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The Dublin Core metadata element set is a standard for cross-domain information resource description.
Element Description Value
Identifier resource ID
Title resource name Netscape PCGI handler
Description resource summary dcpcgi is a PCGI handler for Netscape/iPlanet servers. Modern iPlanet servers do not appear to need this, as their CGI handling is advanced enough to be able to call Zope.cgi directly without a performance penalty. However, this will utilize the pcgi pipe in Zope to transfer requests from the Netscape/iPlanet server to Zope. Tests in June of 2000 indicated no noticible improvement with iPlanet Server 4.0, but Netscape FastTrack Server did improve to iPlanet Server 4.0 speeds (about 5% slower than native Zope).
Creator resource creator matt
Date default date 2001-01-29 15:08:41
Format resource format text/html
Type resource type Software Package
Subject resource keywords Server
Contributors resource collaborators
Language resource language
Publisher resource publisher No publisher
Rights resource copyright

Additional Zope Elements

Element Description Value
CreationDate date resource created 2001-01-29 15:08:41
ModificationDate date resource last modified 2001-01-29 15:08:41
EffectiveDate date resource becomes effective None
ExpirationDate date resource expires None

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