documentation" 617
(name "documentation"
(value "Links content to discussions."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p6x"))
($10 619 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p04 "#<anon> (portal_discussion, Base)" 617
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p04"))
($13 620 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p6w "id" 617
(name "id"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p6w"))
($14 621 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p03 "getDiscussionFor" 617
(name "getDiscussionFor"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p03"))
($15 622 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p6u "documentation" 621
(name "documentation"
(value "Gets the PortalDiscussion object that applies to content."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p6u"))
($16 623 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p02 "self" 621
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p02"))
($16 624 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p01 "content" 621
(name "content"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p01"))
($14 625 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p00 "isDiscussionAllowedFor" 617
(name "isDiscussionAllowedFor"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p00"))
($15 626 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p6q "documentation" 625
(name "documentation"
(value "Returns a boolean indicating whether a discussion is"
" allowed for the specified content."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p6q"))
($16 627 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozz "self" 625
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozz"))
($16 628 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozy "content" 625
(name "content"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozy"))
($9 629 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p6n "portal_membership" 66
(name "portal_membership"
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p6n"))
($15 630 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p6m "documentation" 629
(name "documentation"
(value "Deals with the details of how and where to store and retrieve"
" members and their member folders."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p6m"))
($10 631 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozx "#<anon> (portal_membership, Base)" 629
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozx"))
($13 632 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p6l "id" 629
(name "id"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p6l"))
($14 633 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p8i "getAuthenticatedMember" 629
(name "getAuthenticatedMember"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-p8i"))
($15 634 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p6j "documentation" 633
(name "documentation"
(value " Returns the currently authenticated member object"
" or the Anonymous User."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p6j"))
($16 635 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozw "self" 633
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozw"))
($14 636 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozv "isAnonymousUser" 629
(name "isAnonymousUser"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozv"))
($15 637 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p6g "documentation" 636
(name "documentation"
(value " Returns 1 if the user is not logged in."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p6g"))
($16 638 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozu "self" 636
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozu"))
($14 639 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozt "checkPermission" 629
(name "checkPermission"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozt"))
($15 640 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p6d "documentation" 639
(name "documentation"
(value " Checks whether the current user has the given permission on"
" the given object or subobject."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p6d"))
($16 641 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozs "self" 639
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozs"))
($16 642 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozr "permissionName" 639
(name "permissionName"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozr"))
($16 643 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozq "object" 639
(name "object"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozq"))
($16 644 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozp "subobjectName" 639
(defaultValue "None"
(name "subobjectName"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozp"))
($14 645 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozo "credentialsChanged" 629
(name "credentialsChanged"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozo"))
($15 646 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p68 "documentation" 645
(name "documentation"
(value " Notifies the authentication mechanism that this user has changed"
" passwords. This can be used to update the authentication cookie."
" Note that this call should *not* cause any change at all to user"
" databases."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p68"))
($16 647 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozn "self" 645
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozn"))
($16 648 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozm "password" 645
(name "password"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozm"))
($14 649 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozl "getHomeFolder" 629
(name "getHomeFolder"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozl"))
($15 650 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p64 "documentation" 649
(name "documentation"
(value "Returns a member's home folder object or None."
" Set verifyPermission to 1 to return None when the user"
" doesn't have the View permission on the folder."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p64"))
($16 651 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozk "self" 649
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozk"))
($16 652 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozj "id" 649
(defaultValue "None"
(name "id"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozj"))
($16 653 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozi "verifyPermission" 649
(defaultValue "0 "
(name "verifyPermission"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozi"))
($14 654 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozh "getHomeUrl" 629
(name "getHomeUrl"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozh"))
($15 655 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p60 "documentation" 654
(name "documentation"
(value "Returns the URL to a member's home folder or None."
" Set verifyPermission to 1 to return None when the user"
" doesn't have the View permission on the folder."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p60"))
($16 656 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozg "self" 654
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozg"))
($16 657 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozf "id" 654
(defaultValue "None"
(name "id"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozf"))
($16 658 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oze "verifyPermission" 654
(defaultValue "0 "
(name "verifyPermission"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oze"))
($14 659 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozd "getMemberById" 629
(name "getMemberById"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozd"))
($15 660 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p5w "documentation" 659
(name "documentation"
(value " Returns the given member."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p5w"))
($16 661 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozc "self" 659
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozc"))
($16 662 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozb "id" 659
(name "id"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ozb"))
($14 663 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oza "listMemberIds" 629
(name "listMemberIds"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oza"))
($15 664 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p5s "documentation" 663
(name "documentation"
(value "Lists the ids of all members. This may eventually be"
" replaced with a set of methods for querying pieces of the"
" list rather than the entire list at once."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p5s"))
($16 665 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oz9 "self" 663
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oz9"))
($14 666 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oz8 "listMembers" 629
(name "listMembers"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oz8"))
($15 667 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p5p "documentation" 666
(name "documentation"
(value "Gets the list of all members."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p5p"))
($16 668 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oz7 "self" 666
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oz7"))
($14 669 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oz6 "addMember" 629
(name "addMember"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oz6"))
($15 670 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p5m "documentation" 669
(name "documentation"
(value "Adds a new member to the user folder. Security checks will have"
" already been performed. Called by portal_registration."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p5m"))
($16 671 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oz5 "self" 669
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oz5"))
($16 672 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oz4 "id" 669
(name "id"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oz4"))
($16 673 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oz3 "password" 669
(name "password"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oz3"))
($16 674 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oz2 "roles" 669
(name "roles"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oz2"))
($16 675 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oz1 "domains" 669
(name "domains"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oz1"))
($9 676 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p5g "portal_registration" 66
(name "portal_registration"
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p5g"))
($15 677 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p5f "documentation" 676
(name "documentation"
(value "Establishes policies for member registration. Depends on"
" portal_membership. Is not aware of membership storage details."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p5f"))
($10 678 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oz0 "#<anon> (portal_registration, Base)" 676
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oz0"))
($13 679 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p5e "id" 676
(name "id"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p5e"))
($14 680 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyz "isRegistrationAllowed" 676
(name "isRegistrationAllowed"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyz"))
($15 681 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p5c "documentation" 680
(name "documentation"
(value "Returns a boolean value indicating whether the user"
" is allowed to add a member to the portal."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p5c"))
($16 682 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyy "self" 680
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyy"))
($16 683 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyx "REQUEST" 680
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyx"))
($14 684 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyw "testPasswordValidity" 676
(name "testPasswordValidity"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyw"))
($15 685 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p58 "documentation" 684
(name "documentation"
(value "If the password is valid, returns None. If not, returns"
" a string explaining why."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p58"))
($16 686 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyv "self" 684
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyv"))
($16 687 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyu "password" 684
(name "password"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyu"))
($16 688 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyt "confirm" 684
(defaultValue "None"
