Zope User Groups, Worldwide
Please send corrections to the ZUG SIG mailing list, '[email protected]'.
North America
- TriZPUG (Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, NC, USA)
- Contact: Chris Calloway, ".".join(["@".join(["cbc","trizpug"]),"org"])
- Online Chat: #trizpug on irc.freenode.net.
- ZPUGDC (Washington, DC, USA)
- Contact: Alex Clark, aclark at aclark dot net.
- Contact: Matt Bowen, zpug-zope at mattbowen.net.
- Online Chat: #zpugdc on irc.freenode.net.
- CZPUG (State College, PA, USA)
- Contact: Kevin Kalupson, plone at kevinkal dot com.
- Penn State Zope Users Group (State College, PA, USA)
- Limited to Penn State employees at the moment
- Online Chat: "#weblion on irc.freenode.net", irc://irc.freenode.net/#weblion
- CharPy (Charlotte, NC, USA)
- Contact: Chris Emery, chris.emery at cpcc dot edu.
- Contact: Calvin Spealman, ironfroggy at gmail dot com.
- Contact: Jeff Gayle, jrgayle at gmail dot com.
- San Francisco Plone Lounge/Baypiggies (San Fransisco, CA, USA)
- Contact: Donna Snow, donnamsnow at gmail dot com.
- Denver Plone Users Group (Denver, CO, USA)
- Contact: Dayne Medlyn, fezzik at medlyn dot com.
- Portland Plone Users Group (Portland, OR, USA)
- Contact: Darci Hanning, darci dot hanning at gmail dot com.
- Contact: Jon Baldivieso, jonb at onew dot org.
- Seattle Plone Users Group (Seattle, WA, USA)
- Contact: Brian Gershon, briang at webcollective dot coop.
- Austin Plone Users Group (Austin, TX, USA)
- Contact: Alysia Korelc, akorelc at gmail dot com.
- Davis Plone Users Group (Davis, CA, USA)
- Contact: Steve McMahon, steve at reidmcmahon dot com.
- San Diego Plone Users Group (San Diego, CA, USA)
- Contact: Robert Edmonston, bob at inzan dot com.
- UCLA Plone Users Group (Los Angeles, CA, USA)
- Contact: Mike Takahashi, mike at takadesigns dot com.
- TCZPUG (Minneapolis, MN, USA)
- Contact: Jack Ungerleider, jack at jacku dot com.
- Arizona ZUG (Phoenix, AZ, USA)
- Contact: Matt Howell, mhowell at matticus dot com.
- Los Angeles ZUG (Los Angeles, CA, USA)
- Contact: Andrew Ho, MD, aho at ucla dot edu.
- Louisville ZPUG (Louisville, KY, USA)
- Contact: Keven Batman, kevin.batman at louisville dot edu.
- Berkeley Plone Users Group (Berkeley, CA, USA)
- Contact: Aleksandr Vladimirskiy, aleksandrv at berkeley dot edu.
- Boston Plone Users Group (Boston, MA, USA)
- Contact: Nate Aune, natea at jazkarta dot com.
- Contact: Sit Koul, skoul at newfs dot org.
Latin America
- Plone Cono Sur (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay)
- Contact: Roberto Allende, rover at menttes dot com.
- Tchezope (Brasil),
part of the Python Brasil Association
- Contact: Luciano Ramalho, my_first_name@my_last_name.org
- ZUG Switzerland
- Russian Speaking ZPUG
- Plone Russia
- Contact: Mikhail Kashkin, m at keysolutions dot ru.
- Deutschsprachigen Zope User Group
- Contact: Christian Theune, email at dzug dot org.
- Association Francophone Python
- Contact: David Sapiro, david at pilotsystems dot net.
- Plone Users Wessex (Bristol/Bath, UK)
- Contact: Matt Hamilton, matth at netsight dot co.uk.
- Associazione Zope Italia
- Online Chat: #zope-it on irc.freenode.net.
- Plone Ukraine (Ukraine),
- Contact: Ihor Berehulyak, ihor.berehulyak at gmail dot com.
- Zope/Plone Chinese User Group
- Python Chinese User Group
- China ZUG (Shanghai)
- Contact: Pan Junyong, panjy at zopen dot cn.
- India ZPUG
- Contact: Sreekanth S Rameshaiah, sree at mahiti dot org.
- Bangalore ZPUG
- Contact: venu at zeomega dot com.
- Australian Zope Users Group, OzZope
- New Zealand ZUG (Auckland)
- Contact: Tim Knapp, duffyd at kokorice dot org.
- Brian
- Chris Calloway, ".".join(["@".join(["cbc","trizpug"]),"org"])
- Alex Clark, aclark at aclark dot net.
- (contributors: please add your name/email address here)