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Products that have to do with buying or selling.

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Download mxODBC Zope DA 2010/03/25 08:57:51.235 GMT-4 lemburg is pleased to announce the availability of our new high performance and professional quality ODBC Zope Database Adapter (Zope DA): the **mxODBC Zope DA**. Introduction The mxODBC ... 

BannerAdManager2.0 2006/09/27 16:43:55.861 GMT-4 senacle BannerAdManager

BannerAdManager is a Zope Product which manages easily banner adverts. 

Atshop is a product for an Internet - shop. 2006/02/19 17:43:56.146 US/Eastern sergey2b 1.14

Atshop is a product for an Internet - shop. Purpose: The software is intended for fast development the Internet - shops and web-sites of the companies. The product allows to create the commodity ... 

RimI - Rathaus im Internet 2005/12/31 02:37:51.108 US/Eastern nielsd

Application framework to build internet portals for the german government and public administration services - the first real open source project. The goal of RimI is to give a free, independent ... 

Rakun XML Application Framework 2005/12/22 16:44:39.416 US/Eastern evrimozcelik rakun-0.3.4

Rakun aims to integrate database applications into Plone. Currently, it makes existing databases accessible through Plone and supports business logic via scripts. The long-term goal is to provide an ... 

Real Estate Broker 2005/06/05 09:57:11.138 GMT-4 zest RealEstateBroker

This is an add-on product for Plone which provides an out-of-the-box website for Real Estate Brokers to publish their objects. 

Plone PayPal 2004/02/04 02:31:08.894 US/Eastern bowerymarc 0.44

REQUIRES: - ImageTag_CorePatch (available here). - Archetypes 1.2.3_final - PIL (for ImageTag_CorePatch) NOTE: THIS IS A FINANCIAL PRODUCT. USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. NO ... 

Ontobroker Query Client - NEW 2003/11/07 14:29:48.950 US/Eastern ontoprise 1.5

Information to Semantically Enable Your Systems Semantic Information Integration Smarter Integration Smarter Access Introduction to the Ontobroker ... 

BastionLedger 2003/10/27 10:01:25.200 US/Eastern alan_milligan

The suite currently supports, a general ledger, inventory, and order management system. Work is underway to create a payroll system. There is support for multi-currency, subsidiary ledgers, and ... 

BastionBanking 2003/10/27 10:01:25.012 US/Eastern alan_milligan

BastionBanking is our initiative to actively provide software tools to allow Zope clients to directly integrate their Zope Product's with the banking institution(s) of their choice.  

IssueManager 2003/07/26 11:38:33 GMT-4 ZopeOrgSite

Please note that this project has been renamed to the Issue Dealer project.  

web application designer 2003/05/31 04:32:32 GMT-4 ZopeOrgSite

Kuzgun is a Opensource web application developer platform 

Zope Grand Unified Desktop 2003/05/30 15:56:10 GMT-4 ZopeOrgSite 1.0.0-preview5

ZopeGUD is aiming at replacing WorldPilot/Microsoft Outlook. It has a mail client, calendar, address book, notes, todofolder, personal folder and bookmark folder. Some screenshots: ... 

A session folder without cookies, based in ... 2003/05/22 11:56:14 GMT-4 ZopeOrgSite 0.0.7

See Works for Zope 2.4.x, but with Zope 2.5.x I don't know if it works, or if it is usefull (2.5 has session mananagement incorporated). This product ... 

NauScheduler 2003/04/03 03:53:13 US/Eastern ZopeOrgSite

NauScheduler manage schedulable tasks, wich you can create. 

Z Message Queue Product 2003/03/01 09:38:53 US/Eastern ZopeOrgSite 0.2.0

The Z Message Queue product is a publish-subscribe message queueing system built on top of Zope. This product focuses more on guaranteed delivery of messages than speed. The message queue has the ... 

Cybermut e-paiment system component 2003/02/18 05:44:01 US/Eastern ZopeOrgSite 1.0

ZCybermut is a small but effective product dedicated to simplify usage of the Cybermut payment system from Zope. It is written by "Ingeniweb": ... 

ZClass-based Advertising Banner Product 2003/01/17 13:46:12 US/Eastern ZopeOrgSite default

This Product adds a ClickableBanner ZClass, basically a Renderable with properties for URL, and a Banner Folder ZClass. The BannerFolder object can contain Banners and DTML Methods. It will randomly ... 

JobListings Product 2002/12/14 01:48:14 US/Eastern ZopeOrgSite 0.0.2

The JobListings product is a stand-alone job listing board. Jobs can be managed through the Zope Management Interface, or by using dtml forms included with the distribution. Currently, ... 

NauSite 2002/11/29 09:35:19 US/Eastern ZopeOrgSite

NauSite is an open source Content Management System (CMS) and Enterprise Portal (EP) developed by Naumen company. NauSite stores the enterprise data in a centralized hierarchical repository easily ... 

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