History for DeanRunning
Dean's running
Here is my training diary. Steve's is SteveRunning
23/5/00 46:17 (8.5km ish) Cathedral, up and down some steps on bridge, Gabalfa, Whitchurch. Ran with Dave.
**21/5/00 total for week = 20.3 km**
21/5/00 20:49 Very hung over, very tough run.
18/5/00 43:57 (8.3 km) Cathedral, Gabalfa and extension around Whitchurch. 10 mins slow then 4 mins fast, 3 mins slow, 4 mins fast, and moderate home.
16/5/00 43:13 Forest Farm and canal
**14/5/00 total for week = 26.3 km**
14/5/00 45:26 Cathedral, Gabalfa and a little extension around Whitchurch (8.3km, 5.47 min/km)
12/5/00 37:00 Llandaff Cathedral, Gabalfa flyover, steep hilly bit wasn't so bad
10/5/00 34:00 with Dave, jog around Llandaff North and Whitchurch
8/5/00 27:30
**7/5/00 total for week = 3.6 km**
4/5/00 19:30