This dashboard page links in important top-level thoughts and discussions. Don't be shy about updating it.
Let's get started.
The ZopeStudio effort is rolling:
I put together some thoughts on ModelViewController (MVC). The hope is that MVC gives us an architectural pattern for the ZopeMozilla effort.
Martijn and I were swapping email with some of my WildUIThoughts based on a demo from Jeffrey of some tools like GoLive?.
Night Angel added the following thoughts, but started the link on the FrontPage. I have moved it here, as it is relevant to this page: MarkupCompressionAndDecompression --MartijnPieters
I am adding some thoughts about storing and manipulating the XUL in XULInZope. --JackWilliamBell
The IDEs page has some thoughts about an editor interface, such as collapsible HTML tags.
A picture's worth 1K words, right? Page 2 of John Udell's article on The Future Of The Programmable Browser (How Zope'Studio Leverages XUL) includes a nice picture of the Lizard in all it's XUL glory following his statement, "you should be able to log into your ZopeStudio-enabled server and see Mozilla transformed into a Zope object browser". -- hfx_ben