File contents
<presentation filename="ASPNZope.pdf">
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<title>Scaling Zope for ASPN</title>
Andy McKay
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<para style="Title">
<para style="BigCentered">
Andy McKay, ActiveState
<section name="Main">
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<slide title="Concept" id="Slide001">
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<para style="Heading1">Concept</para>
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<para style="Bullet1">To enable the movement of objects between Zopes without using the filesystem</para>
<para style="Bullet1">Original concept from Gregor Heine's Client-Server</para>
<para style="Bullet2">An object is exported from one Zope</para>
<para style="Bullet2">Uses export function to create a pickle which is then base 64 encoded</para>
<para style="Bullet2">Sent via xml-rpc to the destination Zope</para>
<para style="Bullet2">Object is decoded on one or more destination servers and then imported into Zope</para>
<slide title="Features" id="Slide002">
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<para style="Heading1">Features</para>
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<para style="Bullet1">Can be used over HTTP or HTTPS</para>
<para style="Bullet1">Provides a management interface to view objects state</para>
<para style="Bullet1">Security via standard zope auth.</para>
<para style="Bullet1">To multiple Zope destinations</para>
<slide title="But.." id="Slide003">
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<para style="Heading1">But..</para>
<frame x="50" y="75" width="750" height="400">
<para style="Bullet1">Folder issues again</para>
<para style="Bullet1">Performance for lots of objects</para>
<para style="Bullet1">File system objects</para>
<para style="Bullet1">Server specific things...</para>
<slide title="Demo" id="Slide004">
<infostring align="right" x="800" y="36" size="14" font="Helvetica"># %(page)s</infostring>
<frame x="10" y="485" width="790" height="75">
<para style="Heading1">Demo</para>
<frame x="50" y="75" width="750" height="400">