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Welcome to the !ZopeTestCase Wiki!

  The purpose of this Wiki is to collect information about design and usage of the "!ZopeTestCase":/Members/shh/ZopeTestCase package. I plan to keep it updated. Please do not use this Wiki for (extensive) discussions. Thanks.

  - Contact: "[email protected]":mailto:[email protected]

  - "RecentChanges":recentchanges, "Contents":contents


  - InstallationInstructions  -- What the name implies.

  - HowTo  -- An overview of and introduction to ZTC.

  - ReadMe  -- Details on setting up your own test environment.

  - ZopeEnvironment -- Assumptions ZTC makes about your Zope setup.

  - "PyUnit":  -- Documentation for Python's 'unittest' module.

  - IZopeTestCase -- The !ZopeTestCase public interfaces.

  - ApiReference -- !ZopeTestCase API reference.

  - "ClassDiagram":/Members/shh/ZopeTestCaseWiki/ztc-class-diagram/image_view  -- !ZopeTestCase class inheritance graph. 

  - SecurityTesting  -- Details on default fixture and security API. 

  - FunctionalTesting  -- Notes on the functional testing features.

  - PortalTestCase  -- Overview of the !PortalTestCase base class.

  - ZopeProfiler  -- How to use the built-in profiling support.

  - TimeLines -- Sequence of things going on when a test is run.

  - FrequentlyAskedQuestions -- With answers!

  - ZopeLiteLayer -- The brand-new ZTC test layer.

 Source Repository

  - "!ZopeTestCase SVN": is hosted by the Collective project on 

  - !ZopeTestCase is part of Zope since Zope 2.8.0. Development continues as part of the repository.

Related Tools

  - "!TestRunner":/Members/shh/TestRunner  -- A test runner with INSTANCE_HOME support (obsolete in Zope 2.8+).

  - "!TestRunnerComparison":/Members/shh/TestRunnerComparison  -- Document comparing available test runners (obsolete in Zope 2.8+).

  - "!CMFTestCase":  -- Add-on for testing CMF-based products and applications.

  - "!PloneTestCase":  -- Add-on for testing Plone-based products and applications.
 Related Reading

  - "Unit Testing Zope":/Members/shh/UnitTestingZope.pdf  -- Slides of my talk at !EuroPython 2003 (258k pdf).

  - "Unit Testing in Python": -- Tom Bryan's presentation at !PyCon 2003.

  - "Test Driven Development":  -- This and **much** more can be found in the c2 Wiki.

  - "Cactus":  -- A Java testing framework from the Jakarta project. Lots of insight as to why "in-container" testing is a good idea.

  - "PloneTestCase Tutorial":  -- Tutorial paper from the Plone Conference 2004 (87k pdf)

Products Using !ZopeTestCase

  - "Plone": 2.0+ by the Plone Team

  - "Silva": by Infrae (Thanks to Godefroid Chapelle)

  - "CPS": 3.0+ by Nuxeo

  - "Zwiki":/Members/simon/Zwiki by Simon Michael

  - and many more.