Breaks 2.7.5 - Info on backing out for Debian
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Applying this hotfix to my zope 2.7.5 install (Debian sarge, using zope2.7 package) resulted in a broken install that would not start up completely.
Here's what I found while backing out the hotfix:
The hotfix-installed files are set to an owner, group and perms that do not work with an existing install (zope fails to start up completely/correctly). I don't know if there are other problems also, but that was the relevant issue for me. To back out, be aware that the owner, group and perms for the Products folder is altered to the same settings!
Simplest way to back out in Debain seemed to be a reinstall of the zope2.7 debian package to get the pre-hotfix files back. Trying the package install, I got some explicit errors on the hotfix-installed files that pointed me to the owner/group/perms problems with those.
Then the debian package appeared to install, but zope still failed to actually start.
Final problem was the owner/group/perms on the Products folder itself, changed to the same non-functional settings, blocking correct/complete reinstall of the original files (unfortunately the package install didn't raise any errors on that - I noticed it while angrily poking about looking for clues...).
Once I fixed the messed-up owner/group/perms on the Products folder and did the package install again, all was well.
John S.