Zope JSP
1.7 - 11 March 2004
Some extra folders inside (WEB-INF/classes and WEB-INF/lib with
some readme.txt inside) and some samples as default files when
you create the jsp folder (index_html, d1.jsp, d2.jsp, d3.jsp)
Servlets are not supported. Jsp documents are servlets.
Put your compiled code into WEB-INF/classes and WEB-INF/lib using
Zope web management interface and call your code from jsp documents
1.6 - 22 January 2004
After you create an instance of Jsp Folder you have some
extra folders inside (like WEB-INF)
ZopeJsp do not support servlets.
1.5 - 30 May 2003
Fixed an upload error.
Now you can use your own jars and classes:
Upload from zope web management interface your binaries,
then ZopeJsp will create the context
(jsp + jars + text files) for you in jsp server folder
1.4 - 21 November 2002
Fixed some errors!
Just create a jsp document and view it!
Now you can call an external server (not only localhost)
but you must mount 'remote jsp document root' into local folder
to allow zope to access it.
1.3 - 12 June 2002
The whole zope jsp folder is rebuilded into external-jsp-server.
The Zope jsp folder can contain folders, dtml methods, dtml documents, files and jsp documents.
The whole structure is rebuilded on external-jsp-server preserving relative path.
Jsp server can be only localhost.
1.2 - 18 April 2002
Fixed conflict error.
Improved speed.
Released a benchmark .zexp file
1.1 - 17 April 2002
Fixed http headers transfer:
All variables (by GET or POST) and cookies are sent from jsp to zope and back.
Updated manage_upload and PUT document methods to take care
about compiled/updated flags!
That means you can edit jsp documents by webdav & ftp
and the jsp server will recompile the document after your save.
1.0 - 11 april 2002
Released ZopeJsp