MailBoxer - a mailinglist/newsletter/mailarchive-toolbox for ZOPE
Please note: If you plan to upgrade MailBoxer, read the CHANGES.txt and UPDATE.txt before installing MailBoxer. MailBoxer requires the email-package for python (the package is already included in Python >= 2.2.3).
What is a MailBoxer?
MailBoxer is a lightweight ZOPE-Product to run mailinglists, newsletters and mailarchives. Its main idea is to give you an extensible framework for building mailinglist-based applications with the power of ZOPE. Out of the box it provides a full featured mailinglist/newsletter/mailarchiving-framework.
- MailBoxer is easy to use and to configure and can handle mime-encoded mails with attachments.
- People can subscribe/unsubscribe your list by sending an "signed" email with a specified email-subject (not body!!!) to the same address where the postings will go. No more hazzles with passwords and unsubscriptions.
- You can customize and disable subscription and unsubscription.
- All mailinglists can be run moderated, members only or public available.
- Mails can be archived (even with attachments) by a combination of dates & threads with customizable set of headers.
- User-friendly archive with powerful search-interface and a "one-thread-one-screen"-view with snipped signatures etc.
- By defining a spamlist,
content or misconfigured vacation-notifications can be identified and will not be forwarded by MailBoxer. - MailBoxer can convert all mails to plain-text and strip of attachments if you have read enough HTML-Mails and useless attachments.
- MailBoxer provides automatic bounce-detection and a management-interface for bounced addresses.
- MailBoxer implements a sender-loop-limitation, so misconfigured vacation-mailser will not kill your server.
- MailBoxer talks directly to your SMTP-Server. This is very fast compared using the standard MailHost.send-method (no more overhead for connecting & closing the channel every time you send a mail). This is fast enough for even large lists.
- MailBoxer provides many hooks to integrate it into your own Zope-applications.
What do I have to do to use a MailBoxer?
MailBoxer requires the email-package for python. Download and install it (maybe as root) with the same python-binary you use for running your Zope-Server. If you run Zope with Python 2.2.3 or higher, the email-package is already included.
You need python-script-access on a mail-server to work with MailBoxer. This is generally no problem for nix-users, but maybe one for Windows-users. The following description is nix-specific.
If you want to use a MailBoxer, you must first install the gateway-script
as root in a location of the mail-server where your MTA can
execute it (Note: In some secured sendmail-installations this could be
). Use the correct python for (>=2.1, sometimes an
old 1.5 is lurking around as default python). Then you must add a new alias
in the /etc/aliases
(or /etc/postfix/aliases
or whatever the name of your
MTA-alias-file is) and run newaliases
. Your new alias with foo
as your
mailinglist-email-address-name should look like:
foo: "| http://ZopeServer:Port/PathTo/IdOfMailBoxer/manage_mailboxer [maxBytes]"
The last element of the URL should be .../manage_mailboxer
if you
want to run a mailinglist! This method processes a default workflow
for mailinglists, which handles all (un)subscribing and post-processing
via the same alias.
If you only want to use MailBoxer as a mailarchiving-system for
your own mails, you can replace .../manage_mailboxer
. So all mail-traffic will be stored in ZOPE
without being processed through a mailinglist.
If you want to run an open list (everyone can post to the list, but only
subscribed members will receive the mail), simply check the
unclosed-property of a mailing-list. Another solution is to set up an alias
with .../manage_listboxer
, which forwards all incoming mails to all
subscribed members. Please note that in the last case you need an
alternate alias for request-handling (subscribe/unsubscribe).
You can simply set up something like
foo-req: "| http://.../manage_requestboxer".
If you want to setup bounce-detection, you have to set an alias pointing to the returnpath of the mailinglist (see below): returnpath: "| http://.../manage_bounceboxer".
is the maximum size of the mail which will be forwarded to ZOPE.
is optional, but highly recommended!**
After adding a MailBoxer (see below) you can send all your messages to
[email protected]
For example: To subscribe to the list send a mail with the subject (not the
body) subscribe
(without quotes!) to [email protected]
Here is a configuration example
testlist: "| 20000"
=> Listname testlist@...
, Id of MailBoxer = testlist
, only mails with
less than 20000 bytes will be submitted to ZOPE (see
mjablonski: "|"
=> This is an example for storing my personal mail within ZOPE. Id of
MailBoxer = mailbox
How do I add a MailBoxer?
