The Dublin Core metadata element set
is a standard for cross-domain information resource description.
Element | Description | Value |
Identifier | resource ID | |
Title | resource name | O2DB - storing objects to relational DB |
Description | resource summary | O2DB is an interface for storing python objects to a relational DB (mySQL at the moment) for further info goto the webpage below<br> you can also search for 'O2DB' <br><br> _this_ zope product is a wrapping example how to use O2DB inside of zope if you want - for some reasons - keep your production data outside of ZODB <br><br> unpack and readme for exact usage <br><br> |
Creator | resource creator | earthling |
Date | default date | 2004-07-20 00:00:00 |
Format | resource format | text/html |
Type | resource type | Software Package |
Subject | resource keywords | Database, Database Adapter, Databases, Developer, External, External Access, Interfaces, Object model, ObjectRepository, Product, SQL, ZODB, ZODB Interaction, Zope Product |
Contributors | resource collaborators | |
Language | resource language | |
Publisher | resource publisher | No publisher |
Rights | resource copyright | |
Element | Description | Value |
CreationDate | date resource created | 2004-07-20 06:40:47 |
ModificationDate | date resource last modified | 2005-03-28 01:55:06 |
EffectiveDate | date resource becomes effective | 2004-07-20 00:00:00 |
ExpirationDate | date resource expires | None |
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