(name "confirm"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyt"))
($14 689 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oys "testPropertiesValidity" 676
(name "testPropertiesValidity"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oys"))
($15 690 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p53 "documentation" 689
(name "documentation"
(value "If the properties are valid, returns None. If not, returns"
" a string explaining why."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p53"))
($16 691 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyr "self" 689
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyr"))
($16 692 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyq "new_properties" 689
(name "new_properties"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyq"))
($16 693 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyp "member" 689
(defaultValue "None"
(name "member"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyp"))
($14 694 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyo "generatePassword" 676
(name "generatePassword"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyo"))
($15 695 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p4y "documentation" 694
(name "documentation"
(value "Generates a password which is guaranteed to comply"
" with the password policy."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p4y"))
($16 696 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyn "self" 694
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyn"))
($14 697 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oym "addMember" 676
(name "addMember"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oym"))
($15 698 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p4v "documentation" 697
(name "documentation"
(value "Creates a PortalMember and returns it. The properties argument"
" can be a mapping with additional member properties. Raises an"
" exception if the given id already exists, the password does not"
" comply with the policy in effect, or the authenticated user is not"
" allowed to grant one of the roles listed (where Member is a special"
" role that can always be granted); these conditions should be"
" detected before the fact so that a cleaner message can be printed."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p4v"))
($16 699 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyl "self" 697
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyl"))
($16 700 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyk "id" 697
(name "id"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyk"))
($16 701 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyj "password" 697
(name "password"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyj"))
($16 702 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyi "roles" 697
(name "roles"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyi"))
($16 703 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyh "domains" 697
(defaultValue " "
(name "domains"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyh"))
($16 704 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyg "properties" 697
(defaultValue "None"
(name "properties"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyg"))
($14 705 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyf "isMemberIdAllowed" 676
(name "isMemberIdAllowed"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyf"))
($15 706 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p4n "documentation" 705
(name "documentation"
(value "Returns 1 if the ID is not in use and is not reserved."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p4n"))
($16 707 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oye "self" 705
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oye"))
($16 708 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyd "id" 705
(name "id"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyd"))
($14 709 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyc "afterAdd" 676
(name "afterAdd"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyc"))
($15 710 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p4j "documentation" 709
(name "documentation"
(value "Called by portal_registration.addMember()"
" after a member has been added successfully."
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p4j"))
($16 711 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyb "self" 709
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oyb"))
($16 712 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oya "member" 709
(name "member"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oya"))
($16 713 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oy9 "id" 709
(name "id"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oy9"))
($16 714 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oy8 "password" 709
(name "password"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oy8"))
($16 715 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oy7 "properties" 709
(name "properties"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oy7"))
($14 716 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oy6 "mailPassword" 676
(name "mailPassword"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oy6"))
($15 717 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p4c "documentation" 716
(name "documentation"
(value "Email a forgotten password to a member. Raises an exception"
" if user ID is not found."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p4c"))
($16 718 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oy5 "self" 716
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oy5"))
($16 719 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oy4 "forgotten_userid" 716
(name "forgotten_userid"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oy4"))
($16 720 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oy3 "REQUEST" 716
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oy3"))
($14 721 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oy2 "setPassword" 676
(name "setPassword"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oy2"))
($15 722 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p47 "documentation" 721
(name "documentation"
(value "Allows the authenticated member to set his/her own password."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p47"))
($16 723 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oy1 "self" 721
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oy1"))
($16 724 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oy0 "password" 721
(name "password"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oy0"))
($16 725 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxz "domains" 721
(defaultValue "None"
(name "domains"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxz"))
($14 726 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxy "setProperties" 676
(name "setProperties"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxy"))
($15 727 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p42 "documentation" 726
(name "documentation"
(value "Allows the authenticated member to set his/her own properties."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p42"))
($16 728 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxx "self" 726
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxx"))
($16 729 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxw "properties" 726
(name "properties"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxw"))
($9 730 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p3z "portal_undo" 66
(name "portal_undo"
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p3z"))
($15 731 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p3y "documentation" 730
(name "documentation"
(value "Provides access to Zope undo functions."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p3y"))
($10 732 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxv "#<anon> (portal_undo, Base)" 730
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxv"))
($13 733 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p3x "id" 730
(name "id"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p3x"))
($14 734 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxu "listUndoableTransactionsFor" 730
(name "listUndoableTransactionsFor"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxu"))
($15 735 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p3v "documentation" 734
(name "documentation"
(value "Lists all transaction IDs the user is allowed to undo."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p3v"))
($16 736 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxt "self" 734
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxt"))
($16 737 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxs "object" 734
(name "object"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxs"))
($16 738 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxr "first_transaction" 734
(defaultValue "None"
(name "first_transaction"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxr"))
($16 739 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxq "last_transaction" 734
(defaultValue "None"
(name "last_transaction"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxq"))
($16 740 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxp "PrincipiaUndoBatchSize" 734
(defaultValue "None"
(name "PrincipiaUndoBatchSize"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxp"))
($14 741 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxo "undo" 730
(name "undo"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxo"))
($15 742 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p3o "documentation" 741
(name "documentation"
(value "Performs an undo operation."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p3o"))
($16 743 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxn "self" 741
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxn"))
($16 744 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxm "object" 741
(name "object"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxm"))
($16 745 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxl "transaction_info" 741
(name "transaction_info"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxl"))
($9 746 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p3k "portal_workflow" 66
(name "portal_workflow"
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p3k"))
($15 747 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p3j "documentation" 746
(name "documentation"
(value "This tool accesses and changes the workflow state of content."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p3j"))
($10 748 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxk "#<anon> (portal_workflow, Base)" 746
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxk"))
($13 749 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p3i "id" 746
(name "id"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p3i"))
($14 750 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxj "getStateFor" 746
(name "getStateFor"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxj"))
($15 751 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p3g "documentation" 750
(name "documentation"
(value "Returns the current workflow state of content. State"
" is implemented as a mapping object."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p3g"))
($16 752 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxi "self" 750
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxi"))
($16 753 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxh "content" 750
(name "content"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxh"))
($14 754 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxg "listAllowableTransitionsFor" 746
(name "listAllowableTransitionsFor"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxg"))
($15 755 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p3c "documentation" 754
(name "documentation"
(value "Returns the list of transition names which are available"
" to the current user from the state of content."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p3c"))
($16 756 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxf "self" 754
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxf"))
($16 757 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxe "content" 754
(name "content"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxe"))
($14 758 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxd "changeStateFor" 746
(name "changeStateFor"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxd"))
($15 759 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p38 "documentation" 758
(name "documentation"
(value "Executes the given transition name on content with the"
" keyword arguments as modifiers and the comment as a history"
" attribute. Returns content, which may be in a new location."
