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The ZopeTestCase package has been developed in the hope that it will make testing Zope packages more convenient. It has features to support various scenarios from unit-testing individual components inside a "toy" environment to running regression tests against live ZEO servers.

To add a test suite to a Zope package:

  1. Make a tests subdirectory.
  2. Create an (empty) in tests to make it a package.
  3. Copy from the ZopeTestCase package into tests.

Once a test suite has been set up, you can add test modules:

  1. Create a file with a name matching test*.py.
  2. Import the ZopeTestCase package as in from Testing import ZopeTestCase and define one or more subclasses of ZopeTestCase.ZopeTestCase.
  3. Define methods for the test classes. Each method's name must start with test. It should test one small case, preferably using a PyUnit assertion method. Here's a minimal example:
                 class ExampleTest(ZopeTestCase.ZopeTestCase):
                     def testAddition(self):
                         self.assertEqual(1+1, 2)
  4. You can add afterSetUp and beforeTearDown methods that are automatically called after the fixture has been set up and before the fixture is destroyed respectively.
  5. Follow the instructions in about adding lines to the top and bottom of the file.

Now you can run the test as python path/to/tests/, or simply go to the tests directory and type python

Note that there is a skeleton test suite named that you may copy into your tests directory and take it from there.

Note also that when the tests are run in an INSTANCE_HOME installation of Zope, you must set the SOFTWARE_HOME environment variable for the Testing and ZopeTestCase packages to be found.

See the sample tests in the ZopeTestCase directory for details on writing your own tests.

  1. Uses SOFTWARE_HOME (if set) to locate the Testing package.
  2. Detects and handles INSTANCE_HOME installations of Zope. Please see ENVIRONMENT.txt for the assumptions ZTC makes about its environment.
  3. Supports setting up a ZODB from a file in the tests directory.
  4. Allows to connect to a running ZEO server by setting the ZEO_INSTANCE_HOME environment variable.

Alternatively, you may use Zope's testrunner utility to run your tests ( can be found in the utilities directory of your Zope installation). If you do so, you will have to define a test_suite method in your modules (see examples).

There is no need to set SOFTWARE_HOME when using the testrunner but you may have to provide the -i flag when testing in an INSTANCE_HOME setup.

Example: python /path/to/Zope/utilities/ -q -i -d Products/Foo

If your testrunner does not appear to support the -i flag get the one from

Note that the magic (3. + 4.) is not available when using the testrunner.

If you have tests that should not be picked up by the testrunner, make a test_suite method that returns an empty TestSuite?.

Note that in Zope 2.7 the testrunner lives in /path/to/Zope/bin.

New in Zope 2.7. The --config-file option appeared in Zope 2.7.3.

Example: /path/to/Zope/bin/ -v --config-file etc/zope.conf --libdir Products/Foo