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Element | Description | Value |
Identifier | resource ID | |
Title | resource name | Zope Chat example product |
Description | resource summary | Realtime Web chat for Zope. Available either as Python product or ZClasses product. Employs some of the basic things many products need to do in Zope, so I call it an example product.<br> The 0.3.0+ version is almost identical to the 0.2.0 version, except it is a Python Product. You still have the full source, but a choice of how to install. To install ZRTChat-0.3.0.tgz, expand it into your [Zope] directory. There are still a few features I want to put in, but I thought I would release what I have before I get distracted with other things.</p> <p>ZRTChat 0.2.0 and earlier is a product made from ZClasses. It's provided here as a .zexp Product (source code), so anyone can see how it was done by blithely, irresponsibly, simply, merely, unscrupulously, unceremoniously, unashamedly importing it into the Control_panel/Products folder. It provides a ('Real Time') HTML chat forum. It's usable out-of-the-box. It probably could use some some scrutiny for efficiency, etc. It employs: <ol> <li>ZClass</li> <li>ZClass within a ZClass</li> <li>Cookies</li> <li>Frames/noframes</li> <li>Creation of ZClass instances programmatically</li> <li>Forms</li> <li>RESPONSE.redirect()</li> <li>Very little JavaScript</li> </ol> <p>To use, copy the file into your [zope]/import folder. Within Control_Panel/Products in the Zope management interface, click the Import/Export tab, and enter the filename, ZRTChat.zexp. Since this is a ZClasses-based product, it requires Zope 2.0+. It will use your standard_html_header and standard_html_footer, so you might want to override those from the default. <p> Here is a <a href="zrtchat4.jpg">screenshot of 0.40</a> with a chat in progress. |
Creator | resource creator | ZopeOrgSite |
Date | default date | 2001-09-29 12:16:44 |
Format | resource format | text/html |
Type | resource type | Software Package |
Subject | resource keywords | Content Object, Examples, Feedback |
Contributors | resource collaborators | |
Language | resource language | |
Publisher | resource publisher | No publisher |
Rights | resource copyright | |
Element | Description | Value |
CreationDate | date resource created | 2001-09-29 12:16:44 |
ModificationDate | date resource last modified | 2001-09-29 12:16:44 |
EffectiveDate | date resource becomes effective | None |
ExpirationDate | date resource expires | None |
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