Wei He's Zope Page
IT Manager of Institute of Environment and Development, China.
Zope Products:
Zope How-Tos:
- How to make include/require functions work in PHParser
- Epoz and CMFVisualEditor Together in Harmony(Enhanced Solution)
Zope RPMs for RedHat: ( Browse all )
- Python 2.3.4
- Zope 2.7.1 and Some Zope products
- CMF 1.4.4 and some CMF products
- Plone 2.0.3 and some Plone products
- Some other related packages
Websites powered by Zope:
Websites powered by Plone:
Websites that are going to be on Plone:
- Simplified Chinese GBK and some other multi-byte functionalities to MySQL .
Contact me at [email protected] .