- Apr04Results summarizes the group chat to discuss planning and schedule, design decisions, and ia decisions. The Apr04ChatLog is also available.
- Apr02Results discusses the information architecture and design chat between Lennart, Olivier, and Paul. The Apr02ChatLog is also available.
- IntroductoryMeeting (2001-12-11). The first meeting on IRC.
- RequirementsSurvey gives the results of a survey sent out to the Zope mailing lists. Here are the SurveyResponses providing a write-up of the results of the survey; a first step towards defining the requirements.
- Front Page Mockups discusses some mockups of the front page by Paul E and implemented by Lalo in the Plone skin
- More Mockups Olivier Deckmyn posted some plone-based mockups to the ZWeb? list, along with a voting system.
- Use Cases
Use cases collected as part of ZC's preliminary efforts