History for WikiName
Wiki page names are usually two or more CapitalizedWords run together.
This is distinctive enough to be recognized by the software, but still
readable and recognizable by people - and much easier to type than an
html hyperlink.
Smooshing together words makes for more regular choices than
wide-open, whitespace-containing text phrases. The idea is that the
WikiName is easier to remember and more likely to be reinvented the
same by different people - promoting easier collaboration.
In the abstract, [WikiName]s are the terms which embody the wiki's
The ZWiki version of WikiName can include "~" tildes as if they were
lowercase letters, and numbers as if they were uppercase letters - but
neither may occur at the beginning of the name. So, 'Zope2' and
'AFL~CIO' are valid [WikiName]s.
See TextFormattingRules Expressing Links / "Wiki
references":TextFormattingRules#wikirefs for more. See
RemoteWikiLinks for a way to link to wiki pages in other Wikis.