" Remember there are no implicit security assertions;"
" implementations will need to add code that calls checkPermission."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p38"))
($16 760 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxc "self" 758
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxc"))
($16 761 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxb "content" 758
(name "content"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxb"))
($16 762 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxa "transition" 758
(name "transition"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oxa"))
($16 763 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ox9 "comment" 758
(name "comment"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ox9"))
($16 764 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ox8 "**kw" 758
(name "**kw"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ox8"))
($14 765 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ox7 "listAddableTypesFor" 746
(name "listAddableTypesFor"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ox7"))
($15 766 < -ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p31 "documentation" 765
(name "documentation"
(value "Lists the meta types that are allowed to be added by"
" the user to the given container."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_frn_cbxsbsgf_-p31"))
($16 767 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ox6 "self" 765
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ox6"))
($16 768 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ox5 "container" 765
(name "container"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ox5"))
($9 769 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ox4 "ImmutableId" 66
(name "ImmutableId"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ox4"))
($10 770 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ox3 "#<anon> (ImmutableId, Base)" 769
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ox3"))
($14 771 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ox2 "_setId" 769
(name "_setId"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ox2"))
($16 772 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ox1 "self" 771
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ox1"))
($16 773 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ox0 "id" 771
(name "id"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ox0"))
($13 774 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owz "id" 769
(name "id"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owz"))
($9 775 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owy "ToolInit" 66
(name "ToolInit"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owy"))
($15 776 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owx "documentation" 775
(name "documentation"
(value "Utility class that can generate the factories for several tools"
" at once."
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owx"))
($13 777 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oww "manage_addToolForm" 775
(name "manage_addToolForm"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oww"))
($14 778 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owv "__init__" 775
(name "__init__"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owv"))
($15 779 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owu "documentation" 778
(name "documentation"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owu"))
($16 780 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owt "self" 778
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owt"))
($16 781 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ows "meta_type" 778
(name "meta_type"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ows"))
($16 782 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owr "tools" 778
(name "tools"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owr"))
($16 783 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owq "product_name" 778
(name "product_name"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owq"))
($16 784 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owp "icon" 778
(name "icon"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owp"))
($13 785 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owo "meta_type" 775
(name "meta_type"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owo"))
($13 786 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-own "tools" 775
(name "tools"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-own"))
($13 787 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owm "product_name" 775
(name "product_name"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owm"))
($13 788 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owl "icon" 775
(name "icon"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owl"))
($14 789 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owk "manage_getMetaType" 775
(name "manage_getMetaType"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owk"))
($15 790 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owj "documentation" 789
(name "documentation"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owj"))
($16 791 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owi "self" 789
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owi"))
($14 792 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owh "manage_getProductName" 775
(name "manage_getProductName"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owh"))
($15 793 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owg "documentation" 792
(name "documentation"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owg"))
($16 794 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owf "self" 792
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owf"))
($14 795 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owe "manage_getIcon" 775
(name "manage_getIcon"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owe"))
($15 796 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owd "documentation" 795
(name "documentation"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owd"))
($16 797 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owc "self" 795
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owc"))
($14 798 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owb "manage_addTool" 775
(name "manage_addTool"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owb"))
($15 799 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owa "documentation" 798
(name "documentation"
(value "Adds the tool specified by name."
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-owa"))
($16 800 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ow9 "trueself" 798
(name "trueself"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ow9"))
($16 801 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ow8 "self" 798
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ow8"))
($16 802 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ow7 "type" 798
(name "type"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ow7"))
($16 803 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ow6 "REQUEST" 798
(defaultValue "None"
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ow6"))
($14 804 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ow5 "manage_listTypes" 775
(name "manage_listTypes"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ow5"))
($15 805 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ow4 "documentation" 804
(name "documentation"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ow4"))
($16 806 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ow3 "self" 804
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ow3"))
($14 807 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ow2 "initialize" 775
(name "initialize"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ow2"))
($16 808 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ow1 "self" 807
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ow1"))
($16 809 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ow0 "context" 807
(name "context"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ow0"))
($9 810 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovz "ReviewableContent" 66
(name "ReviewableContent"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovz"))
($15 811 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovy "documentation" 810
(name "documentation"
(value " Interface for Portal reviewing/publishing."
" "
" Reviewing/publishing is the process of manipulating the"
" 'View' permission of an object. Assigning different roles"
" to the 'View' permission makes the object visible to different"
" groups of people."
" This interface seems quite stable. A couple more hooks may be added."
" "
" PortalContent implements this interface."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovy"))
($14 812 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovx "publish" 810
(name "publish"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovx"))
($15 813 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovw "documentation" 812
(name "documentation"
(value " Returns the reviewing management interface."
" "
" Return: HTML page"
" Permission: 'View management screens'"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovw"))
($16 814 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovv "self" 812
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovv"))
($16 815 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovu "REQUEST" 812
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovu"))
($14 816 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovt "setReviewState" 810
(name "setReviewState"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovt"))
($15 817 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovs "documentation" 816
(name "documentation"
(value " Handle a web request to change the review state."
" 'review_state' is the desired state. This method needs to verify that"
" the authenticated member is allowed to change to this state, and that"
" the change makes sense."
" 'comments' are the user-supplied comments to be associated with this"
" action in the review history."
" 'effective_date' is a string representation of a date, which should be"
" passwd to set_effective_date if it differs from the presently set"
" effective_date."
" Return: HTML page"
" Permission: None bound, checks for 'Request review', 'Review item'."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovs"))
($16 818 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovr "self" 816
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovr"))
($16 819 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovq "review_state" 816
(name "review_state"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovq"))
($16 820 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovp "comments" 816
(name "comments"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovp"))
($16 821 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovo "effective_date" 816
(name "effective_date"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovo"))
($16 822 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovn "REQUEST" 816
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovn"))
($14 823 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovm "set_effective_date" 810
(name "set_effective_date"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovm"))
($15 824 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovl "documentation" 823
(name "documentation"
(value " Set the effective_date property"
" "
" This is when this resource becomes available to be"
" published."
" TODO: Shouldn't return an HTML page in all cases."
" Should accept a DataTime object as well as a string."
" "
" Arguments: effective_date -- a DateTime parsable string"
" Return: HTML page"
" Permission: 'Request review' "
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovl"))
($16 825 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovk "self" 823
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovk"))
($16 826 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovj "effective_date" 823
(name "effective_date"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovj"))
($16 827 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovi "REQUEST" 823
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovi"))
($9 828 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovh "PortalUI" 66
(name "PortalUI"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovh"))
($15 829 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovg "documentation" 828
(name "documentation"
(value ""
" This interface defines the user interface elements used by the"
" PTK. This includes forms, mail templates, reports, and other DTML"
" objects."
" These methods are not implemented by the PTK, but the PTK calls"
" them. They should be implemented by PTK applications."
