History for ExistingDocumentation
Existing CMF Documentation
This is an overview of existing CMF documentation and my notes on
each one:
"Basic Content Services":http://cmf.zope.org/doc/user/BasicContent.txt -- Good
overview of content managment basics. May be good to combine with
truncated piece from Jeffery's original DAV article as an
introduction to content managment.
"Architecture Docs":http://cmf.zope.org/design/system_architecture --
Good info for developers.
"Interfaces":http://cmf.zope.org/design/interfaces/ -- The APIs are
online and documented. Needs review, but content is complete.
BeeHive wrote a chapter of documentation for the CMF. The
URL escapes me though.
Tres just wrapped up a presentation for the O'Reilly conference
that would provide good material for a table of contents.