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Parsed XML allows you to use XML objects in the Zope environment. You can create XML documents in Zope and leverage Zope to format, query, and manipulate XML, using the standard W3C DOM.

Previous releases of ParsedXML can be found here

Some extra documentation can be found in my Europython 2002 slides on Zope and XML.

 Title   Type   Size   Modified   Status 
 1.2.1 Edit object Software Release   2001-11-18 published
 1.3.0 Edit object Software Release   2002-07-02 published
 1.3.1 Edit object Software Release   2002-12-20 published
 CHANGES.txt Edit object Document 5 K 2003-09-12 published
 EuroPython slides Edit object Document 3 K 2003-09-12 published
 INSTALL.txt Edit object Document 1 K 2003-09-12 published
 README.txt Edit object Document 6 K 2003-09-12 published