eGenix.com mxODBC Zope DA
2010/03/25 08:57:51.235 GMT-4 |
lemburg |
eGenix.com is pleased to announce the availability of our new
high performance and professional quality ODBC Zope Database Adapter (Zope DA): the **mxODBC Zope DA**.
The mxODBC ...
Corp Calendar
2006/08/21 15:14:41.079 GMT-4 |
malikz |
Corp Calendar is a simple little calendar application suitable for small groups or companies.
Hosting of this project has been moved ...
Upload and Download Monitor
2006/02/13 21:26:48.292 US/Eastern |
TheJester |
Threaded Transfer Agent
Example product showing how to monitor uploads into Zope.
2005/05/13 08:30:10.302 GMT-4 |
chrisw |
Squishdot is a news publishing and discussion product for Zope. It creates a place in your website where people can post short articles, news items,
announcements, etc. as well as hold threaded ...
Strip-o-Gram HTML Conversion Library
2005/05/13 08:17:31.631 GMT-4 |
chrisw |
This is a library for converting HTML to Plain Text
and stripping specified tags from HTML.
Releases can be downloaded from ...
2005/02/15 11:21:03.144 US/Eastern |
mrlex |
zope-mkproduct is a shell script utility for building a functionnal and ready-to-edit Zope Product from scratch. It generates python files. And is targetted for quick product bootstrap & educational ...
Collection of ZPT Macros for the management views
2004/09/01 12:39:48.720 GMT-4 |
jmeile |
JMZPTMacros - a collection of ZPT Macros for the management views
The JMZPTMacros is a collection of macros to be used in the construction
of other products. It makes easy to write your own ...
My Boring Product with ZPT Management views
2004/09/01 12:39:45.274 GMT-4 |
jmeile |
JMBoring - a product tutorial for Zope
The JMBoring product is only a way to show how a python based product
is done and to test my generic ZPT Macros for doing management views.
Most of ...
CMFBoringTool, a minimalistic demo CMF Tool
2004/05/26 00:47:29.296 GMT-4 |
slinkp |
A minimalistic demo of a CMF Tool that provides actions, a skinned template, and an installer method.
Photos event management for a scholl
2004/04/15 01:11:22.245 GMT-4 |
nledez |
I create this tiny application to help me :
- Create a photo album with index
- Create order from parents
- Create a distribution for my camera shop
- Create a list of parent to print ...
Jsp for Zope
2004/03/11 09:13:05.927 US/Eastern |
Ioan |
Use this product to create and use jsp pages on a Zope server.
But before to use this product back-up your server.
History of changes is here
This product does not support servlets.
Use a ...
2004/02/20 10:54:14.835 US/Eastern |
ZopeOrgSite |
Plone Calendar 1.0.2
This page is maintained by Oliver Merkel.
- **Plone Calendar**
This is a Plone conform Groupware Calendaring application extending the given features of time driven PLONE objects like events ...
Shakespearean Insult Generator
2003/12/15 00:43:12.147 US/Eastern |
ZopeOrgSite |
The Shakespearean Insult Generator is an example of an External Method. It also shows how truly useless and entertaining coding can be. It was translated from Delphi.
Silva Sample Content Types
2003/11/30 12:38:10.036 US/Eastern |
camil7 |
SilvaSampleContentTypes is an extension
of the "Silva":http://www.zope.org/Members/infrae/Silva
It provides some example content types and
some documentation describing
a ...
SQL Forms
2003/10/17 13:20:54.421 GMT-4 |
Ioan |
SQL Forms
This is a Zope wizard!
This is a front end for managing SQL tables.
From Zope interface you design your SQL table,
then create the table and that's all.
The result is that you can ...
Source Safe
2003/08/28 20:28:17.316 GMT-4 |
dean.jenkins |
A Zope Folder-ish object which allows a number of users to check out, check in, comment on and edit files / documents through the web. Keeps track of which users have checked out which files for ...
Silva Display Description
2003/08/26 07:42:33.259 GMT-4 |
camil7 |
This is just an example how something like a Layout-Description
could be edited for Silva. The "content type" DisplayDescription
is not of any use by itself, but can be used to display other ...
2003/07/02 06:37:45 GMT-4 |
ZopeOrgSite |
The **VisualCMS** Product provides a custom "CMF":http://cmf.zope.org portal type, CMSPage, and a visual interface for creating composite web pages. Text chunks, Graphics and Files are the default ...
2003/06/23 05:26:19 GMT-4 |
ZopeOrgSite |
If your want project- and ressource management based on a clone of BITS and ZTIMESHEET - this is it.
The product is still buggy (is in pre-alfa-state), but should improve in weeks to come. ...
Photo Addon
2003/06/12 03:47:49 GMT-4 |
ZopeOrgSite |
This is an Addon for the "Photo Folder Product":http://www.zope.org/Members/rbickers/Photo/ .
It adds a different Manage Page and a new view. Use this together with ...