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Dublin Core Elements

The Dublin Core metadata element set is a standard for cross-domain information resource description.
Element Description Value
Identifier resource ID
Title resource name
Description resource summary Overview TranslationService is a placeful translation service for Zope 2.6 and Zope 2.7. It allows you to have fully functional internationalization from Page Templates using the standardized i18n tags. See "the ZPT internationalization wiki": for more details on the syntax. This product does: - Plug into Zope's i18n framework and provide itself as the global translation service for ZPT. - Redirect translations to appropriate message catalogs depending on their domain, in a configurable manner. Currently there is only one message catalog implementation provided, which is based on Localizer 1.0.1's MessageCatalog. In the future it will be easy to create additionnal message catalogs, for instance one based on a plain filesystem .po or .mo file. Installation - Use Zope 2.6 or more recent. - Install TranslationService. - Install Localizer 1.0.1 (do **not** use the 1.1 branch of Localizer, it is not supported and will not work). Usage - Create a Localizer Message Catalog. - Create a Translation Service. It must be called 'translation_service'. - Configure the translation service so that the path to the Localizer Message Catalog is provided for the i18n domain(s) you need. A 'Default' domain can be used as a catch-all. That's it! You should now be able to use i18n tags in Page Templates. Changes - Compatible with Zope 2.7. - Don't bomb if an interpolation string has an unknown ${substitution}, just leave it in the resulting string. - Don't bomb if a non-ASCII string is passed as a substitution, try to infer its encoding from the output encoding (which will be the case if the string is issued from Localizer). - This product used to be known as PersistentTranslationService. - Now fully use the Zope 2.6 framework. Credits TranslationService is developped by "Florent Guillaume":/Members/efge at "Nuxeo": .
Creator resource creator ZopeOrgSite
Date default date 2005-01-03 10:11:44
Format resource format text/html
Type resource type Software Package
Subject resource keywords Internationalization
Contributors resource collaborators
Language resource language
Publisher resource publisher No publisher
Rights resource copyright

Additional Zope Elements

Element Description Value
CreationDate date resource created 2003-06-17 14:22:26
ModificationDate date resource last modified 2005-01-03 10:11:44
EffectiveDate date resource becomes effective None
ExpirationDate date resource expires None

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