" "
" A lot of these methods are inconsistently named. Some are"
" '_notify', while others are '_template', and so forth. This"
" should be cleaned up."
" "
" This documentation format doesn't always map so well to DTML"
" objects..."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovg"))
($14 830 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovf "standard_html_header" 828
(name "standard_html_header"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovf"))
($15 831 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ove "documentation" 830
(name "documentation"
(value ""
" These requirements are shared between standard_html_header and"
" standard_html_footer."
" The PTK and application elements will often pass DTML objects"
" a string called 'portal_status_message'. This message should"
" be prominently displayed somewhere if it exists."
" The header or footer is expected to display the Portal"
" Toolbox. This is done with the following DTML snippet:"
" <dtml-var \"getPortal().getToolbox(REQUEST)(this(), REQUEST)\">"
" The standard header is most unfortunately responsible for"
" preventing unprivilaged users from seeing future-dated items."
" Here's an example of how this can be implemeneted:"
"<dtml-if \"_.hasattr(this(),'Date') and Date().isFuture()\">"
" <dtml-let member=\"getPortal().getAuthenticatedMember()\">"
" <dtml-unless \"member.has_permission('Request review',this())"
" or member.has_permission('Review portal content',this())\">"
" <dtml-var \"RESPONSE.unauthorized()\">"
" </dtml-unless>"
" If anyone can provide a solution which does NOT depend on the"
" header, it would be a huge boon."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ove"))
($16 832 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovd "self" 830
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovd"))
($16 833 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovc "REQEUST" 830
(name "REQEUST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovc"))
($14 834 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovb "join_form" 828
(name "join_form"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ovb"))
($15 835 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ova "documentation" 834
(name "documentation"
(value ""
" This is the form the user fills out to become a Member."
" Before presenting the form, this page should verify that the"
" user is not already logged on as a user."
" This form should collect at minimum: username, full_name, and"
" email. The form may additionally collect any information"
" defined on the User class's property sheets."
" The form should prominently display the contents of 'error' if"
" this variable has been passed to it. This will contain error"
" messages from the code which validates the user input from"
" this form. The form should check REQEUST.form to see if the"
" user has already supplied any of these form values on a"
" previous attempt, and pre-fill the form with them if so."
" The action of this form should be 'register'."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ova"))
($16 836 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ov9 "self" 834
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ov9"))
($16 837 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ov8 "REQUEST" 834
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ov8"))
($14 838 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ov7 "logged_in" 828
(name "logged_in"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ov7"))
($15 839 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ov6 "documentation" 838
(name "documentation"
(value ""
" This page is the target of the login form."
" This page should check who is viewing it. If it's the"
" Anonymous User, it should display a \"Sorry, try again\" style"
" message, perhaps with pointers to \"Join\" and \"I forgot my"
" password\". Otherwise, this page should display a welcome"
" message, and perform whatever updates to the user object are"
" necessary each log-in."
" Since this page is also displayed when login has failed,"
" perhaps it should be renamed to simply 'login'."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ov6"))
($16 840 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ov5 "self" 838
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ov5"))
($16 841 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ov4 "REQUEST" 838
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ov4"))
($14 842 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ov3 "logged_out" 828
(name "logged_out"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ov3"))
($15 843 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ov2 "documentation" 842
(name "documentation"
(value ""
" This page is served to the user after they've been logged"
" out. Anything necessary to perform the log out opperation"
" will already have been done, this is just a status message."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ov2"))
($16 844 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ov1 "self" 842
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ov1"))
($16 845 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ov0 "REQUEST" 842
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ov0"))
($14 846 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ouz "login_form" 828
(name "login_form"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ouz"))
($15 847 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ouy "documentation" 846
(name "documentation"
(value ""
" This page should present the login form. The action of the"
" form should be \"&dtml.url-logged_in\". The information this"
" form should collect is application-dependant."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ouy"))
($16 848 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oux "self" 846
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oux"))
($16 849 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ouw "REQUEST" 846
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ouw"))
($14 850 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ouv "mail_password_form" 828
(name "mail_password_form"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ouv"))
($15 851 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ouu "documentation" 850
(name "documentation"
(value ""
" This form is used by the user to recover a lost or forgotten"
" password. It should collect a value for"
" 'forgotten_username' and submit it to 'mail_password'."
" Perhaps 'forgotten_username' should be renamed to"
" 'identifier', since a particular implementation may want to"
" use an email address or some other unique piece of information"
" more difficult to forget than a username."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ouu"))
($16 852 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-out "self" 850
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-out"))
($16 853 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ous "REQUEST" 850
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ous"))
($14 854 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-our "mail_password_template" 828
(name "mail_password_template"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-our"))
($15 855 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ouq "documentation" 854
(name "documentation"
(value ""
" This page should contain a sendmail tag which, using the"
" MailHost named 'MailHost', should send 'password' to the"
" address 'email'. The portal's email address and name are"
" available as 'email_from_address' and 'email_from_name'."
" The result of calling this method is returned to the user, so"
" it should also provide a message indicating that the mail has"
" been sent successfully."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ouq"))
($16 856 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oup "self" 854
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oup"))
($16 857 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ouo "REQEUST" 854
(name "REQEUST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ouo"))
($16 858 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oun "password" 854
(name "password"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oun"))
($16 859 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oum "email" 854
(name "email"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oum"))
($14 860 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oul "password_form" 828
(name "password_form"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oul"))
($15 861 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ouk "documentation" 860
(name "documentation"
(value ""
" This is the form the user uses to change their password and"
" domains. It should collect values for 'password', 'confirm'"
" (\"type your password again to confirm\"), and"
" 'domains:tokens'. Additionally, it should provide the user's"
" username in a hidden input called 'user'. The action of this"
" form should be 'changePassword'."
" I suppose changePassword could be made smart enough to deduce"
" the username if it is not explicitly provided."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ouk"))
($16 862 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ouj "self" 860
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ouj"))
($16 863 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oui "REQEUST" 860
(name "REQEUST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oui"))
($14 864 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ouh "personalize_form" 828
(name "personalize_form"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ouh"))
($15 865 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oug "documentation" 864
(name "documentation"
(value ""
" This is the form the user uses to edit the non-security"
" related portions of their user object. In user terms, to edit"
" their profile and preferences. The action of this form should"
" be 'personalize', which essentialy just called"
" setMemberProperties to save the new values."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oug"))
($16 866 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ouf "self" 864
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ouf"))
($16 867 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oue "REQEUST" 864
(name "REQEUST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oue"))
($14 868 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oud "registered" 828
(name "registered"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oud"))
($15 869 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ouc "documentation" 868
(name "documentation"
(value ""
" This page is served to the user upon seccessful registration."
