The Dublin Core metadata element set
is a standard for cross-domain information resource description.
Element | Description | Value |
Identifier | resource ID | |
Title | resource name | ZTIMEPROJECT |
Description | resource summary | If your want project- and ressource management based on a clone of BITS and ZTIMESHEET - this is it. The product is still buggy (is in pre-alfa-state), but should improve in weeks to come. Ganttchart functionality will be added shortly - so keep checking for new versions. Feel free to ask questions or give patches.Especially I need patches for changing the jawascript/iframe-functionality so its useable in mozilla. Rigt now you will need IE (from 5.5) or Opera (som calendar-stuff isn't functioning in opera). I have not yet rewritten the licese-statements inherited from the BITS and ZTIMESHEET products. This will change in the next version. Unpack and put in your Products-dir in your zope. Ad ZTIMEPROJECT from ZMI Start extending the "user-list".Then go to the "options" and change the words for tasktype, status and sector.... And take your trip.... |
Creator | resource creator | ZopeOrgSite |
Date | default date | 2003-06-23 05:26:19 |
Format | resource format | text/html |
Type | resource type | Software Package |
Subject | resource keywords | Content Object, Developer, Examples, Server |
Contributors | resource collaborators | |
Language | resource language | |
Publisher | resource publisher | No publisher |
Rights | resource copyright | |
Element | Description | Value |
CreationDate | date resource created | 2003-06-23 05:26:19 |
ModificationDate | date resource last modified | 2003-06-23 05:26:19 |
EffectiveDate | date resource becomes effective | None |
ExpirationDate | date resource expires | None |
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