History for SetupRecipe
You can use the following recipe to set up a complete ZEO-based Zope
site, including a handy-dandy startup script, izctl.py, which makes it
easy to get into the python prompt connected to Zope::
% mkdir zexplore
% cd zexplore
% mkdir dist
# Stable binary Zope release:
% wget http://dev.zope.org/Products/Zope/2.6.1/Zope-2.6.1-linux2-x86.tgz
% tar -xzf Zope-2.6.1-linux2-x86.tgz
% ln -s Zope-2.6.1-linux2-x86 Zope
% mv Zope-2.6.1-linux2-x86.tgz dist
# Stable ZEO release:
% wget http://dev.zope.org/Products/ZEO/ZEO-1.0.tgz
% tar -xzf ZEO-1.0.tgz
% mv ZEO-1.0.tgz dist
% cp -r ZEO-1.0/ZEO Zope/lib/python
# Cook the Zope software home:
% cd Zope
% install
# ... zope installation gets cleaned ...
% cd ..
% mkdir instance1
% cd instance1
% mkdir var import Products Extensions
% wget http://www.zope.org/Members/klm/ZopeDebugging/izctl.py
# Edit top line of izctl.py so it has the path to the python
# executable in your Zope installation, SOFTWARE_HOME/bin/python
% chmod +x izctl.py
% wget http://www.zope.org/Members/klm/ZopeDebugging/zope.conf
% wget http://www.zope.org/Members/klm/ZopeDebugging/custom_zodb.py
# Now (if you appropriately edited izctl.py's #! "magic number")
# you're ready to enter the debug prompt:
% ./izctl.py debug
[... interactive session ...]
# When you want to shutdown the ZEO server:
% ./izctl.py stop_zeo