You need the "Add MailHosts"-Permission in order to add a MailBoxer:
- ID (required): The id of your MailBoxer should be
, but can something else as well (see above). - TITLE (required): The title of your MailBoxer will be used as the
mailinglist-name. Recommended value: something like
or something completely different if you want to (see above). - EMAIL (required): This is the email-address of the list. Something like
[email protected]
. - MODERATOR (required): This is a space-seperated list of
email-addresses of the list moderators. Only moderators have the
right to send mails to a moderated list. Please note: The
first moderator in the list is special: she will receive bouncing
mails if no returnpath is set. If you want to detect bouncing mails,
you should use an alias like
[email protected]
and forward these mails to ".../manage_bounceboxer" for bounce-handling. - SMTP-HOST [optional]: This is the IP or Hostname of your outgoing SMTP-Server. Ask your sysadmin if you don't know it. After creation of a MailBoxer you can change this in the MailHost-object in your MailBoxer-folder. If you don't provide an SMTP-HOST, no MailHost will be created at all. This is useful if you want to acquire an already existing MailHost.
- MTA-HOSTS [optional]: Space seperated IP's of Mail-Transfer-Agent-Hosts which are allowed to gateway messages to your ZopeServer. !!! THIS IS A SECURITY FEATURE !!! If you leave this list empty, no security check is done and every host can submit mails to your list (even with web-requests). Open door for spammers! My advice: When you first install MailBoxer, leave this list empty. If it works, enter the IP of the MTA-Server where you have installed (maybe or a real IP).
- MODERATED LIST [optional]: Check this, if you want to have a moderated list. This can be used for newsletters, too: People can subscribe to your newletter-list, but only the moderators can send mails to the list.
- ARCHIVED LIST [optional]: Check the kind of archive you want for this list.
What means all the DTML in a MailBoxer?
After your MailBoxer is created, you can enter the MailBoxer-Folder. You will find there several DTML-Methods. You can change them for your needs:
are headers for the bulk-mail. Please note: all headers which are set inmail_header
will overwrite the same headers in the original mail. You can use this to "mask" your moderator if you run a moderated list: simply set the 'From'-Header to an meaningless alias so no one can see and fake a moderators email-adress. If you add a body-text in mail_header, this will be mailed instead of the incoming mail-body. You can access the incoming mail-body with. mail_footer
is a footer which will be added to all mails. Please note: The footer is only visible if the incoming mail has no attachments or in plainmail-mode. I'll fix this someday, but at the moment it's ok for me...mail_subscribe
is sent, when someone subscribes to your list. First a mail with a randomized md5-key is sent to the sender to verify his existence. The sender has to reply this mail in order to fulfill the subscription. After a successful subscription a welcome message is sent.mail_unsubscribe
is sent, when someone unsubscribes from your list. First a mail with a randomized md5-key is sent to the sender to verify his existence. The sender has to reply this mail in order to fulfill the unsubscription.mail_reply
is sent as an error mail if the sender is unknown.mail_moderator
is called, when a message arrives at a moderated-list. Please note: Depending on your setup, you need to replace the absolute_url with the virtual domain etc.mail_search
is a method for searching the mail-archive.mail_template
is a template for rendering a mail(thread).mail_index
is an DTML-example for viewing the mail-archive.
If you want to use PageTemplates, you can include the archive-DTML's with something like:
How can I (re-)configure a MailBoxer?
You can (re-)configure your MailBoxer with the properties of the MailBoxer-Folder.
mailto - Set this to the email-address of your mailinglist. This should
be something like: [email protected]
maillist - In maillist
all the addresses of the members of the
mailinglist will be stored. You can also add, delete or modify single
members by hand. Only the raw-email-address (without the real name) should
be stored here!!!
disabled - All adresses who exceeded the sender-loop-limitation will be put here. They aren't allowed to mail to the list anymore, but will still receive the traffic. Useful to prevent misconfigured vacation mailers to kill your server.
moderator - Enter email-addresses of list moderators. Only a moderator
has the right to send emails to the list if moderated
is enabled. The
first moderator receives bouncing mails if no returnpath is set.
returnpath - This will be used as returnpath for bouncing emails.
moderated - If you enable this, only the moderator has the right to send
mails to all the members of the list. You can use this feature for
as well.
unclosed - If you check this, everyone (no need to be subscribed) is allowed to mail into the list.
plainmail - If you enable this, all mails to the list will be converted to plain-text and all attachments will be stripped of. This is very useful, if you hate HTML-Mails and all kind of useless attachments..
keepdate - If you enable this, all original mail-dates will be kept for the archive. This is only useful if you import existing mail-archives.
storage - A traverseable path to the archive-folder. You can use it to rename / localize the "archive" to something like "mailarchive" etc.
archived - If you enable this, all mails to the list will be stored in the MailBoxer in date-folder-hierarchies with or without attachemnts.
subscribe - Set this to the string
which must be sent to your list as a
email-subject in order to subscribe to your list. If you leave this blank,
subscription is disabled. You can use regular expressions for the
unsubscribe - Set this to the string
which must be sent to your list as
a email-subject in order to unsubscribe. If you leave this blank,
unsubscription is disabled. It can be a regular expression as well.