" It should notify the user that their password has been emailed"
" to them (or whatever the mechanism is)."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ouc"))
($16 870 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oub "self" 868
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oub"))
($16 871 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oua "REQUEST" 868
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oua"))
($14 872 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ou9 "registered_notify" 828
(name "registered_notify"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ou9"))
($15 873 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ou8 "documentation" 872
(name "documentation"
(value " This page is used to to notify the user of the creation of"
" their account. It is passed the selected username, the"
" generated password, and the given email address. Since the"
" return value of this method is discarded, it should generate"
" some external notificaiton, typically via email."
" See mail_password_template above for information about sending"
" email via the portal."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ou8"))
($16 874 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ou7 "self" 872
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ou7"))
($16 875 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ou6 "REQUEST" 872
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ou6"))
($16 876 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ou5 "username" 872
(name "username"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ou5"))
($16 877 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ou4 "password" 872
(name "password"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ou4"))
($16 878 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ou3 "email" 872
(name "email"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ou3"))
($9 879 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ou2 "Member" 66
(name "Member"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ou2"))
($15 880 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ou1 "documentation" 879
(name "documentation"
(value " The Member interface includes the Zope BasicUser interface. This"
" document describes the additional methods the PTK Member interface"
" requires."
" A Member is also a PTK Toolbox Actions provider."
" Unlike ZClass property sheets, properties defined by a member's"
" propertysheets are not necessarily available as attributes of the"
" member. They should be explicitly referenced through the"
" PropertySheet or PropertySheets interfaces. If you depend on them"
" being available as attributes of the member, or upon members"
" having a 'propertysheets' attribute, your code will break in the"
" not-so-distant future."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ou1"))
($14 881 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ou0 "getHomeUrl" 879
(name "getHomeUrl"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ou0"))
($15 882 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otz "documentation" 881
(name "documentation"
(value " Returns a URL to this user's Member folder. This URL is not"
" necesarily sanity- or reality-checked in any way."
" This method is implemented by BTKBase.MemberBase and by"
" PersistentUserSource.MemberMixin."
" Returns: string"
" Permissions: None assigned"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otz"))
($16 883 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oty "self" 881
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oty"))
($14 884 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otx "setMemberProperties" 879
(name "setMemberProperties"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otx"))
($15 885 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otw "documentation" 884
(name "documentation"
(value " Search the user's propertysheets for properties with values in"
" the REQUEST variable, and update them with the REQUEST's"
" value."
" This method is implemented by BTKBase.MemberBase and by"
" PersistentUserSource.MemberMixin."
" Returns: None"
" Permissions: None assigned"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otw"))
($16 886 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otv "self" 884
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otv"))
($16 887 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otu "REQUEST" 884
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otu"))
($14 888 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ott "PropertySheets" 879
(name "PropertySheets"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ott"))
($15 889 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ots "documentation" 888
(name "documentation"
(value " Return a list of all of the member's property sheets."
" This method is implemented by BTKBase.MemberBase and by"
" PersistentUserSource.MemberMixin."
" Returns: list"
" Permissions: none assigned"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ots"))
($16 890 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otr "self" 888
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otr"))
($14 891 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otq "changeUser" 879
(name "changeUser"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otq"))
($15 892 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otp "documentation" 891
(name "documentation"
(value " Set the user's basic security properties."
" LoginManager will contain these basic properties in a"
" designated propertysheet. Since this sheet does not yet"
" exist, and since (in the interm) the PTK is supporting"
" multiple user folder-like objects with different methods of"
" handling these properties, changeUser is being provided as a"
" Member method. Eventually, it will just be a shorthand which"
" attempts to set the values of the appropreate property sheet."
" This method is implemented by BTKBase.MemberBase and by"
" PersistentUserSource.MemberMixin."
" Returns: None"
" Permissions: None assigned (this is probably an important one to fix)"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otp"))
($16 893 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oto "self" 891
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oto"))
($16 894 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otn "password" 891
(name "password"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otn"))
($16 895 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otm "roles" 891
(name "roles"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otm"))
($16 896 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otl "domains" 891
(name "domains"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otl"))
($9 897 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otk "MemberFolder" 66
(name "MemberFolder"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otk"))
($15 898 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otj "documentation" 897
(name "documentation"
(value " The Member Folder is the PTK's acl_users object. This interface"
" has been threatening to dissapear for a couple weeks. This is"
" because this interface does not add anything to the"
" BasicUserFolder interface that could not be better placed"
" elsewhere. (For example, the PortalObject.)"
" * addMember has been moved to the Portal interface."
" "
" This interface document describes the additional methods over"
" BasicUserFolder which this interface requires."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otj"))
($14 899 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oti "is_ssl" 897
(name "is_ssl"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oti"))
($15 900 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oth "documentation" 899
(name "documentation"
(value " This method does not seem to be used anywhere presently. It"
" was inherited from my initial codebase."
" This will go away when PTK officially moves to LoginManager."
" If you need information like this, you can discover it with an"
" appropreate LoginMethod."
" Returns: true if REQUEST came via an SSL connection, false"
" otherwise"
" Permissions: None assigned"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oth"))
($16 901 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otg "self" 899
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otg"))
($16 902 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otf "REQUEST" 899
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otf"))
($14 903 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ote "__bobo_traverse__" 897
(name "__bobo_traverse__"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ote"))
($15 904 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otd "documentation" 903
(name "documentation"
(value " Handle object traversal to Member objects."
" LoginManager also provides this service."
" "
" Returns: Member object, or a containted Zope object"
" Raises: 'Not Found' if 'name' refers to an unknown resource"
" Permissions: None assigned"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otd"))
($16 905 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otc "self" 903
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otc"))
($16 906 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otb "REEQUEST" 903
(name "REEQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-otb"))
($16 907 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ota "name" 903
(defaultValue "None"
(name "name"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ota"))
($9 908 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ot9 "IndexableContent" 66
(name "IndexableContent"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ot9"))
($15 909 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ot8 "documentation" 908
(name "documentation"
(value " Interface for indexing by PortalCatalog."
" "
" PortalContent implements this interface. The existing portions of"
" this interface are firm."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ot8"))
($14 910 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ot7 "Title" 908
(name "Title"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ot7"))
($15 911 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ot6 "documentation" 910
(name "documentation"
(value " Dublin Core element - resource name"
" "
" Used for indexing. By default, simply returns self.title."
" "
" Return: string"
" Permission: 'View'"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ot6"))
($16 912 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ot5 "self" 910
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ot5"))
($14 913 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ot4 "Creator" 908
(name "Creator"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ot4"))
($15 914 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ot3 "documentation" 913
(name "documentation"
(value " Dublin Core element - resource creator"
" "
" Used for indexing, but may be used anywhere. If there are"
" multiple owners, returns only the name of the first found."
