History for PloneCollectorNG
What is it?
!PloneCollectorNG is a very flexible, easy-to-configure and easy-to-use
Plone-based bugtracking system.
<blink><a href="http://www.zopyx.com/OpenSource/PloneCollectorNG/"><font size="+2" color="red"><b>These pages are currently in the progress being migrated to www.zopy.com</b></font></a></blink>
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New features:
- Designed for Plone (plone-ish skins)
- complete TTW configuration of all issue properties (no configuration files)
- Email notifications
- References between issue including a graph-like representation
of the dependency tree (using Graphviz)
- improved usability, reporting
- Plone 2 Look & Feel
- "Group support":GroupSupport
- per-instance WorkflowSupport
- PloneCollectorNG V 1.2 or higher: GNU Lesser Public License V 2.1 (LGPL)
- PloneCollectorNG up to V 1.1.X: Andreas Jung Public License (GPL compatible)
There is no dedicated documentation yet.
- Some "FAQs":http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/collective/PloneCollectorNG/docs/FAQ.txt?view=markup
- KnownIssues.
- <a href="IssueSubmissionThroughEmail">Installation and configuration of the issue-through-email submission functionality</a> (requires PloneCollectorNG 1.2 or higher)
- "Group support":GroupSupport
- per-instance WorkflowSupport
- Zope 2.7, Python 2.3.3, "Plone 2.0":http://www.plone.org , Archetypes 1.3beta4
- The 'email' package of Python *must* be available. Either use Python 2.2.3
for running Zope or get the 'email' package from Python 2.2.3+ and install
it in the PYTHONPATH of your Python 2.1.3 installation.
- PlacelessTranslationService (required for PCNG 1.2+)
- Optional packages:
- Reportlab (www.reportlab.org) - required for PDF output
- PIL (Python Imaging Library) required to include uploaded images
in the PDF output
- Graphviz (www.graphviz.org) to produce dependency tree for
issue references
- PyCrypto (www.amk.ca/python/code/crypto) if you want to the
"issue submission through email" feature.
- unpack the archive in the Products folder of our Zope installation
or INSTANCE_HOME of your Zope installation
- restart Zope
- visit the ZMI screen of Plone site and go to the portal_quickinstaller
- select the checkboxes for PloneCollectorNG (and Archetypes) and press
- go back to your Plone site
- go back to your Plone site and select "Plone Collector NG" from the
add-list of the folder_contents view of a folder and create a
new PloneCollectorNG instance
You can also use the Plone frontend. Go to "Plone setup". Choose
"Add/remove products" and select "PloneCollectorNG" to be installed. That's
*Upgraders should also uninstall/re-install PloneCollectorNG by following
the instructions above.*
Status and Download:
- stable: V 1.2.3 (requires Archetypes 1.3 b4 or higher)
- "Download":http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=55262&package_id=96051
- "Release notes":Changes.txt
- CVS access:
- follow the "CVS instructions":http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=55262
- The current maintenance branch for Plone Collector is 'pcng-1_1-branch'
- PCNG V 1.2.X is currently developed on the 'pcng-1_2-branch'.
- CVS HEAD is for new features only and should not be used for production or whatever.
No support for any code on the CVS HEAD.
- "To-Do list":ToDo
- "Known issues":KnownIssues
- Use the "Collective bug tracker":http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=55262&atid=476390
to file bug reports. Please read the <a href="BugReporting">bugreporting guidelines</a>
before posting a bug report.
- A migration script for the conversion of !CMFCollectorNG sites to PloneCollectorNG is
included in 'Extensions/migrate.py'. See "here":MigrationCMFCollectorNGToPloneCollectorNG for details.
- "Migration PloneCollectorNG 1.1 to 1.2":Migration120
Your contributions:
- looking for someone to create a nifty icon and logo for PloneCollectorNG!
- more catalog translations for other languages wanted!
Andreas Jung: "[email protected]":mailto:[email protected]
Commercial support:
For commercial support, customizations etc. visit "zopyx.com":http://www.zopyx.com