mtahosts - Here you can enter a space seperated list of IP's of hosts
which are allowed to gateway mails to your list. If you leave this empty, no
security checks will be taken. In order to avoid spam over web-requests
enter the host-ip of the host where you installed
spamlist - If you want to disclose some addresses from subscribing / mailing to your list, put them here. You can use regular expressions as well to exclude whole domains etc. You can even give some taboo-words to get rid of XXX-advertising-mails and so on.
atmask - This string will replace all @ in your mails when viewing mails in the archive.
sniplist - Here you can define regular expressions for snipping mails.
catalog - Traversable path to the Catalog for indexing mails.
xmailer - In order to avoid endless mail-loops, MailBoxer must send an unique identifier in the header of the mail. Leave this untouched, if you don't know what to do.
headers - If you enter a regular expression, all matching headers will
be stored in an additional mailHeader-property. For example: If you want
to store the message-id and the original date of the mail, use something
like (without quotes): message-id|date
. If you want to store all
headers, use .*
batchsize - MailBoxer transfers usually only one mail to the smtp-server for all the recipients. The smtp-server is doing all the work (batchsize = 0). If you encounter problems with this configuration (esp. using large lists with more than 500 subscribers), you can set batchsize to a positive integer x, which means, that MailBoxer will deliver chunks of x mails at once. Example: If you set batchsize=50, a mail with 50 recipients is transfered to the smtp-server at once, then the next 50 recipients and so on until no more recipients are left.
senderlimit - the number of mails a member is allowed to send in the time-interval determined by senderinterval.
senderinterval - the number of seconds for the sender-loop-limitation. Something like 10 Mails (senderlimit) in 600 seconds (senderinterval) is a good starting point (no real person should write more than 10 mails in 10 minutes, I guess...)
hashkey - This string is used to generate a encrypted key for subscriptions & unsubscriptions. Usually there is no need to change it.
mailqueue - traversable path to a storage for queued mails waiting for approvals by a moderator.
getter - Hook for application developers (see below). If you enter a traversable PythonScript, this will determine the property of the MailBoxers dynamically.
setter - Opposite of the getter, see below.
Some hints for application-developers
MailBoxer is a subclass of the folder-class. So you can apply all the methods
for a regular folder, e.g. you can change the properties of your MailBoxer
with manage_changeProperties
through a script. You can use this for
web-based subscriptions. All mails will be stored as regular folders with
additional properties (mailDate, mailFrom, mailSubject). Attachments to
a mail will be stored as regular file-objects in the mail-folder.
MailBoxer provides some hooks for application developers. Please have a look at the source to understand the MailBoxer-chain-reaction. In short:
- manage_mailboxer This one provides a out-of-the-box-mailinglisten-manager. It handles (un)subscriptions and checks if an incoming mail should be forwarded. It calls mail_handler, so you can hook into this method with your own workflow.
- mail_handler
A DTML-Method with id=mail_handler is called by manage_mailboxer if
it exists. You can create your own method to process your own workflow.
This is useful if you want to gateway your MailBoxer to a News-Server.
Simply send the mail to the alias of the News-Server and then process it
with listMail(REQUEST).
- manage_listboxer This one stores the mail in the archive and bulks the mail to all members.
- manage_inboxer This one stores the mail in the archive and that's it.
- manage_requestboxer This one handles subscribing/unsubscribing. Useful if you want to seperate requests from postings...
- manage_bounceboxer Use this if you want to set up an alias for bounce-handling.
- getter
If you set the getter-property (as path) to a PythonScript, all properties of the MailBoxer will be retrieved through the getter-script. This is useful if you want to use MailBoxer with external databases etc. The PythonScript expects an property-id as parameter and should return the value for the property or None. An example:
## Script (Python) "getter-example" ##parameters=property if property=='maillist': return ['[email protected]','[email protected]'] if property=='moderated': return 1 return None
If None is returned by the "getter", then the property will be looked up in the properties of the MailBoxer. You should use getValueFor of a MailBoxer to retrieve the correct automatically determined properties in templates etc. Please note: The getter-script is executed with 'Manager'-Permissions by MailBoxer.
- setter
The setter is the opposite of the getter. It is called when a member is added or deleted through manage_addMember, manage_delMember and when a member is disabled due to the sender-loop-limitation. Have a look at the sources to get the idea where the setter is used. Please note: The setter-script is executed with 'Manager'-Permissions by MailBoxer.
If None is returned, then the property will be set as default MailBoxer-property, otherwise this step will be skipped. You should therefore return true (read something) if you have set the property in a customized manner.
- addMailBoxerFolder, addMailBoxerMail, addMailBoxerFile
If you subclass MailBoxer for CMF / Plone / etc.pp., you should overwrite these methods with your own methods which create the correct content-types.
Known Bugs
- The mail_footer is only visible for plain-text-mails without attachments.
Where do I send questions, comments or bug reports?
Please send all questions regarding MailBoxer to: [email protected]