" "
" Return: string"
" Permission: 'View'"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ot3"))
($16 915 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ot2 "self" 913
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ot2"))
($14 916 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ot1 "Date" 908
(name "Date"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ot1"))
($15 917 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ot0 "documentation" 916
(name "documentation"
(value " Dublin Core element - effective date"
" "
" Used for indexing. This is not necessarily the creation or"
" modification date-- object can be future-dated so that they"
" can automagically appear on the portal at the appropreate"
" time."
" "
" Return: DateTime"
" Permission: 'View'"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ot0"))
($16 918 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osz "self" 916
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osz"))
($14 919 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osy "Description" 908
(name "Description"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osy"))
($15 920 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osx "documentation" 919
(name "documentation"
(value " Dublin Core element - summary"
" "
" Used for indexing. This is typically a plain-english"
" description of the contents of this particular object."
" "
" Return: string"
" Permission: 'View'"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osx"))
($16 921 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osw "self" 919
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osw"))
($14 922 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osv "Subject" 908
(name "Subject"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osv"))
($15 923 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osu "documentation" 922
(name "documentation"
(value " Dublin Core elment - Topical keywords"
" This is a list of user-defined keywords."
" Return: list of strings"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osu"))
($16 924 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ost "self" 922
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ost"))
($14 925 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oss "SearchableText" 908
(name "SearchableText"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oss"))
($15 926 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osr "documentation" 925
(name "documentation"
(value " Returns a concatenation of all searchable text"
" "
" Used for indexing. Probably shouldn't be used elsewhere."
" PortalContent subclasses should use this to return a"
" concatenation of any text you would like the user to be able"
" to search against in a standard, full-text search."
" "
" Return: string"
" Permission: 'View'"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osr"))
($16 927 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osq "self" 925
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osq"))
($9 928 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osp "Discussable" 66
(name "Discussable"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osp"))
($15 929 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oso "documentation" 928
(name "documentation"
(value " Discussable is the interface for things which can have responses."
" It is implemented by PTKBase.Discussions.Discussable. That class"
" is designed to mix-in with a PortalContent-derived class. It has"
" already been mixed-in with the actual PortalContent class, so at"
" present, any PTK object can support replies."
" This interface contains some bogosity. Things like replyForm,"
" replyPreview and createReply really shouldn't be done here. The"
" interface presently assumes that there is only one sort of object"
" which the user would ever want to use to create a reply. This is"
" a bad assumption, and needs to be addressed!"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oso"))
($13 930 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osn "threadView" 928
(name "threadView"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osn"))
($13 931 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osm "replyForm" 928
(name "replyForm"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osm"))
($13 932 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osl "replyPreview" 928
(name "replyPreview"
(ownerScope "type")
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osl"))
($14 933 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osk "createReply" 928
(name "createReply"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osk"))
($15 934 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osj "documentation" 933
(name "documentation"
(value " Create a reply in the proper place. See the next method for more"
" information."
" Permission: Reply to item"
" Returns: HTML (directly or via redirect)"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osj"))
($16 935 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osi "self" 933
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osi"))
($16 936 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osh "title" 933
(name "title"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osh"))
($16 937 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osg "text" 933
(name "text"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osg"))
($16 938 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osf "REQUEST" 933
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osf"))
($16 939 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ose "RESPONSE" 933
(name "RESPONSE"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ose"))
($14 940 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osd "getReplyLocationAndID" 928
(name "getReplyLocationAndID"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osd"))
($15 941 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osc "documentation" 940
(name "documentation"
(value " This method determines where a user's reply should be stored, and"
" what it's ID should be."
" You don't really want to force users to have to select a"
" unique ID each time they want to reply to something. The"
" present implementation selects a folder in the Member's home"
" folder called 'Correspondence' (creating it if it is missing)"
" and finds a free ID in that folder."
" createReply should use this method to determine what the reply"
" it creates should be called, and where it should be placed."
" This method (and createReply, I expect) do not really belong in"
" this interface. There should be a DiscussionManager singleton"
" (probably the portal object itself) which handles this."
" Permissions: None assigned"
" Returns: 2-tuple, containing the container object, and a string ID."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osc"))
($16 942 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osb "self" 940
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osb"))
($16 943 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osa "REQUEST" 940
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-osa"))
($14 944 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-os9 "getReplyResults" 928
(name "getReplyResults"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-os9"))
($15 945 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-os8 "documentation" 944
(name "documentation"
(value " Return the ZCatalog results that represent this object's replies."
" Often, the actual objects are not needed. This is less expensive"
" than fetching the objects."
" Permissions: View"
" Returns: sequence of ZCatalog results representing DiscussionResponses"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-os8"))
($16 946 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-os7 "self" 944
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-os7"))
($14 947 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-os6 "getReplies" 928
(name "getReplies"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-os6"))
($15 948 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-os5 "documentation" 947
(name "documentation"
(value " Return a sequence of the DiscussionResponse objects which are"
" associated with this Discussable"
" Permissions: View"
" Returns: sequence of DiscussionResponses"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-os5"))
($16 949 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-os4 "self" 947
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-os4"))
($14 950 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-os3 "quotedContents" 928
(name "quotedContents"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-os3"))
($15 951 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-os2 "documentation" 950
(name "documentation"
(value " Return this object's contents in a form suitable for inclusion"
" as a quote in a response. The default implementation returns"
" an empty string. It might be overridden to return a '>' quoted"
" version of the item."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-os2"))
($16 952 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-os1 "self" 950
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-os1"))
($14 953 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-os0 "allowReplies" 928
(name "allowReplies"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-os0"))
($15 954 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-orz "documentation" 953
(name "documentation"
(value " This method must return a logically true value if an object is"
" willing to support replies."
" Permissions: None assigned"
" Returns: truth value"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-orz"))
($16 955 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ory "self" 953
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ory"))
($9 956 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-orx "DiscussionResponse" 66
(name "DiscussionResponse"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-orx"))
($15 957 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-orw "documentation" 956
(name "documentation"
(value " "
" This interface describes the behaviour of a Discussion Response."
" It is implemented in PTKBase.Discussions.DiscussionResponse. This"
" implementation is also designed to be mixed together with"
" PortalContent. This has been done in the"
" PTK.DiscussionItem.DiscussionItem class, which the PTK presently"
" uses for all replies."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-orw"))
($14 958 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-orv "inReplyTo" 956
(name "inReplyTo"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-orv"))
($15 959 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oru "documentation" 958
(name "documentation"
(value " Return the Discussable object which this item is associated with"
" Permissions: None assigned"
" Returns: a Discussable object"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oru"))
($16 960 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ort "self" 958
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ort"))
($16 961 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ors "REQUEST" 958
(defaultValue "None"
(name "REQUEST"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ors"))
($14 962 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-orr "setReplyTo" 956
(name "setReplyTo"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-orr"))
($15 963 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-orq "documentation" 962
(name "documentation"
(value " Make this object a response to the passed object. (Will also"
" accept a path in the form of a string.) If reply_to does not"
" support or accept replies, a ValueError will be raised. (This"
" does not seem like the right exception.)"
