History for KLMScalingOrganization
Scaling Organization of Content to Pace Decentralized Content Generation
Decentralized content management enables capturing and presenting
vast amounts of knowledge, to an extent that can impede, rather than
promote, the information discovery process within the captured info.
This needs taming.
Centralized mechanisms like automated indexing and search engines
provide means to jump into vast collections, but do not help for
getting oriented within them - for finding your way around the
neighborhood once you're there. Living with only links and searches
is like living in a future world where every room is connected to
every other by transporters (beam me up scotty). There is little or
no cue to immediate context - no neighborhoods, no landscape. It is
by answers in context that people get familar with a subject, not by
collections of disjointed answers, alone.
Automatic inference of organization based on content (eg, google's
iterative topologic sorting of cross-references) and editorial
oversight can both help address the problem, but both generally lack
the immediacy and insight of those most intimately concerned with
the information - the content authors and the visitors consuming
their products. There are many opportunities to introduce low- or
no-burden measures into the content development and discovery
processes, keeping pace with the development and consumption
processes by tapping into the decentralized scaling that they
I propose to incorporate provisions for such implicit mechanisms, in
addition to reasonable automatic ones, to promote cohesive and
comprehensible content organization that aids both the site visitor
and the content developer in their intrinsic collaboration about the
information the information conveys. Ultimately, the goal is to
cultivate connecting disparate answers about different aspects of a
subject, collected by multiple authors, into coherent stories about
the subject, helping to resolve the underlying story that connects
the answers: "turning answers into stories"...
We follow the following principles to keep our self-organization
mechanisms managable:
- Easy to use - easy to add stuff, and easy to put it "in the right
- Self-regulating - Ability to delegate discretion about
regulation of content development and authority. Ie, discretion
over delegation *of delegation authority*...
- Progressive - incremental development, convergent/non-chaotic
feedback, ability to pick and choose parts to deploy.
- Explicit - obvious and overt inference of feedback - non-magical
computation, and direct, non-invasive information collection.
Here are some prospective primary avenues to focus on.
Content Development Process
- Low impedence, high flexibility, high functionality authoring,
with high-discretion delegation of control.
- Maintain page associations
Maintain page associations in an "organization" resource - and
retain the information based on process cues like generation of
new pages from old. This kind of info can be adjusted after the
fact, but requires no intervention on the document authors to
determine "regional" relationships like parent/offspring, useful
for things like:
. Meaningful and comprehensive table-of-contents for the
. New offspring obtain meaningful defaults for characteristic
properties like security policies, notification interest, etc,
according to the settings of the originating parents
. Offspring have inherent "next"/"previous" according to their
sequence in their parent document's text
. etc
- Community-refined/extensible classification system:
Where classification topics and refinements are generated by
community member assignments of classifications to documents,
with popular choices having greater prominence.
Topical classifications:
1. Which people use to identify submissions (of their own, and
of others)
2. Choices at any level are sorted by frequency of use
3. People can extend at any point with new choices -
understanding that their unique choices will be low
prominence unless others seek them out (at the bottom of the
lists), or independently originate them.
(To reduce browser round trips, we may want to do some kind of
some kind of pre-fetching outline-navigation system. There's a
free one called "joust" - http://www.ivanpeters.com - it's a
javascript mechanism for managing and navigating outlines. If
we have resources, we could probably do something better
tailored for this very specific appliction, minimizing use of
javascript as much as possible.)
- Automatic full-text and classification meta-data indexing -
Zope catalog type stuff
- Sophisticated inter-relationships graphing
. Google-like iterative topological sorts on cross-references,
which discern more central and more peripheral pages
. IBM "graphing the web" techniques to identify macroscopic
structure: http://www.almaden.ibm.com/cs/k53/www9.final
Content Discovery Process
- Monitoring of change monitoring
Enable community members to register for change notifications to
pages, and present statistics about what's being monitored so
community members can tell where the attention is going, where
the interest currently is, as it changes.
The change notification registrations, themselves, can offer the
option to propagate to whatever depth the member wishes along
document lineage lines (see "Maintain page relationships",
above). Shallow monitoring means concern with the higher-level
"executive summary" perspective, not with nitty-gritty details
deeper within the offspring hierarchy. Electing for "deeper"
monitoring means getting the geeks perspective - concern for all
the details.
- Monitor favorites voting - "buzz"
(I've got internal notes about this at
http://serenade:7290/Artifacts/zwiki/CommunityBuzz - not yet for
external consumption. Some overview:
"Buzz" is a community-driven measure for identifying and
promoting attention to items of particular interest. It is
driven by simple community-member votes, and provides a basic
mechanism for sorting community contributed content according to
expressed community interest, based on collected
community-member ratings. It works by aggregating optional
+/0/- votes on items to assign relative-interest values. A
primary requirement, for scaling, is zero administative
intervention - it should be based entirely on the aggregate of
votes from the community members.
Does stone society stuff have any bearing?
- Using query-satisfaction feedback to tune searches
There's probably literature on this - it may be getting into the
heavy magic realm, though.
- It may be interesting to collect and collate traversal
patterns, usage patterns - like the previous item, if its worth
doing, we can probably find literature about it.