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Title resource name ZBabel Translation System
Description resource summary I am here-by going to bless Stephan Richter as the as the new maintainer of ZBabel, he's doing far more work on it, than I ever could, and has driven the development for the past 12 months.<br> <br> Stephan's Site for ZBabel is <a href="">here</a><br> <br> <pre> This is the ZBabel Translation System for ZOPE, the Z Object Publishing Environment ( This is a phrase by phrase translation system, it allows you to translate key parts of your site, and the content if you desire. With this you don't need to maintain seperate source for each supported language, or mix different languages in your source. You can do your entire site in one language and then translate it without re-editing the source code. This system also automatically creates the catalogs as you go, you do not need to manually insert text strings into databases for translation. 0.0.2 and above now feature caching of phrase lookups using the ZOPE ZSQL Caching mechanism. 0.0.3 now actually lets you use variables for source and destination languages (I'm a duh head ...). 0.1.0 has some huge amount of rework done by Stephan Richter see Changes for details of all the work he's done. You can now use &lt;dtml-babel src=var&rt; or &lt;dtml-babel src="expr"&rt; or &lt;dtml-babel src='string'&rt; This product now extracts to simply ZBabel, not lib/python/Products/ZBabel. </pre>
Creator resource creator TheJester
Date default date 2001-09-19 22:02:12
Format resource format text/html
Type resource type Software Package
Subject resource keywords Internationalization
Contributors resource collaborators
Language resource language
Publisher resource publisher No publisher
Rights resource copyright

Additional Zope Elements

Element Description Value
CreationDate date resource created 2001-09-19 22:02:12
ModificationDate date resource last modified 2001-09-19 22:02:12
EffectiveDate date resource becomes effective None
ExpirationDate date resource expires None

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