" Permissions: None assigned"
" Returns: None"
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-orq"))
($16 964 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-orp "self" 962
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-orp"))
($16 965 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oro "reply_to" 962
(name "reply_to"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-oro"))
($14 966 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-orn "parentsInThread" 956
(name "parentsInThread"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-orn"))
($15 967 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-orm "documentation" 966
(name "documentation"
(value " Return the list of object which are this object's parents, from the"
" point of view of the threaded discussion. Parents are ordered"
" oldest to newest."
" If 'size' is not zero, only the closest 'size' parents will be"
" returned."
" "
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-orm"))
($16 968 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-orl "self" 966
(name "self"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-orl"))
($16 969 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ork "size" 966
(defaultValue "0 "
(name "size"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-ork"))
($8 970 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p8n "ZCatalog" 65
(name "ZCatalog"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p8n"))
($8 972 < -ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-orj "ExtensionClass" 65
(name "ExtensionClass"
(uid "-ax4zxc_94h_cd0gyoyz_-orj"))
($8 974 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p8p "OFS" 64
(name "OFS"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-p8p"))
($19 977 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oez "stereotypes" 1
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oez"))
($20 978 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oey "_odPackage" 977
(name "_odPackage"
(baseClass "Package")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oey"))
($20 979 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oex "odStub" 977
(name "odStub"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oex"))
($20 980 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oew "access" 977
(name "access"
(baseClass "Dependency")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oew"))
($20 981 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oev "association" 977
(name "association"
(baseClass "AssociationEnd")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oev"))
($20 982 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oeu "create" 977
(name "create"
(baseClass "BehavioralFeature")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oeu"))
($20 983 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oet "destroy" 977
(name "destroy"
(baseClass "BehavioralFeature")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oet"))
($20 984 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oes "document" 977
(name "document"
(baseClass "Component")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oes"))
($20 985 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oer "executable" 977
(name "executable"
(baseClass "Component")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oer"))
($20 986 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oeq "extend" 977
(name "extend"
(baseClass "Dependency")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oeq"))
($20 987 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oep "facade" 977
(name "facade"
(baseClass "Package")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oep"))
($20 988 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oeo "file" 977
(name "file"
(baseClass "Component")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oeo"))
($20 989 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oen "framework" 977
(name "framework"
(baseClass "Package")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oen"))
($20 990 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oem "friend" 977
(name "friend"
(baseClass "Dependency")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oem"))
($20 991 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oel "global" 977
(name "global"
(baseClass "AssociationEnd")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oel"))
($20 992 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oek "implementation" 977
(name "implementation"
(baseClass "Generalization")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oek"))
($20 993 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oej "implementationClass" 977
(name "implementationClass"
(baseClass "Class")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oej"))
($20 994 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oei "import" 977
(name "import"
(baseClass "Dependency")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oei"))
($20 995 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oeh "include" 977
(name "include"
(baseClass "Dependency")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oeh"))
($20 996 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oeg "invariant" 977
(name "invariant"
(baseClass "Constraint")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oeg"))
($20 997 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oef "library" 977
(name "library"
(baseClass "Component")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oef"))
($20 998 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oee "local" 977
(name "local"
(baseClass "AssociationEnd")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oee"))
($20 999 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oed "metaclass" 977
(name "metaclass"
(baseClass "Classifier")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oed"))
($20 1000 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oec "metamodel" 977
(name "metamodel"
(baseClass "Package")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oec"))
($20 1001 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oeb "parameter" 977
(name "parameter"
(baseClass "AssociationEnd")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oeb"))
($20 1002 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oea "postcondition" 977
(name "postcondition"
(baseClass "Constraint")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oea"))
($20 1003 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oe9 "powertype" 977
(name "powertype"
(baseClass "Classifier")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oe9"))
($20 1004 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oe8 "precondition" 977
(name "precondition"
(baseClass "Constraint")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oe8"))
($20 1005 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oe7 "process" 977
(name "process"
(baseClass "Classifier")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oe7"))
($20 1006 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oe6 "requirement" 977
(name "requirement"
(baseClass "Comment")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oe6"))
($20 1007 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oe5 "responsibility" 977
(name "responsibility"
(baseClass "Comment")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oe5"))
($20 1008 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oe4 "self" 977
(name "self"
(baseClass "AssociationEnd")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oe4"))
($20 1009 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oe3 "stub" 977
(name "stub"
(baseClass "Package")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oe3"))
($20 1010 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oe2 "systemModel" 977
(name "systemModel"
(baseClass "Package")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oe2"))
($20 1011 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oe1 "table" 977
(name "table"
(baseClass "Component")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oe1"))
($20 1012 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oe0 "thread" 977
(name "thread"
(baseClass "Classifier")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-oe0"))
($20 1013 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-odz "topLevel" 977
(name "topLevel"
(baseClass "Package")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-odz"))
($20 1014 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ody "type" 977
(name "type"
(baseClass "Class")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ody"))
($20 1015 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-odx "utility" 977
(name "utility"
(baseClass "Classifier")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-odx"))
($20 1016 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-odw "boundary" 977
(name "boundary"
(baseClass "Class")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-odw"))
($20 1017 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-odv "entity" 977
(name "entity"
(baseClass "Class")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-odv"))
($20 1018 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-odu "control" 977
(name "control"
(baseClass "Class")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-odu"))
