When I made this how-to, I updated my zope from 2.5.1 to 2.6.0. However, some problems apply also to 2.6.1
Because I had some problems and I've seen that some people
are having them too, I will tell you how I solved them.
The first time I tried the upgrade I was having the following
Error messages related to ZCatalog and OFSP:
2002-11-05T20:54:06 ERROR(200) Zope Couldn't install OFSP
Traceback (innermost last):
Module OFS.Application, line 700, in install_product
- __traceback_info__: OFSP
Module ZODB.Transaction, line 222, in commit
Module ZODB.Transaction, line 195, in commit
Module ZODB.Transaction, line 256, in _commit_objects
Module ZODB.Connection, line 389, in commit
- __traceback_info__: (('intSet', 'intSet'),
'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x08:', '')
Module ZODB.FileStorage, line 705, in store
ConflictError: database conflict error (oid 000000000000083a, serial was
0348a51f52d8776e, now 0000000000000000)
2002-11-05T20:54:08 ERROR(200) Zope Couldn't install ZCatalog
Traceback (innermost last):
Module OFS.Application, line 700, in install_product
- __traceback_info__: ZCatalog
Module ZODB.Transaction, line 222, in commit
Module ZODB.Transaction, line 195, in commit
Module ZODB.Transaction, line 256, in _commit_objects
Module ZODB.Connection, line 389, in commit
- __traceback_info__: (('intSet', 'intSet'),
'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0e\xb6', '')
Module ZODB.FileStorage, line 705, in store
ConflictError: database conflict error (oid 0000000000000eb6, serial was
0348a51f6ab4c9a2, now 0000000000000000)
Error importing Folderisch ZClases (classes which contain
other clases):
First you will see something like this:
ZODB Couldn't load state for '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x91+'
Traceback (innermost last):
Module ZODB.Connection, line 533, in setstate
Module ZODB.Connection, line 192, in _persistent_load - __traceback_info__: .
Module ZODB.Connection, line 131, in __getitem__
- __traceback_info__: Here comes a lot of strange characters
Could not load oid ., pickled data in traceback info may contain clues
At the end of all of this comes:
2002-11-05T20:59:59 PROBLEM(100) ZODB Could not import class 'YourClass' from module '*nskuqovTqw3NvqWvBdGN0g=='
When creating new ZCatalogs (this doesn't affect the old
ones), the type of my indexed objects were allways ZCatalog
(In zope 2.6.1 is Unknown) and some indexes and metadata
like id, title, and path were gone.
I have no idea what was the reason of the first problem, but
don't worry, I have a solution ;-)
According to some messages of the newsgroups,
the second problem is due a change in the zope interfaces
(I've not more information, sorry) and the third one
is because there's no more default metadata and indexes, so you
have to add them by hand and/or in your code.
The solution:
Before following the next steps, I recommend you to make a
copy of your Zope DB. I won't be responsible if something goes
wrong and you don't have a backup.
I will assume that you have also a fresh installation of Zope
2.6.0 withouth anything on it and off course your old Zope 2.5.1.
If you have ZClasses that are based on ObjectManager, delete
the suboject references in the "Subobjects Tab", then press
save changes and export them. (this step will solve
the second problem)
In your new installation import them and add the subobject
From your old zope export your other ZClasses and import them
in your new installation.
Install the other products that you are using. (I mean the
python based stuff).
Export all the contents of the root folder of your old zope and
reimport them into the new installation. (This will solve
the first problem)
The following steps will solve the third problem.
If you want to create new ZCatalogs, remmember to add 'meta_type',
'id', and 'title' in your metadata. If you want to sort your results
by those fields, then add also some indexes. Finally you have to
recatalog your objects by doing a "Find Objects" or just updating the
catalog in the "Advance" tab.
If you have ZClases that create their own ZCatalog on their
constructor method, you have to create the respective metadata and
<dtml-call "Catalog.manage_addColumn('meta_type')">
<dtml-call "Catalog.manage_addIndex('meta_type','FieldIndex')">
<dtml-call "Catalog.manage_addColumn('id')">
<dtml-call "Catalog.manage_addIndex('id','FieldIndex')">
<dtml-call "Catalog.manage_addColumn('title')">
<dtml-call "Catalog.manage_addIndex('title','TextIndex')">
<dtml-call "Catalog.manage_addIndex('path','PathIndex')">
That's all folks! Please note that I didn't suggest to overwrite the new
"Data.fs" with the old one because it didn't work for me and for some people
Special thanks to:
Sascha, who gave me some references, Gidon Friedman for its apport to the list, and Maik Jablonski who told me about the metadata problem.
If there is a bug or something is missing, please let me now:
Here you'll find more how-tos and products I've published.