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Folder icon FieldedTextIndex

A full-text index product based on ZCTextIndex for content with multiple textual fields. Allows indexing and searching any number of arbitrary text fields using a single index.

Requires Python 2.3 and Zope 2.6.2 or higher.

NOTE: Indexes made with version 0.1 of FieldedTextIndex cannot be used with version 0.2. You must recreate your indexes after upgrading to 0.2

 Title   Type   Size   Modified   Status 
 0.1 Edit object Software Release   2003-12-27 published
 0.2 Edit object Software Release   2004-01-20 published
 CHANGES Edit object Document 1 K 2004-01-20 published
 FieldedTextIndex 0.1 Released Edit object News Item 1 K 2003-12-27 published
 README Edit object Document 11 K 2004-01-20 published