($20 1019 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-odt "interface" 977
(name "interface"
(baseClass "Class")
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-odt"))
($21 1020 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ods "styles" 1
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-ods"))
($8 1021 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-odr "Component" 1
(name "Component"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-odr")
(namespaceRoot true))
($8 1022 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-odq "Usecase" 1
(name "Usecase"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-odq")
(namespaceRoot true))
($8 1023 < -ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-odp "Deployment" 1
(name "Deployment"
(uid "-ax4zxc_j1d_cbxq5v06_-odp")
(namespaceRoot true))
($22 1024)
($23 1025)
($22 1026)
($22 1027)
($22 1028)
($22 1029)
($22 1030)
($22 1031)
($22 1032)
($22 1033)
($22 1034)
($22 1035)
($22 1036)
($22 1037)
($22 1038)
($22 1039)
($22 1040)
($22 1041)
($22 1042)
($22 1043)
($22 1044)
($22 1045)
($22 1046)
($22 1047)
($22 1048)
($22 1049)
($22 1050)
($22 1051)
($22 1052)
($22 1053)
($22 1054)
($22 1055)
($22 1056)
($22 1057)
($22 1058)
($22 1059)
($22 1060)
($22 1061)
($22 1062)
($22 1063)
($22 1064)
($22 1065)
($22 1066)
($22 1067)
($23 1068)
($22 1069)
($22 1070)
($22 1071)
($22 1072)
($22 1073)
($22 1074)
($22 1075)
($22 1076)
($22 1077)
($22 1078)
($22 1079)
($22 1080)
($22 1081)
($22 1082)
($22 1083)
($22 1084)
($25 1085
(name "DomainLockObject"
($26 1086
(image 16 16
10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432
10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432
10000432 10000432 10000432 -6776680 -6776680 -6776680 -6776680 -6776680 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432
10000432 10000432 -6776680 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776680 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432
10000432 -6776680 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776680 -6776680 -6776680 -6776680 -6776680 10000432 10000432
10000432 -6776680 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -6776680 -16777216 10000432
10000432 -6776680 -1 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776680 -16777216 10000432
10000432 -6776680 -1 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -6776680 -16777216 10000432
10000432 -6776680 -1 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776680 -16777216 10000432
10000432 -6776680 -1 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -6776680 -16777216 10000432
10000432 -6776680 -1 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776680 -16777216 10000432
10000432 -6776680 -1 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -3618616 -6776632 -6776680 -16777216 10000432
10000432 -6776680 -6776680 -6776680 -6776680 -6776680 -6776680 -6776680 -6776680 -6776680 -6776680 -6776680 -6776680 -6776680 -16777216 10000432
10000432 10000432 -16777216 -16777216 -16777216 -16777216 -16777216 -16777216 -16777216 -16777216 -16777216 -16777216 -16777216 -16777216 -16777216 10000432
10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432
10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432 10000432))
($26 1087
(image 16 16
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($26 1088
(image 16 16
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($26 1089
(image 16 16
8421376 8421376 8421376 8421376 8421376 8421376 8421376 8421376 8421376 8421376 8421376 8421376 8421376 8421376 8421376 8421376
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(projectionAssn 25 629 1046)
(projectionAssn 26 676 1047)
(projectionAssn 27 730 1048)
(projectionAssn 28 746 1049)
(to 29 24)
(from 29 13)
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(to 30 28)
(from 30 5)
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(to 31 21)
(from 31 19)
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(to 32 25)
(from 32 11)
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(to 33 22)
(from 33 5)
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(to 34 22)
(from 34 13)
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(to 35 22)
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(to 36 22)
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(to 37 23)
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(to 38 27)
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(to 39 26)
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(typeExpression 414 1025)
(typeExpression 415 1025)
(typeExpression 416 1025)
(typeExpression 417 1025)
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(typeExpression 179 1025)
(typeExpression 180 1025)
(typeExpression 183 1025)
(typeExpression 184 1025)
(typeExpression 187 1025)
(typeExpression 190 1025)
(typeExpression 193 1025)
(typeExpression 196 1025)
(typeExpression 197 1025)
(typeExpression 200 1025)
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(assocEndAssn 418 425)
(typeAssn 428 418)
(assocEndAssn 418 428)
(typeAssn 431 418)
(assocEndAssn 418 431)
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(assocEndAssn 418 434)
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(typeExpression 360 1025)
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(typeExpression 368 1025)
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(typeExpression 372 1025)
(typeExpression 373 1025)
(typeExpression 374 1025)
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(typeExpression 378 1068)
(typeExpression 379 1068)
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(typeExpression 382 1025)
(typeExpression 383 1025)
(typeExpression 385 1025)
(typeExpression 386 1025)
(typeExpression 388 1025)
(typeExpression 391 1025)
(typeExpression 392 1025)
(typeExpression 393 1025)
(typeExpression 394 1025)
(typeExpression 397 1025)
(typeExpression 398 1025)
(typeExpression 399 1025)
(typeExpression 400 1025)
(typeExpression 402 1025)
(typeExpression 403 1025)
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(typeExpression 207 1025)
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(typeExpression 223 1025)
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(typeExpression 238 1025)
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(typeExpression 249 1025)
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(typeExpression 252 1025)
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(typeExpression 256 1025)
(typeExpression 257 1025)
(typeExpression 258 1025)
(typeExpression 259 1025)
(typeExpression 261 1025)
(typeExpression 262 1025)
(typeExpression 264 1025)
(typeExpression 265 1025)
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(typeExpression 270 1025)
(typeExpression 271 1025)
(typeExpression 272 1025)
(typeExpression 273 1025)
(typeExpression 274 1025)
(typeExpression 275 1025)
(typeExpression 277 1025)
(typeExpression 278 1025)
(typeExpression 279 1025)
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(typeExpression 783 1025)
(typeExpression 784 1025)
(typeExpression 785 1025)
(typeExpression 786 1025)
(typeExpression 787 1025)
(typeExpression 788 1025)
(typeExpression 791 1025)
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(typeExpression 797 1025)
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(typeExpression 814 1025)
(typeExpression 815 1025)
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(typeExpression 819 1025)
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(typeExpression 821 1025)
(typeExpression 822 1025)
(typeExpression 825 1025)
(typeExpression 826 1025)
(typeExpression 827 1025)
(typeExpression 832 1025)
(typeExpression 833 1025)
(typeExpression 836 1025)
(typeExpression 837 1025)
(typeExpression 840 1025)
(typeExpression 841 1025)
(typeExpression 844 1025)
(typeExpression 845 1025)
(typeExpression 848 1025)
(typeExpression 849 1025)
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(typeExpression 853 1025)
(typeExpression 856 1025)
(typeExpression 857 1025)
(typeExpression 858 1025)
(typeExpression 859 1025)
(typeExpression 862 1025)
(typeExpression 863 1025)
(typeExpression 866 1025)
(typeExpression 867 1025)
(typeExpression 870 1025)
(typeExpression 871 1025)
(typeExpression 874 1025)
(typeExpression 875 1025)
(typeExpression 876 1025)
(typeExpression 877 1025)
(typeExpression 878 1025)
(typeExpression 883 1025)
(typeExpression 886 1025)
(typeExpression 887 1025)
(typeExpression 890 1025)
(typeExpression 893 1025)
(typeExpression 894 1025)
(typeExpression 895 1025)
(typeExpression 896 1025)
(typeExpression 901 1025)
(typeExpression 902 1025)
(typeExpression 905 1025)
(typeExpression 906 1025)
(typeExpression 907 1025)
(typeExpression 912 1025)
(typeExpression 915 1025)
(typeExpression 918 1025)
(typeExpression 921 1025)
(typeExpression 924 1025)
(typeExpression 927 1025)
(typeExpression 930 1025)
(typeExpression 931 1025)
(typeExpression 932 1025)
(typeExpression 935 1025)
(typeExpression 936 1025)
(typeExpression 937 1025)
(typeExpression 938 1025)
(typeExpression 939 1025)
(typeExpression 942 1025)
(typeExpression 943 1025)
(typeExpression 946 1025)
(typeExpression 949 1025)
(typeExpression 952 1025)
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(typeExpression 960 1025)
(typeExpression 961 1025)
(typeExpression 964 1025)
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